Date | Author/Title | | Document Type |
2023 | Kurniawan, Wijaya and Hangos, Katalin and Márton, Lőrinc Fault Isolation and Estimation in Networks of Linear Process Systems | | Article |
2023 | Márton, Lőrinc and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin Modeling and control of networked kinetic systems with delayed interconnections |  | Article |
2022 | Károlyi, György and Pózna, Anna Ibolya and Hangos, Katalin and Magyar, Attila An Optimized Fuzzy Controlled Charging System for Lithium-Ion Batteries Using a Genetic Algorithm | | Article |
2022 | Kurniawan, Wijaya and Hangos, Katalin and Márton, Lőrinc Parameter fault diagnosis in heat exchange networks with distributed time delay | | Article |
2022 | Kurniawan, Wijaya and Hangos, Katalin and Marton, L Parameter fault estimation in distributed heating/cooling systems |  | Book Section |
2021 | Márton, Lőrinc and Hangos, Katalin and Magyar, Attila Passivity of Lotka–Volterra and quasi-polynomial systems | | Article |
2021 | Hangos, Katalin and Lipták, György and Szederkényi, Gábor Structural reduction of CRNs with linear sub-CRNs | | Article |
2020 | Lipták, György and Hangos, Katalin and Szederkényi, Gábor Stabilizing feedback design for time delayed polynomial systems using kinetic realizations | | Article |
2019 | Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin Chemical Reaction Networks as General Representations of Positive Polynomial Systems |  | Book Section |
2019 | Lipták, György and Hangos, Katalin Distributed delay model of the McKeithan’s network | | Article |
2019 | Pózna, Anna Ibolya and Fodor, Attila and Hangos, Katalin Model-based fault detection and isolation of non-technical losses in electrical networks |  | Article |
2019 | Lipták, György and Pituk, M and Hangos, Katalin Modelling and stability analysis of complex balanced kinetic systems with distributed time delays |  | Article |
2019 | Márton, L and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin Observer-based Diagnosis in Chemical Reaction Networks | | Book Section |
2019 | Lipták, György and Hangos, Katalin and Szederkényi, Gábor Stabilization of time delayed nonnegative polynomial systems through kinetic realization | | Book Section |
2019 | Pózna, Anna Ibolya and Hangos, Katalin and Magyar, Attila Temperature Dependent Parameter Estimation of Electrical Vehicle Batteries | | Article |
2018 | Lipták, György and Hangos, Katalin and Szederkényi, Gábor Approximation of delayed chemical reaction networks |  | Article |
2018 | Pózna, AI and Fodor, A and Gerzson, M and Hangos, Katalin Colored Petri net model of electrical networks for diagnostic purposes |  | Article |
2018 | Lipták, György and Hangos, Katalin Delays in Model Reduction of Chemical Reaction Networks |  | Article |
2018 | Márton, Lőrinc and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin Distributed control of interconnected Chemical Reaction Networks with delay | | Article |
2018 | Lipták, György and Hangos, Katalin and Pituk, M and Szederkényi, Gábor Semistability of complex balanced kinetic systems with arbitrary time delays |  | Article |
2018 | Csikós, Alfréd András and Varga, István and Hangos, Katalin A hybrid model predictive control for traffic flow stabilization and pollution reduction of freeways |  | Article |
2017 | Bálint, Roland and Magyar, Attila and Hangos, Katalin Cost-optimal model predictive scheduling of home appliances |  | Article |
2017 | Pózna, Anna Ibolya and Magyar, Attila and Hangos, Katalin Model identification and parameter estimation of lithium ion batteries for diagnostic purposes | | Book Section |
2017 | Bálint, Roland and Hangos, Katalin and Magyar, Attila Optimal scheduling of a household refrigerator using adaptive model predictive technique | | Book Section |
2016 | Pózna, Anna Ibolya and Gerzson, M and Leitold, A and Hangos, Katalin Colored Petri Net Based Diagnosis of Process Systems | | Book Section |
2016 | Pózna, Anna Ibolya and Gerzson, M and Leitold, A and Hangos, Katalin Diagnosis of Technological Systems Based on the Structural Decomposition of their Coloured Petri Net Model | | Article |
2016 | Lipták, György and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin Kinetic feedback design for polynomial systems |  | Article |
2016 | Lipták, György and Magyar, Attila and Hangos, Katalin LQ Control of Lotka-Volterra Systems Based on their Locally Linearized Dynamics | | Book Section |
2016 | Gábor, Attila and Hangos, Katalin and Szederkényi, Gábor Linear conjugacy in biochemical reaction networks with rational reaction rates |  | Article |
2016 | Lipták, György and Rudán, János and Hangos, Katalin and Szederkényi, Gábor Stabilizing kinetic feedback design using semidefinite programming |  | Article |
2016 | Tóth, A and Hangos, Katalin A diagnostic method based on clustering qualitative event sequences |  | Article |
2015 | Lipták, György and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin Computing zero deficiency realizations of kinetic systems |  | Article |
2015 | Hangos, Katalin and Magyar, Attila and Szederkényi, Gábor Entropy-inspired Lyapunov Functions and Linear First Integrals for Positive Polynomial Systems |  | Article |
2015 | Lipták, György and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin Hamiltonian Feedback Design for Mass Action Law Chemical Reaction Networks | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2015 | Lipták, György and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin Hamiltonian Feedback Design for Mass Action Law Chemical Reaction Networks |  | Article |
2015 | Hangos, Katalin and Keviczky, László MIMO decoupling control design for Lotka-Volterra Systems | | Book Section |
2015 | Csikós, Alfréd András and Varga, István and Hangos, Katalin Modeling of the dispersion of motorway traffic emission for control purposes |  | Article |
2015 | Gábor, Attila and Hangos, Katalin and Banga, J. R. and Szederkényi, Gábor Reaction network realizations of rational biochemical systems and their structural properties |  | Article |
2014 | Hangos, Katalin and Szederkényi, Gábor Analysis of Qualitative Dynamic Properties of Positive Polynomial Systems Using Transformations |  | Book Section |
2014 | Rudan, J and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin Efficient Computation of Alternative Structures for Large Kinetic Systems Using Linear Programming |  | ISI Article |
2014 | Gerzson, Miklós and Leitold, Adrien and Hangos, Katalin Faults and Fault Propagation Modeling in Manufacturing Systems based on Colored Petri Nets | | Book Section |
2014 | Lipták, György and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin Kinetic feedback computation for polynomial systems to achieve weak reversibility and minimal deficiency | | Book Section |
2014 | Csikós, Alfréd András and Varga, István and Hangos, Katalin Motorway Control System for the Reduction of Pollutant Concentrations in Local Rural Areas |  | Book Section |
