Date | Author/Title | | Document Type |
2020 | Baráth, Dániel and Noskova, J and Ivashechkin, M and Matas, J MAGSAC++, a Fast, Reliable and Accurate Robust Estimator | | Book Section |
2020 | Baráth, Dániel and Polic, M and Förstner, W and Sattler, T and Pajdla, T Making Affine Correspondences Work in Camera Geometry Computation | | Article |
2020 | Ding, Y and Baráth, Dániel and Kukelova, Z Homography-based Egomotion Estimation Using Gravity and SIFT Features | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2020 | Eichhardt, Iván and Baráth, Dániel Relative Pose from Deep Learned Depth and a Single Affine Correspondence | | Article |
2020 | H. Zováthi, Örkény Ádám and Kovács, Lóránt and Nagy, Balázs and Benedek, Csaba Multi-Object Detection in Urban Scenes Utilizing 3D Background Maps and Tracking |  | Book Section |
2020 | H. Zováthi, Örkény Ádám and Nagy, Balázs and Benedek, Csaba Exploitation of Dense MLS City Maps for 3D Object Detection | | Article |
2020 | Hajder, Levente and Baráth, Dániel Least-squares Optimal Relative Planar Motion for Vehicle-mounted Cameras |  | Book Section |
2020 | Hajder, Levente and Baráth, Dániel Relative planar motion for vehicle-mounted cameras from a single affine correspondence |  | Book Section |
2020 | Harsányi, Károly and Kiss, A and Szirányi, Tamás and Majdik, András MASAT: A fast and robust algorithm for pose-graph initialization | | Article |
2020 | Hodan, T and Baráth, Dániel and Matas, J EPOS: Estimating 6D Pose of Objects With Symmetries | | Book Section |
2020-02 | Horváth, Győző and Benedek, Csaba Szenzorfúziós és objektumkövető eljárások Lidar méréssorozatok felhasználásával | | Monograph |
2020 | Hosu, V and Lin, H and Szirányi, Tamás and Saupe, D KonIQ-10k: An ecologically valid database for deep learning of blind image quality assessment |  | Article |
2020 | Ibrahim, Yahya and Nagy, Balázs and Benedek, Csaba Deep Learning-Based Masonry Wall Image Analysis | | Article |
2020 | Ivashechkin, M and Baráth, Dániel and Matas, J USACv20: robust essential, fundamental and homography matrix estimation | | Book Section |
2020 | Jankó, Zsolt A tool for manipulating huge point clouds | | Monograph |
2020 | Nagy, Balázs and Benedek, Csaba On-the-Fly Camera and Lidar Calibration | | Article |
2020 | Németh, Zsófia and Benedek, Csaba Automatic Tumuli Detection in Lidar Based Digital Elevation Maps | | Article |
2020 | Rozenberszki, D and Majdik, András LOL: Lidar-only Odometry and Localization in 3D point cloud maps* |  | Book Section |
2020 | Rózsa, Zoltán and Golarits, M and Szirányi, Tamás Localization of Map Changes by Exploiting SLAM Residuals | | Article |
2020 | Taoufiq, Salma and Nagy, Balázs and Benedek, Csaba HierarchyNet: Hierarchical CNN-Based Urban Building Classification | | Article |
2020 | Tsutsumi, D and Gyulai, Dávid and Kovács, András and Tipary, Bence and Ueno, Y Joint optimization of product tolerance design, process plan, and production plan in high-precision multi-product assembly |  | Article |
Date | Author/Title | | Document Type |
2020 | Daróczy, Bálint Zoltán and Aleksziev, Rita Antónia and Benczúr, András, ifj Tangent Space Separability in Feedforward Neural Networks | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2020 | Feldmann, A E and Marx, Dániel The Parameterized Hardness of the k-Center Problem in Transportation Networks |  | Article |
2020 | Friedman, Noémi and Labbi, A Solving Engineering Problems with Machine Learning - Introduction to the Special Theme | | Article |
2020 | Gergely, Anna and Kiss, Orsolya and Reicher, Vivien and Iotchev, Ivaylo and Kovács, Enikő and Gombos, Ferenc and Benczúr, András, ifj and Topál, József and Vargáné Kis, Anna Reliability of Family Dogs’ Sleep Structure Scoring Based on Manual and Automated Sleep Stage Identification | | Article |
2020 | Gollakota, A and Hardt, W and Miklós, István Packing Tree Degree Sequences | | Article |