2014 | Fodor, Attila and Magyar, Attila and Hangos, Katalin Multiple-Input–Multiple-Output Linear-Quadratic Control of the Energy Production of a Synchronous Generator in a Nuclear Power Plant |  | Article |
2014 | Lipták, György and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin On the parametric uncertainty of weakly reversible realizations of kinetic systems | | Article |
2014 | Leitold, Adrien and Gerzson, Miklós and Pózna, Anna I. and Hangos, Katalin On-line Qualitative Model-Based Diagnosis of Technological Systems Using Colored petri Nets | | Book Section |
2014 | Rudán, János and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin and Péni, Tamás Polynomial time algorithms to determine weakly reversible realizations of chemical reaction networks | | Article |
2014 | Hangos, Katalin and Szederkényi, Gábor The effect of transformations on the structural dynamical properties of chemical reaction networks |  | Book Section |
2014 | Hangos, Katalin and Szederkényi, Gábor A model structure-driven hierarchical decentralized stabilizing control structure for process networks | | Article |
2014 | Tóth, A and Starkné Werner, Ágnes and Hangos, Katalin A structural decomposition-based diagnosis method for dynamic process systems using HAZID information |  | Article |
2013 | Tuza, Zoltán and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin and Alonso, A and Banga, J Computing all sparse kinetic structures for a Lorenz system using optimization |  | ISI Article |
2013 | Rudán, János and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin Computing dynamically equivalent realizations of biochemical reaction networks with mass conservation |  | Conference or Workshop Item |
2013 | Magyar, Attila and Hangos, Katalin Control Lyapunov function based feedback design for quasi-polynomial systems |  | Conference or Workshop Item |
2013 | Starkné Werner, Ágnes and Dulai, Tibor and Hangos, Katalin Cooperative Optimal Route Planning of Accumulator-Bank Servicing Robots |  | Conference or Workshop Item |
2013 | Görbe, Péter and Magyar, Attila and Fodor, Attila and Hangos, Katalin Effect of Domestic Power Plants to the Low Voltage Transformer Areas from the Nonlinear Distortion Point of View |  | Article |
2013 | Csikós, Alfréd András and Varga, István and Hangos, Katalin Freeway shockwave control using ramp metering and variable speed limits |  | Conference or Workshop Item |
2013 | Hangos, Katalin and Gábor, A and Szederkényi, Gábor Model Reduction in Bio-chemical Reaction Networks with Michaelis-Menten Kinetics |  | Conference or Workshop Item |
2013 | Hannemann-Tamás, Ralf and Gábor, Attila and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin Model complexity reduction of chemical reaction networks using mixed-integer quadratic programming |  | ISI Article |
2013 | Gábor, A and Hangos, Katalin and Szederkényi, Gábor and Banga, J On the Verification and Correction of Large-Scale Kinetic Models in Systems Biology |  | Conference or Workshop Item |
2013 | Szederkényi, Gábor and Lipták, G and Rudán, János and Hangos, Katalin Optimization-based design of kinetic feedbacks for nonnegative polynomial systems |  | Conference or Workshop Item |
2013 | Rudan, J and Kersbergen, B and van, den and Hangos, Katalin Performance analysis of MILP based model predictive control algorithms for dynamic railway scheduling |  | Conference or Workshop Item |
2013 | Hangos, Katalin and Szederkényi, Gábor and Alonso, A Reaction kinetic form for lumped process system models |  | Conference or Workshop Item |
2013 | Magyar, Attila and Hangos, Katalin and Szederkényi, Gábor Stabilizing dynamic feedback design of quasi-polynomial systems using their underlying reduced linear dynamics |  | Conference or Workshop Item |
2013 | Hangos, Katalin and Szederkényi, Gábor The effect of conservation on the dynamics of chemical reaction networks | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2013 | Tóth, A and Hangos, Katalin and Starkné Werner, Ágnes A model based diagnosis method for discrete dynamic processes using event sequences |  | Conference or Workshop Item |
2013 | Csikós, Alfréd András and Varga, István and Hangos, Katalin A simple dynamic model for the dispersion of motorway traffic emission |  | Conference or Workshop Item |
2012 | Fodor, Attila and Magyar, Attila and Hangos, Katalin Control-oriented modeling of the energy-production of a synchronous generator in a nuclear power plant | | ISI Article |
2012 | Balló, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin and Petz, Dénes Convex Optimization-Based Parameter Estimation and Experiment Design for Pauli Channels | | ISI Article |
2012 | Gábor, Attila and Tamás, R and Hangos, Katalin Convex mixed integer quadratic program approach to model reduction in chemical reaction networks | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2012 | Szederkényi, Gábor and Tuza, Zoltán and Hangos, Katalin Determining biochemical reaction network structures for kinetic polynomial models with uncertain coefficients | | Article |
2012 | Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin and Tuza, Zsolt Finding Weakly Reversible Realizations of Chemical Reaction Networks Using Optimization | | ISI Article |
2012 | Tóth, A and Hangos, Katalin and Stark, Á HAZID information based operational procedure diagnosis method | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2012 | Csercsik, Dávid and Hangos, Katalin and Szederkényi, Gábor Identifiability analysis and parameter estimation of a single Hodgkin–Huxley type voltage dependent ion channel under voltage step measurement conditions | | ISI Article |
2012 | I, Otero and Szederkényi, Gábor and A, A and Hangos, Katalin Inducing sustained oscillations in mass action kinetic networks of a certain class | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2012 | Fodor, Attila and Magyar, Attila and Hangos, Katalin MIMO LQ Control of the Energy Production of a Synchronous Generator in a Nuclear Power Plant | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2012 | D, Csercsik and Hangos, Katalin Model structure validation of cell signaling pathways using colored petri nets | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2012 | Ruppert, László and D, Virosztek and Hangos, Katalin Optimal parameter estimation of Pauli channels | | ISI Article |
2012 | Csercsik, Dávid and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin Parametric uniqueness of deficiency zero reaction networks | | ISI Article |
2012 | Görbe, Péter and Magyar, Attila and Hangos, Katalin Reduction of power losses with smart grids fueled with renewable sources and applying EV batteries | | ISI Article |
2012 | B, J and E, Németh and Hangos, Katalin and I, T A blended hazard identification methodology to support process diagnosis | | ISI Article |
2012 | Hangos, Katalin and Szederkényi, Gábor The underlying linear dynamics of some positive polynomial systems | | ISI Article |
2011-05-24 | Gerzson, M. and Leitold, A. and Hangos, Katalin Model based process diagnosis using graph methods | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2011-02-14 | Gábor, Attila and Fazekas, C. and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin Modeling and identification of a nuclear eactor with temperature effects and xenon posioning | | Article |
2011 | Rudán, János and Hangos, Katalin and Szederkényi, Gábor Analysis and supervisory control of a pressurizer using coloured Petri nets | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2011 | Werner-Stark, A. and Dulai, T. and Hangos, Katalin Applicability of extended genetic algorithms for process mining | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2011 | Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin and Csercsik, Dávid Computing realizations of reaction kinetic networks with given properties | | Book Section |
2011 | Schné, Tamás and Hangos, Katalin Decentralised controller stucture design and retrofit of process systems based on graph theory | | ISI Article |
2011 | Starkné Werner, Ágnes and Gerzson, Miklós and Hangos, Katalin Discrete event model structure identification using process mining | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2011 | Rozgonyi, S. and Hangos, Katalin Domain of attraction analysis of a controlled hybrid reactor model | | ISI Article |
2011 | Rozgonyi, S and Hangos, Katalin Domain of attraction analysis of a controlled hybrid reactor model. | | ISI Article |
2011 | Balló, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin Experiment design for Pauli channel estimation | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2011 | Gábor, A and Fazekas, C and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin Final comments by the authors | | ISI Article |
2011 | Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin Finding complex balanced and detailed balanced realizations of chemical reaction networks | | ISI Article |
2011 | Németh, E and Seligmann, B and Hockings, K and Oakley, J and Brien, C and Hangos, Katalin and Cameron, I Generating cause-implication graphs for process systems via blended hazard identification methods | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2011 | Starkné Werner, Ágnes and Németh, E and Hangos, Katalin Knowledge-based diagnosis of process systems using procedure HAZID information | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2011 | Görbe, Péter and Magyar, Attila and Hangos, Katalin Low voltage grid optimization with power injection of renewable sources and EV batteries | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2011 | Hangos, Katalin and Szederkényi, Gábor Mass action realizations of reaction kinetic system models on various time scales | | ISI Article |
2011 | Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin and Péni, Tamás Maximal and minimal realizations of reaction kinetic systems: computation and properties | | ISI Article |
2011 | Starkné Werner, Ágnes and Németh, E and Gerzson, Miklós and Hangos, Katalin Model-based fault detection and isolation using process mining | | ISI Article |
2011 | A, Gábor and Fazekas, C and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin Modeling and Identification of a Nuclear Reactor with Temperature Effects and Xenon Posioning | | ISI Article |
2011 | Gábor, A. and Fazekas, Cs. and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin Modeling and identification of a nuclear reactor with temperature effects and xenon posioning | | ISI Article |
2011 | Fodor, A. and Magyar, A. and Hangos, Katalin Parameter sensitivity analysis of a synchronous generator | | Article |
2011 | Hangos, Katalin and Ruppert, L State estimation methods using indirect measurements | | Book Section |
2011 | Abonyi, János and Hangos, Katalin Számítógéppel támogatott folyamatmérnökség - hazai és nemzetközi eredmények, a jövő kihívásai | | ISI Article |
2010 | Tóth, Attila and Németh, Erzsébet and Hangos, Katalin Coloured Petri net diagnosers for lumped process systems | | Book Section |
2010 | Hangos, Katalin and Németh, Erzsébet and Lakner, Rozália and Tóth, Attila Detectability and diagnosability of faults in lumped process systems | | Book Section |
2010 | Rozgonyi, Sz. and Hangos, Katalin and Szederkényi, Gábor Determining the domain of attraction of hybrid non-linear systems using maximal Lyapunov functions | | ISI Article |
2010 | Fodor, Attila and Magyar, Attila and Hangos, Katalin Dynamic Modeling and Model Analysis of a Large Industrial Synchronous Generator | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2010 | Hangos, Katalin Engineering model reduction and entropy-based Lyapunov functions in chemical reaction kinetics | | Article |
2010 | Csercsik, Dávid and Farkas, Iimre and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hrabovszky, Erik and Liposits, Zsolt and Hangos, Katalin Hodgkin-Huxley type modelling and parameter estimation of GnRH neurons | | ISI Article |
2010 | Csercsik, Dávid and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin Identifiability of a Hodgkin-Huxley type ion channel under voltage step measurement conditions | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2010 | Szabó, Zoltán and Szederkényi, Gábor and Gáspár, Péter and Varga, István and Hangos, Katalin and Bokor, József Identification and dynamic inversion-based control of a pressurizer at the Paks NPP |  | ISI Article |
2010 | Ruppert, László and Hangos, Katalin Martingale approach in quantum state estimation using indirect measurements | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2010 | Gábor, Attila and Hangos, Katalin and Szederkényi, Gábor Modeling and identification of the pressurizer of a VVER nuclear reactor for controller design purposes | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2010 | Csercsik, Dávid and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin Modelling of rapid and slow transmission using the theory of reaction kinetic networks | | Article |
2010 | Balló, Gábor and Magyar, Attila and Hangos, Katalin Parameter estimation of quantum processes using convex optimization | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2010 | Fodor, A. and Magyar, A. and Hangos, Katalin Parameter sensitivity analysis of an industrial synchronous generator | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2010 | Görbe, Péter and Magyar, Attila and Hangos, Katalin Power conditioning with electric car battery charging from renewable sources | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2010 | Görbe, Péter and Magyar, Attila and Hangos, Katalin THD reduction with grid synchronized inverter's power injection of renewable sources | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2010 | Németh, Erzsébet and Hangos, Katalin and Lakner, R. A procedure ontology for advanced diagnosis of process systems | | ISI Article |