2020 | Kerepesi, Csaba and Bakács, Tibor and Moss, R W and Slavin, S and Anderson, C C Significant association between tumor mutational burden and immune-related adverse events during immune checkpoint inhibition therapies | | Article |
2020 | Kornai, András Semantics |  | Book |
2020 | Kovács, Ádám and Gémes, Kinga Andrea and Kornai, András and Recski, Gábor András BMEAUT at SemEval-2020 Task 2: Lexical entailment with semantic graphs | | Book Section |
2020 | Kovács, Ádám and Ács, Judit and Kornai, András and Recski, Gábor András Better Together: Modern methods plus traditional thinking in NP alignment | | Book Section |
2020 | Kratsch, S and Li, S and Marx, Dániel and Pilipczuk, Marcin and Wahlstrom, Magnus Multi-budgeted Directed Cuts | | Article |
2020 | Lestyan, Bence and Benczúr, András, ifj and Daróczy, Bálint Zoltán SZTAKI @ ImageCLEFmed 2020 Tuberculosis Task | | Article |
2020-01-24 | Nemeskey, Dávid Márk Egy emBERT próbáló feladat | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2020 | Pašić, Alija and Babarczi, Péter and Tapolcai, János and Bérczi-Kovács, Erika and Király, Zoltán and Rónyai, Lajos Minimum Cost Survivable Routing Algorithms for Generalized Diversity Coding | | Article |
2020 | Recski, Gábor András and Kovács, Ádám and Gémes, Kinga Andrea and Ács, Judit and Kornai, András BME-TUW at SR’20: Lexical grammar induction for surface realization | | Book Section |
2020 | Subbian, G and Botelho, e Souza A C and Radespiel, R and Zander, E and Moshagen, T and Friedman, Noémi Calibration of an extended Eddy Viscosity Turbulence Model using Uncertainty Quantification | | Book Section |
2020 | Tapolcai, János and Rónyai, Lajos and Vass, Balázs and Gyimóthi, László Fast Enumeration of Regional Link Failures Caused by Disasters With Limited Size | | Article |
2020 | Ács, Judit and Kornai, András The Role of Interpretable Patterns in Deep Learning for Morphology | | Book Section |
Date | Author/Title | | Document Type |
2020 | Bergmann, Júlia and Gyulai, Dávid and Morassi, Dávid and Váncza, József A stochastic approach to calculate assembly cycle times based on spatial shop-floor data stream | | Article |
2020 | Bergmann, Júlia and Molontay, Roland and Szabó, Mihály and Szekrényes, Dóra Laura Kreditrendszerű képzések mintatanterveinek és előtanulmányi hálóinak elemzése a hazai matematika alapszakok példáján | | Article |
2020 | Bocsi, K B and Nacsa, János Böngésző alapú felhasználói felület Panda robothoz | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2020 | Egri, Péter and Csáji, Balázs Csanád and Kis, Krisztián Balázs and Monostori, László and Váncza, József Bio-inspired control of automated stem cell production | | Article |
2020 | Egri, Péter and Kis, Tamás Allocating raw materials to competing projects | | Article |
2020 | Ekart, A and Patelli, A and Lush, V and Ilie Zudor, Angyalka Genetic Programming with Transfer Learning for Urban Traffic Modelling and Prediction |  | Book Section |
2020 | Erdős, Ferenc Gábor and Paniti, Imre and Tipary, Bence Transformation of robotic workcells to digital twins |  | Article |
2020 | Glawar, R and Ansari, F and Viharos, Zsolt János and Matyas, K and Sihn, W A cost-based model for integrating maintenance strategies in autonomous production control |  | Book Section |
2020 | Gyulai, Dávid and Bergmann, Júlia and Lengyel, A and Kádár, Botond Géza and Czirkó, D Simulation-based Digital Twin of a Complex Shop-Floor Logistics System | | Book Section |
2020 | Gyulai, Dávid and Bergmann, Júlia and Váncza, József Adaptive network analytics for managing complex shop-floor logistics systems |  | Article |
2020 | Gyulai, Dávid and Pfeiffer, András and Bergmann, Júlia Analysis of asset location data to support decisions in production management and control | | Article |
2020 | Györgyi, Péter and Kis, Tamás A common approximation framework for early work, late work, and resource leveling problems | | Article |
2020 | Hajós, Mátyás and Horváth, Dániel Robotos pakolási feladat megoldása környezetérzékelés segítségével | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2020 | Horváth, Gergely and Erdős, Ferenc Gábor Object localization utilizing 3D point cloud clustering approach | | Article |
2020 | Horváth, Markó and Kis, Tamás Polyhedral results for position-based scheduling of chains on a single machine | | Article |
2020 | Kardos, Csaba and Kovács, András and Váncza, József A constraint model for assembly planning | | Article |
2020 | Kemény, Zsolt and Beregi, Richárd József and Tipary, Bence and Abai, Kristóf and Nacsa, János Recent advances in learning content and infrastructure development for layout and process planning courses at the SZTAKI learning factories | | Article |
2020 | Kovács, Zs F and Viharos, Zsolt János and Kodácsy, J Surface flatness and roughness evolution after magnetic assisted ball burnishing of magnetizable and non-magnetizable materials | | Article |
2020 | Kovács, Zsolt Ferenc and Kodácsy, János and Viharos, Zsolt János Mágneses síkfelülethengerlő szerszámmal létrehozott él-lekerekítés technológiai paramétereinek optimalizálása | | Article |
2020 | Kovács, Zsolt Ferenc and Károly, Dóra and Károly, P B and Kemény, Dávid Miklós and Kodácsy, János and Viharos, Zsolt János Mágneses erővel történő felülethengerlés hatása a felületérdességre és a korrózióra C45 acélon | | Article |
2020 | Mesterné Monostori, Judit Beyond the profit motive: Environmentally conscious (re)design of supply chain structures | | Article |
2020 | Molontay, Roland and Horváth, Noémi and Bergmann, Júlia and Szekrényes, Dóra Laura and Szabó, Mihály Characterizing curriculum prerequisite networks by a student flow approach | | Article |
2020 | Monostori, László and Váncza, József Lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic and their possible consequences on manufacturing | | Article |
2020 | Monostori, László and Váncza, József Towards living manufacturing systems | | Article |
2020 | Móricz, L and Viharos, Zsolt János and Szépligeti, A and Büki, M Off-line Geometrical and Microscopic & On-line Vibration Based Cutting Tool Wear Analysis for Micro-Milling of Ceramics | | Article |
2020 | Móricz, László and Viharos, Zsolt János and Büki, Máté István Effect of CAM Path Strategies on Tool Life in Ceramics Micro-Cutting |  | Book Section |
2020 | Nagy, A T and Paniti, Imre Univerzális mechanikus megfogó vizsgálata optikai elven működő erőmérő használatával | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2020 | Najm, Sherwan Mohammed and Paniti, Imre Study on Effecting Parameters of Flat and Hemispherical end Tools in SPIF of Aluminium Foils | | Article |
2020 | Nick, Gábor András and Szaller, Ádám and Viharos, Zsolt János and Várgedő, Tamás and Bányai, D Intelligent Production of The Future – First Results of A Survey |  | Book Section |
2020 | Nick, Gábor András and Szaller, Ádám and Várgedő, Tamás CCMS Model: A Novel Approach to Digitalization Level Assessment for Manufacturing Companies | | Book Section |
2020 | Németh, Balázs and Kovács, András Robot path planning over a sequence of points specified in task space | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2020 | Paniti, Imre and Nacsa, János and Kovács, Péter and Szűr, Dávid VR and Depth Camera based Human-Robot Collision Predictor System with 3-Finger Gripper Assisted Assembly Device |  | Book Section |
2020-10-15 | Paniti, Imre and Nacsa, János and Kovács, Péter and Szűr, Dávid VR and Depth Camera based Human-Robot Collision Predictor System with 3-Finger Gripper Assisted Assembly Device | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2020 | Paniti, Imre and Viharos, Zsolt János and Harangozó, Dóra and Najm, Sherwan Mohammed Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Single Point Incremental Forming of Aluminium Alloy Foils | | Article |
2020 | Szaller, Ádám and Egri, Péter and Kádár, Botond Trust-based resource sharing mechanism in distributed manufacturing | | Article |