2010 | Seligmann, B. and Németh, E. and Hockings, K. and McDonald, I. and Lee, J. and O'Brien, C. and Hangos, Katalin and Cameron, I. T. A structured, blended hazard identification framework of advanced process diagnosis | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2009-11-03 | Gábor, Attila and Fazekas, Csaba and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin Modeling and identification of a nuclear reactor with temperature effects and xenon poisoning | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2009-09-22 | Fodor, Attila and Magyar, Attila and Hangos, Katalin Dynamic modeling and analysis of a synchronous generator in a nuclear power plant | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2009-09-22 | Görbe, Péter and Magyar, Attila and Hangos, Katalin Line conditioning with grid synchronized inverter's power injection of renewable sources in nonlinear distorted mains | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2009-08-23 | Csercsik, Dávid and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin and Farkas, Imre Model synthesis and identification of a Hodgkin-Huxley-type GnRH neuron model | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2009-08-23 | Fazekas, Csaba and Gábor, Attila and Hangos, Katalin Modeling and identification of a nuclear reactor with temperature dependent reactivity | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2009-08-12 | Csercsik, Dávid and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin and Farkas, Imre Dynamical modeling and identification of a GnRH neuron | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2009-06-30 | Németh, Erzsébet and Lakner, Rozália and Cameron, Ian T. and Hangos, Katalin Fault diagnosis based on hazard identification results | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2009 | Hangos, Katalin and Szederkényi, Gábor Proceedings of the Workshop on Systems and Control Theory in honor of József Bokor on his 60th birthday | | Book Section |
2009 | Hangos, Katalin and Tuza, Zsolt and Yeo, A. Some complexity problems on single input double output controllers | | ISI Article |
2009 | Hangos, Katalin and Szederkényi, Gábor Special positive systems: the QP and the reaction kinetic system class | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2009 | Németh, Erzsébet and Bartha, Tamás and Fazekas, Csaba and Hangos, Katalin Verification of a primary-to-secondary leaking safety procedure in a nuclear power plant using coloured Petri nets | | ISI Article |
2008 | Szederkényi, Gábor and Szabó, Zoltán and Bokor, József and Hangos, Katalin Analysis of the networked implementation of the primary circuit pressurizer controller at a nuclear power plant | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2008 | Ruppert, László and Magyar, Attila and Hangos, Katalin Compromising non-demolition and information gaining for qubit state estimation | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2008 | Csercsik, Dávid and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin Determining flat outputs of MIMO nolinear systems using directed graphs | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2008 | Otero-Muras, I. and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin and Alonso, A. Dynamic analysis and control of biochemical reaction networks | | ISI Article |
2008 | Magyar, Attila and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin Globally stabilizing feedback control of process systems in generalized Lotka-Volterra form | | ISI Article |
2008 | Fazekas, Csaba and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin Identification of the primary circuit dynamics in a pressurized water nuclear power plant | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2008 | Oteo-Muras, Irene and Szederkényi, Gábor and Alonso, Antonio A. and Hangos, Katalin Local dissipative Hamiltonian description of reversible reaction networks | | ISI Article |
2008 | Pongrácz, Barna and Ailer, Piroska and Hangos, Katalin and Szederkényi, Gábor Nonlinear reference tracking control of a gas turbine with load torque estimation | | ISI Article |
2008 | Csercsik, Dávid and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin and Farkas, Imre Parameter estimation of Hodgkin-Huxley model of GnRH neurons | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2008 | Fazekas, Csaba and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin Parameter estimation of a simple primary circuit model of a VVER plant | | ISI Article |
2008 | Petz, Dénes and Hangos, Katalin and Ruppert, László Quantum state tomography with finite sample size | | Book Section |
2008 | Csercsik, Dávid and Hangos, Katalin and Nagy, György Reaction kinetic models of rapid (g-protein dependent) and slow (beta-arrestin dependent) transmission' | | Article |
2008 | Ruppert, László and Magyar, Attila and Hangos, Katalin and Petz, Dénes Towards optimal quantum state estimation of a qubit by using indirect measurements | | Monograph |
2008 | Cameron, I. T. and Seligmann, B. and Hangos, Katalin and Németh, Erzsébet and Lakner, R. A functional systems approach to the development of improved hazard identification for advanced diagnostic systems | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2008 | Hangos, Katalin and Németh, Erzsébet and Lakner, Rozália A procedure ontology for advanced diagnosis of process systems | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2008 | Csercsik, Dávid and Hangos, Katalin and Nagy, György M. A simple reaction kinetic model of rapid (G protein dependent) and slow (b-Arrestin dependent) transmission | | ISI Article |
2007 | Csercsik, Dávid and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin Cascade stabilization and reference tracking of a simple nonlinear limb model | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2007 | Baier, T. H. and Petz, Dénes and Hangos, Katalin and Magyar, Attila Comparison of some methods of quantum state estimation | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2007 | Magyar, Attila and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin Control of mass action law based reaction networks | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2007 | Magyar, Attila and Hangos, Katalin Dynamics of quantum mechanical systems under weak measurement | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2007 | Rozgonyi, Sz. and Hangos, Katalin Estimating the region of stability for a hybrid model | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2007 | Fazekas, Csaba and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin Model identification of the primary circuit at the Paks nuclear power plant | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2007 | Németh, Erzsébet and Fazekas, Csaba and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin Modeling and simulation of the primary circuit of the Paks nuclear power plant for control and diagnosis | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2007 | Fazekas, Csaba and Kozmann, Gy. and Hangos, Katalin Multiscale modeling and time-scale analysis of a auman limb | | Article |
2007 | Csercsik, Dávid and Hangos, Katalin Nonlinear lumping of cascade activation reactions | | Monograph |
2007 | Cameron, I. T. and Seligmann, B. and Hangos, Katalin and Lakner, R. and Németh, Erzsébet The P3 formalism: a basics for improved diagnosis in complex systems | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2007 | Fazekas, Csaba and Kozmann, Gy. and Magos, T. and Hangos, Katalin Parameter estimation of a simple hierarchial arm model | | Monograph |
2007 | Petz, D. and Hangos, Katalin and Magyar, Attila Point estimation of states of finite quantum systems | | Article |
2007 | Németh, Erzsébet and Lakner, R. and Hangos, Katalin and Cameron, I. T. Prediction-based diagnosis and loss prevention using qualitative multi-scale models | | Article |
2007 | Hangos, Katalin and Szederkényi, Gábor Process control based on physically inherent passivity | | Book Section |
2007 | Fazekas, Csaba and Csercsik, Dávid and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin Simulator for multi-scale musculoskeletal models with reflex circuits | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2007 | Fazekas, Csaba and Kozmann, Gy. and Magos, T. and Hangos, Katalin A non-invasive parameter estimation method based on a planar multi-scale arm model | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2007 | Fazekas, Csaba and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin A simple dynamic model of the primary circuit in VVER plants for controller design purposes | | Article |
2006 | Lakner, Rozália and Németh, Erzsébet and Hangos, Katalin and Cameron, IT Agent-based diagnosis for granulation processes | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2006 | Magyar, Attila and Petz, Dénes and Hangos, Katalin Bayesian qubit state estimation | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2006 | Fazekas, Csaba and Kozmann, György and Hangos, Katalin Biomechanikai rendszerek többléptékű modellezése | | Article |
2006 | Németh, Erzsébet and Lakner, Rozália and Hangos, Katalin Diagnostic goal-driven reduction of multiscale process models | | Book Section |
2006 | Németh, Erzsébet and Lakner, R. and Hangos, Katalin Diagnosztikai feladatok megvalósítása ágens-alapú technikával | | Article |
2006 | Otero-Muras, I. and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin and Alonso, AA Dynamic analysis and control of biochemical reaction networks | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2006 | Otero-Muras, I. and Szederkényi, Gábor and Alonso, AA and Hangos, Katalin Dynamic analysis and control of chemical and biochemical reaction networks | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2006 | Németh, H. and Ailer, P. and Hangos, Katalin and Stukovszky, Zs Dízelmotorok turbókésedelmének vizsgálata dinamikus motormodellekkel | | Article |
2006 | Rozgonyi, Szabolcs and Hangos, Katalin Estimating the stability region of a controlled pressurized water reactor | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2006 | Rozgonyi, Szabolcs and Hangos, Katalin and Szederkényi, Gábor Improved estimation method of region of stability for nonlinear autonomous systems |  | Monograph |
2006 | Rozgonyi, Szabolcs and Hangos, Katalin Improved estimation method of region of stability for nonlinear autonomous systems | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2006 | Fazekas, Csaba and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin Linear and nonlinear control of muscoskeletal systems | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2006 | Hangos, Katalin and Lakner, Rozália Model tuning, discrimination, and verification | | Book Section |
2006 | Varga, István and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin and Bokor, József Modeling and model identification of a pressurizer at the Paks Nuclear Power Plant | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2006 | Lakner, Rozália and Németh, Erzsébet and Hangos, Katalin and Cameron, IT Multiagent realization of prediction-based diagnosis and loss prevention | | ISI Article |
2006 | Cameron, IT and Ingram, GD and Hangos, Katalin Multiscale process modeling | | Book Section |
2006 | Palkovics, László and Németh, Huba and Hangos, Katalin Nonlinear control design for a mechatronic protection valve | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2006 | Hangos, Katalin and Szederkényi, Gábor and Otero-Muras, Irene Process control based on physical insight: passivity and Hamiltonian system models | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2006 | Szederkényi, Gábor and Magyar, Attila and Hangos, Katalin Quasi-polynomial and Lotka-Volterra representation in nonlinear systems and control theory | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2006 | Petz, Dénes and Hangos, Katalin and Magyar, Attila and Ruppert, László State estimation of N-level quantum systems |  | Monograph |
2006 | Petz, D. and Hangos, Katalin and Szántó, A. and Szöllősi, F. State tomography for two qubits using reduced densities | | ISI Article |
2006 | Pongrácz, Barna and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin An algorithm for determining a class of invariants in quasi-polynomial systems | | ISI Article |
2005 | Magyar, Attila and Hangos, Katalin Bayesian qubit tomography | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2005 | Németh, Erzsébet and Cameron, IT and Hangos, Katalin Diagnostic goal driven modelling and simulation of multiscale process systems | | Article |
2005 | Németh, Erzsébet and Lakner, R. and Hangos, Katalin Diagnostic goal-driven reduction of multiscale process models. (Research report SCL-001/2005.) | | Book |
2005 | Csercsik, Dávid and Fazekas, Csaba and Hangos, Katalin Dynamic analysis and control of a simple nonlinear limb model | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2005 | Fazekas, Csaba and Hangos, Katalin Experiment design for parameter estimation of a multi-scale arm model | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2005 | Fazekas, Csaba and Kozmann, Gy and Hangos, Katalin Hierarchical modelling in biology: systematic building of limb models | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2005 | Rozgonyi, Sz and Hangos, Katalin Hybrid modelling and control of an industrial vaporizer | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2005 | Kovács, Á. and Németh, Erzsébet and Hangos, Katalin Modeling and optimization of runway traffic flow using coloured Petri nets | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2005 | Pongrácz, B. and Ailer, P. and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin Nonlinear zero dynamics analysis and control of a low power gas turbine. (Research report SCL-003/2005.) | | Book |
2005 | Leitold, A. and Hangos, Katalin Numerical method-independent structural solvability analysis of Dae models | | Article |
2005 | Lakner, R. and Hangos, Katalin and Cameron, IT On minimal models of process systems | | Article |
2005 | Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin and Magyar, Attila On the time-reparametrization of quasi-polynomial systems | | Article |