2020 | Szaller, Ádám and Pedone, Gianfranco and Egri, Péter and Szalóki, Ádám and Nick, Gábor András A mutualistic framework for sustainable capacity sharing in manufacturing | | Article |
2020 | Szűr, D and Nacsa, János and Beregi, Richárd József and Kemény, Zsolt Moduláris szerelési paletta oktatási célú kollaboratív robotos munkaállomáshoz | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2020 | Tamás, Ambrus and Csáji, Balázs Csanád Sztochasztikus garanciák bináris klasszifikációhoz | | Article |
2020 | Tsutsumi, D and Gyulai, Dávid and Takács, Emma and Bergmann, Júlia and Nonaka, Y Personalized work instruction system for revitalizing human-machine interaction | | Article |
2020 | Viharos, Zsolt János Introduction to the Acta IMEKO special issue on the 16th IMEKO TC10 conference “Testing, Diagnostics & Inspection as a comprehensive value chain for Quality & Safety”, 2019 | | Article |
2020 | Viharos, Zsolt János and Bán, B Comprehensive Comparison of MTM and BasicMOST, as the Most Widely Applied PMTS Analysis Methods |  | Book Section |
2020 | Viharos, Zsolt János and Ciani, L and Bilski, P and Jakovcic, M 17th IMEKO TC 10 and EUROLAB Virtual Conference: “Global Trends in Testing, Diagnostics & Inspection for 2030” |  | Book |
2020 | Viharos, Zsolt János and Göblyös, C L ERP rendszer váltásának támogatása folyamatmenedzsment eszközökkel | | Article |
2020 | Viharos, Zsolt János and Jakab, Richárd Benjámin Reinforcement Learning for Statistical Process Control in Manufacturing |  | Book Section |
2020 | Váncza, József and Do, Noh S and Yoon, H-S Preface for the Special Issue of Green Smart Manufacturing | | Article |
Date | Author/Title | | Document Type |
2020 | Al Hemeary, Nawar and Polcz, Péter and Szederkényi, Gábor Optimal Solar Panel Area Computation and Temperature Tracking for a CubeSat System using Model Predictive Control | | Article |
2020 | Bars, Ruth and Bányász, Csilla and Keviczky, László On the Optimal Topology of Time-Delay Control Systems |  | Article |
2020 | Basargan, H and Mihály, András and Gáspár, Péter and Sename, O Integrated multi-criteria velocity and semi-active suspension control based on look-ahead road information |  | Book Section |
2020 | Bauer, Péter and Anastasopoulos, L and Sendner, F-M and Hornung, M and Vanek, Bálint Identification and Modeling of the Airbrake of an Experimental Unmanned Aircraft | | Article |
2020 | Bauer, Péter and Hiba, Antal and Zarándy, Ákos Single Filter Lead Vehicle Distance and Velocity Estimation with Multiple Hypothesis Testing |  | Book Section |
2020 | Baár, Tamás and Luspay, Tamás Decoupling through input–output blending | | Article |
2020 | Bokor, József and Szabó, Zoltán Béla State and Loop Equivalence for Linear Parameter Varying Systems |  | Book Section |
2020 | Boulmakoul, A and Fazekas, Zoltán and Karim, L and Gáspár, Péter and Cherradi, G Fuzzy similarities for road environment-type detection by a connected vehicle from traffic sign probabilistic data | | Article |
2020 | Bányász, Csilla and Keviczky, László and Bars, Ruth Model Based Parameterizations of Different Topologies |  | Article |
2020 | Bécsi, Tamás and Szabó, Ádám and Kovari, Balint and Aradi, Szilárd and Gáspár, Péter Reinforcement Learning Based Control Design for a Floating Piston Pneumatic Gearbox Actuator | | Article |
2020 | Do, M-H and Koenig, D and Theilliol, D and Gáspár, Péter Frequency-shaping observer-based controller design for actuator degradation: Application to suspension system |  | Book Section |
2020 | Farkas, Zsófia and Mihály, András and Gáspár, Péter Control methods for the coordination of autonomous vehicles at intersections | | Book Section |
2020 | Fazekas, Máté and Gáspár, Péter and Németh, Balázs Identification of kinematic vehicle model parameters for localization purposes |  | Book Section |
2020 | Fazekas, Máté and Gáspár, Péter and Németh, Balázs Vision-based motion estimation for vehicles on test track via cone markers |  | Book Section |