2005 | Németh, Erzsébet and Lakner, R. and Hangos, Katalin and Cameron, IT Prediction-based diagnosis and loss prevention using model-based reasoning | | Article |
2005 | Németh, Erzsébet and Lakner, R. and Hangos, Katalin and Cameron, IT Prediction-based diagnosis and loss prevention using qualitative multi-scale models | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2005 | Magyar, Attila and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin Quasi-polynomial system representation for the analysis and control of nonlinear systems | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2005 | Németh, H. and Palkovics, László and Hangos, Katalin Unified model simplification procedure applied to a single protection valve | | Article |
2005 | Pongrácz, B. and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin An algorithm for determining a class of invariants in quasi-polynomial systems. (Research report SCL-002/2005.) | | Book |
2005 | Schné, T. and Hangos, Katalin A graph theoretical method in controller structure selection for quasi polynomial systems | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2005 | Németh, Erzsébet and Lakner, R. and Hangos, Katalin A multi-agent prediction-based diagnosis system | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2004 | Hangos, Katalin and Bokor, József and Szederkényi, Gábor Analysis and Control of Nonlinear Process Systems (Advanced Textbooks in Control and Signal Processing) | | Book |
2004 | Ingram, GD and Cameron, IT and Hangos, Katalin Classification and analysis of integrating frameworks in multiscale modelling | | Article |
2004 | Kovács, Á. and Németh, Erzsébet and Hangos, Katalin Coloured Petri Net Model of a Simple Runway. (Research report SCL-001/2004) | | Book |
2004 | Németh, H. and Palkovicz, L. and Hangos, Katalin Feedforward bang-bang control design for electro-pneumatic protection valves | | Article |
2004 | Németh, H. and Palkovics, László and Hangos, Katalin Feedforward pressure limiter control for mechatronic air management systems | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2004 | Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin Global stability and quadratic Hamiltonian structure in Lotka-Volterra and quasi-polynomial systems | | Article |
2004 | Fazekas, Csaba and Kozmann, GY and Hangos, Katalin Hierarchical modelling in biology: A systematic build-up of a limb model. (Technical report SCL-003/2004) | | Book |
2004 | Németh, Erzsébet and Hangos, Katalin Multi-scale process model description by generalized hierarchical CPN models. (Research report SCL-002/2004) | | Book |
2004 | Pongrácz, B. and Ailer, P. and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin Nonlinear zero dynamics analysis and control of a low power gas turbine | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2004 | Hangos, Katalin and Szederkényi, Gábor Process systems: theory and applications from different aspects | | Article |
2004 | Magyar, Attila and Hangos, Katalin Stability analysis and feedback design for QP systems | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2004 | Pongrácz, B. and Ailer, P. and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin Stability of zero dynamics of a low-power gas turbine | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2004 | Ingram, GD and Leitold, A. and Hangos, Katalin Structural analysis of the computational properties of QP-DAE systems | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2004 | Schné, T. and Hangos, Katalin Zero dynamics of SISO quasi polynomial systems | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2004 | Schné, T. and Hangos, Katalin Zero dynamics of SISO quasi-polynomial systems. (Technical report SCL-005/2004) | | Book |
2004 | Hangos, Katalin and Szederkényi, Gábor and Tuza, Zsolt The effect of model simplification assumptions on the differential index of lumped process models | | Article |
2004 | Pongrácz, B. and Ingram, G. and Hangos, Katalin The structure and analysis of QP-DAE system models. (Research report SCL-004/2004) | | Book |
2003 | Lakner, R. and Hangos, Katalin and Cameron, IT Construction of minimal models for control purposes | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2003 | Németh, H. and Hangos, Katalin Elektro-pneumatikus védőszelep rendszeridentifikációja | | Article |
2003 | Németh, Erzsébet and Lakner, R. and Hangos, Katalin and Cameron, IT Hierarchical CPN model-based diagnosis using HAZOP knowledge. (Research report SCL-009/2003) | | Book |
2003 | Magyar, Attila and Hangos, Katalin Lotka-Volterra representation of process systems for stability analysis | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2003 | Péni, Tamás and Hangos, Katalin and Bokor, József Nemlineáris állapotmegfigyelő tervezése fermentációs folyamatokhoz | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2003 | Németh, H. and Hangos, Katalin Nonlinear control of an electro-pneumatic protection valve for circuit pressure limiting. (Research report SCL-005/2003) | | Book |
2003 | Péni, Tamás and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin Nonlinear dynamic output feedback control of fermentation processes | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2003 | Németh, H. and Ailer, P. and Hangos, Katalin Nonlinear modelling and model verification of a single protection valve | | Article |
2003 | Magyar, Attila and Ingram, G. and Pongrácz, B. and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin On some properties of quasi-polynomial ordinary differential equations and differential algebraic (QP-DAE) equations (Research report SCL-010/2003) | | Book |
2003 | Németh, H. and Palkovics, László and Hangos, Katalin System identification of an electro-pneumatic protection valve. (Research report SCL-001/2003) | | Book |
2003 | Pongrácz, B. and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin The effect of algebraic equations on the stability of process systems modelled by differential algebraic equations | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2002 | Hangos, Katalin and Bokor, József and Szederkényi, Gábor Computer controlled systems | | Book |
2002 | Lakner, R. and Hangos, Katalin Computer-aided incremental model building | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2002 | Leitold, A. and Hangos, Katalin Effect of steady state assumption on the structural solvability of dynamic process models | | Article |
2002 | Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin and Bokor, József and Vámos, Tibor Linear output selection for feedback linearization | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2002 | Németh, H. and Palkovics, László and Hangos, Katalin Model simplification of a single protection valve: a systematic approach. (Research report of the Systems and Controls Laboratory SCL-004/2002.) | | Book |
2002 | Ailer, P. and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin Model-based nonlinear control of a low-power gas turbine | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2002 | Szederkényi, Gábor and Kristensen, NR and Hangos, Katalin and Jorgensen, SB Nonlinear analysis and control of a continuous fermentation process | | Article |
2002 | Ailer, P. and Sánta, I. and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin Nonlinear model-building of a low-power gas turbine | | Article |
2002 | Ailer, P. and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin Parameter-estimation and model validation of a low-power gas turbine | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2002 | Szederkényi, Gábor and Kovács, M. and Hangos, Katalin Reachability of nonlinear fed-batch fermentation processes | | Article |
2002 | Leitold, A. and Hangos, Katalin and Tuza, Zsolt Structure simplification of dynamic process models | | Article |
2002 | Pongrácz, B. and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin The effect of algebraic equations on the stability of process systems | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2002 | Tuza, Zsolt and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin The effect of modelling assumptions on the differential index of lumped process models | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2001 | Williams, R. and Hangos, Katalin and McGahey, S. and Cameron, LT Assumption based modelling and model documentation | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2001 | Lakner, R. and Hangos, Katalin and Cameron, IT Assumption retrieval from process models | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2001 | Hangos, Katalin and Bokor, József and Szederkényi, Gábor Hamiltonian view of process systems | | Article |
2001 | Lakner, R. and Hangos, Katalin Intelligent assumption retrieval from process models by model-based reasoning | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2001 | Hangos, Katalin and Lakner, R. and Gerzson, M. Intelligent control systems. An introduction with examples. (Applied optimization 60.) | | Book |
2001 | Ailer, P. and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin Modeling and nonlinear analysis of a low-power gas turbine. (Techical report of the Systems and Control Laboratory, SCL-1/2001.) | | Book |
2001 | Ailer, P. and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin Nonlinear control design of a low-power gas turbine | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2001 | Hangos, Katalin and Tuza, Zsolt Optimal control structure selection for process systems | | Article |
2001 | Hangos, Katalin and Cameron, IT Process modelling and model analysis. I(Process systems engineering 4.) | | Book |
2001 | Szederkényi, Gábor and Kovács, M. and Hangos, Katalin Reachability of nonlinear fed-batch fermentation processes | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2001 | Hangos, Katalin and Tuza, Zsolt and Yeo, A. Some complexity problems on single input double output controllers. (BRICS report series of Department of Computer Science University of Aarhus, RS-01-18.) | | Book |
2001 | Leitold, A. and Hangos, Katalin Structural solvability analysis of dynamic process models | | Article |
2001 | Hangos, Katalin and Cameron, LT A formal representation of assumptions in process modelling | | Article |
2001 | Cameron, IT and Hangos, Katalin A new structured approach to the teaching of process modelling and model analysis | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Weyer, E. and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin Grey box fault detection of heat exchangers | | Article |
2000 | Hangos, Katalin and Szederkényi, Gábor and Bokor, József Grey-box characterization on nonlinear process systems | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1999 | Hangos, Katalin and Szederkényi, Gábor Dinamikus rendszerek paramétereinek becslése | | Book |
1999 | Hangos, Katalin and Szaederkényi, G. Grey box process modelling for fault detection and isolation | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1999 | Hangos, Katalin and Szederkényi, Gábor and Bokor, József Grey-box characterization of nonlinear process systems. (Research report of the Systems and Control Laboratory, SCL-1/1999.) | | Book |
1999 | Kárny, M. and Hangos, Katalin On probabilistic modeling in fault detection | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1999 | Hangos, Katalin and Tuza, Zsolt Process model structure simplification | | Article |
1999 | Vámos, Tibor and Bokor, József and Hangos, Katalin Systems-governing principles and multimedia. Extended abstracts | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1999 | Hangos, Katalin and Alonso, AA and Perkins, JD and Ydstie, BE Thermodynamic approach to the structural stability of process plants | | Article |
1999 | Lakner, R. and Cameron, IT and Hangos, Katalin An assumption-driven case-specific model editor | | Article |
1999 | Tesar, L. and Berec, L. and Dolanc, G. and Szederkényi, Gábor and Kadlec, J. and Juricic, D. and Hangos, Katalin and Kinnaert, M. A toolbox for model-based fault detection and isolation | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Kolics, B. and Hangos, Katalin A CPN model of an internet object cache | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Kolics, B. and Hangos, Katalin and Tétényi, István Experimental investigation of hierarchical Internet object cachecharacteristics | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Kolics, B. and Hangos, Katalin and Tétényi, István Experimental investigation of hierarchical internet object cache characteristics | | Book |
1998 | Gál, IP and Varga, JB and Hangos, Katalin Integrated structure design of a process and its control system | | Article |
1998 | Kránicz, B. and Gerzson, M. and Hangos, Katalin Invariant inheritance in structured operating procedures described by petri nets | | Article |
1998 | Kovács, György and Hangos, Katalin Notes on ? and 1 1 robustness tests | | Article |
1998 | Leitold, A. and Hangos, Katalin On algebraic model transformations | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Gál, IP and Hangos, Katalin SDG model-based structuresfor fault detection | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Szederkényi, Gábor and Weyer, E. and Hangos, Katalin Simultaneousfault detection of heat exchangers | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Kolics, B. and Hangos, Katalin and Tétényi, István Tapasztalatok a Hungarnet hierarchikus cache rendszerében | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Szűcs, A. and Gerzson, G. and Hangos, Katalin An intelligent diagnostic system based on Petri nets | | Article |
1997 | Weyer, E. and Hangos, Katalin Grey box fault detection in heat exchanger networks | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1997 | Kránicz, B. and Gerzson, M. and Hangos, Katalin Invariant inhesitance in structured operating procedures described by Petri nets. (Technical report of the Systems and Controls Laboratory, SCL-001-1997.) | | Book |
1997 | Gerzson, M. and Leitold, A. and Hangos, Katalin Irányított technológiai rendszerek vizsgálata magas szintű Petri-hálók segítségével. I. Modellezés | | Article |
1997 | Gerzson, M. and Leitold, A. and Hangos, Katalin Irányított technológiai rendszerek vizsgálata magas szintű Petri-hálók segítségével. II. Analízis | | Article |
1997 | Hangos, Katalin and Perkins, JD Structural stability of chemical process plants | | Article |
1997 | Hangos, Katalin and Cameron, IT The formal representation of process system modelling assumptions and their implications | | Article |
1997 | Szücs, A. and Gerzson, M. and Leitold, A. and Hangos, Katalin An intelligent diagnostic systembased on Petri nets | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1997 | Biró, M. and Hangos, Katalin and Krámli, A. A technológiai menedzsment modern módszerei | | Book Section |
1997 | Vámos, Tibor and Bokor, József and Hangos, Katalin The ubiquity of system science. Philosophy and teaching | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1996 | Hangos, Katalin and Tuza, Zsolt Computational aspects of graph theoretic methods in control | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1996 | Gál, IP and Hangos, Katalin Graph-theoretic method for integrated process, control and diagnostic system synthesis | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1996 | Gál, IP and Znidarsic, A. and Csáki, ZS and Hangos, Katalin and Juricic, D. Knowledge acquisition in a qualitative diagnostic toolbox | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1996 | Hangos, Katalin and Tuza, Zsolt Process structure driven control structure selection | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1996 | Szűcs, A. and Gerzson, M. and Hangos, Katalin An intelligent diagnostic system based on Petri nets | | Article |
1995 | Gerzson, M. and Hangos, Katalin Analysis of controlled technological systems using high level Petri nets | | Article |
1995 | Varga, EI and Hangos, Katalin and Szigeti, Ferenc Controllability and observability of heat exchanger networks in the time-varying parameter case | | Article |
1995 | Csáki, ZS and Hangos, Katalin Fuzzy learning for qualitative prediction | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1995 | Jörgensen, SB and Hangos, Katalin Grey-box modelling for control: Qualitative models as a unifying framework | | Article |
1995 | Hangos, Katalin and Varga, JB and Friedler, F. and Fan, LT Integrated synthesis of a process and its fault-tolerant control system | | Article |
1995 | Hangos, Katalin and Varga, EI Note on the effect of recycle on the dynamics of chemical process plants | | Article |
1995 | Gerzson, M. and Hangos, Katalin Operátori eljárásokkal irányított rendszerek leírása a rendszer kvalitatív modellje alapján magas szintű Petri hálók segítségével | | Article |
1995 | Varga, EI and Kovács, György and Jörgensen, SB and Hangos, Katalin Robust analysis of distillation column dynamics | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1995 | Varga, EI and Bokor, József and Hangos, Katalin The effect of design parameters on robust performance | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1995 | Kovács, György and Varga, EI and Hangos, Katalin The relation between u and l1 robust analysis results | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1994 | Blickle, T. and Hangos, Katalin Az Akadémia tudományos bizottságai - műszaki kémikus szemmel | | Article |
1994 | Gianone, L. and Bokor, József and Hangos, Katalin Grey box identification of vehicle dynamics | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1994 | Jorgensen, SB and Hangos, Katalin Grey-box modeling for identification and control: an emerging discipline or an established technology? | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1994 | Varga, EI and Bokor, József and Hangos, Katalin Robust analysis of potential large overshoots in heat exchanger networks | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1994 | Csáki, ZS and Hangos, Katalin Start-up of process plants by conservative learning based qualitative reasoning | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1994 | Hangos, Katalin and Csáki, ZS and Varga, EI Use of qualitative models for the choice of design parameters of MBPC | | Book Section |
1994 | Hangos, Katalin and Rónyai, Lajos The effect of model formulation on the complexity of control problems | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1994 | Hangos, Katalin and Friedler, F. and Varga, JB and Fan, LT A graph-theoretic approach to integrated process and control system synthesis | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1994 | Hangos, Katalin A magyar kemometriai kutatások helyzete és fejlődésének lehetséges irányai | | Article |
1993 | Varga, EI and Bokor, József and Hangos, Katalin Grey dynamics of heat exchanger networks | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1993 | Gerzson, M. and Csáki, ZS and Hangos, Katalin Qualitative model based verification of operating procedures by high level Petri nets.( ESCAPE-3. European symposium on computer aided process engineering-3) | | Article |
1993 | Hangos, Katalin and Csáki, ZS and Varga, EI Use of qualitative models for the choice of design parameters of MBPC | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1993 | Varga, EI and Hangos, Katalin The effect of the heat exchanger network topology on the network control properties | | Article |
1992 | Hangos, Katalin Complexity of dynamic models for intelligent control | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1992 | Csáki, ZS and Hangos, Katalin and Varga, EI DYEDIT - qualitative model editor. Task specification. Vers. 2.0. (Research report of the Systems and Control Laboratory SCL-003-1992) | | Book |
1992 | Hangos, Katalin Kémiai rendszerek dinamikája (Research report of the Systems and Control Laboratory SCL-002-1992) | | Book |
1992 | Csáki, ZS and Hangos, Katalin Lessons learned from a prototype operator advisor system for real-time process control | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1992 | Hangos, Katalin and Csáki, ZS and Jörgensen, SB Qualitative model-based intelligent control of a distillation column | | Article |
1992 | Hangos, Katalin and Csáki, ZS Qualitative simulation in the limit | | Article |
1992 | Hangos, Katalin Structural control properties of technological networks | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1992 | Hangos, Katalin Technológiai hálózatok strukturális szabályozástechnikai tulajdonságai | | Article |
1992 | Varga, EI and Hangos, Katalin The effect of the heat exchanger network topology on the network control properties | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1992 | Hangos, Katalin Így látom | | Article |
1992 | Németh, T. and Varga, EI and Hangos, Katalin and Jörgensen, SB A tool for development of qualitative and approximate quantitative process models | | Article |