2020 | Fazekas, Máté and Németh, Balázs and Gáspár, Péter Model Based Vehicle Localization via an Iterative Parameter Estimation | | Article |
2020 | Fazekas, Máté and Németh, Balázs and Gáspár, Péter and Sename, O Vehicle odometry model identification considering dynamic load transfers |  | Book Section |
2020 | Fényes, Dániel and Hegedűs, Tamás and Németh, Balázs and Gáspár, Péter and Koenig, D LPV control for autonomous vehicles using a machine learning-based tire pressure estimation |  | Book Section |
2020 | Fényes, Dániel and Németh, Balázs LPV alapú irányítástervezés automatizált járművek számára adatvezérelt módszerek alkalmazásával | | Book Section |
2020 | Fényes, Dániel and Németh, Balázs and Gáspár, Péter LPV based data-driven modeling and control design for autonomous vehicles | | Book Section |
2020 | Fényes, Dániel and Németh, Balázs and Gáspár, Péter LPV-based autonomous vehicle control using the results of big data analysis on lateral dynamics | | Book Section |
2020 | Fényes, Dániel and Németh, Balázs and Gáspár, Péter Lateral Control Design for Autonomous Vehicles Using a Big Data-Based Approach | | Article |
2020 | Gerencsér, Balázs and Gerencsér, László Általánosított relatív konszenzus | | Article |
2020 | Gáspár, Péter and Mihály, András and Basargan, Hakan Fault-tolerant trajectory tracking control of in-wheel motor vehicles with energy-efficient steering and torque distribution |  | Book Section |
2020 | Hegedűs, Tamás and Fényes, Dániel and Németh, Balázs and Gáspár, Péter Handling of tire pressure variation in autonomous vehicles: an integrated estimation and control design approach | | Book Section |
2020 | Hegedűs, Tamás and Németh, Balázs LPV irányítás gépi tanuláson alapuló abroncsnyomás-becsléssel autonóm járművek számára | | Book Section |
2020 | Hegedűs, Tamás and Németh, Balázs and Gáspár, Péter Challenges and Possibilities of Overtaking Strategies for Autonomous Vehicles | | Article |
2020 | Hegedűs, Tamás and Németh, Balázs and Gáspár, Péter Design of a Low-complexity Graph-Based Motion-Planning Algorithm for Autonomous Vehicles | | Article |
2020 | Lipták, György and Hangos, Katalin and Szederkényi, Gábor Stabilizing feedback design for time delayed polynomial systems using kinetic realizations | | Article |
2020 | Luspay, Tamás and Csikós, Alfréd András and Péni, Tamás and Varga, István and Kulcsár, Balázs Set-based multi-objective control of metered ramps at ring road junctions |  | Article |
2020 | Mihály, András and Farkas, Zsófia and Gáspár, Péter Multicriteria Autonomous Vehicle Control at Non-Signalized Intersections | | Article |
2020 | Mocsányi, Réka Dóra and Takarics, Béla and Kotikalpudi, A and Vanek, Bálint Grid-Based and Polytopic Linear Parameter-Varying Modeling of Aeroelastic Aircraft with Parametric Control Surface Design | | Article |
2020 | Molnár, Marcell and Luspay, Tamás Development of an UWB based Indoor Positioning System |  | Book Section |
2020 | Németh, Balázs and Gáspár, Péter Guaranteeing Performance Specifications for Vehicle Systems with Learning Agents through the Robust Control Theory | | Article |
2020 | Németh, Balázs and Hegedűs, Tamás and Gáspár, Péter Performance Guarantees on Machine-Learning-based Overtaking Strategies for Autonomous Vehicles | | Book Section |
2020 | Patartics, Bálint and Seiler, P and Vanek, Bálint Construction of an Uncertainty to Maximize the Gain at Multiple Frequencies | | Book Section |
2020 | Polcz, Péter and Péni, Tamás and Kulcsar, Balazs and Szederkényi, Gábor Induced L2-gain computation for rational LPV systems using Finsler’s lemma and minimal generators |  | Article |
2020 | Pup, Dániel and Kisari, Ádám and Vigh, Zsombor and Rödönyi, Gábor and Soumelidis, Alexandros and Bokor, József Characterization of Model Uncertainty Features Relevant to Model Predictive Control of Lateral Vehicle Dynamics |  | Book Section |
2020 | Péni, Tamás and Csutak, Balázs and Szederkényi, Gábor and Röst, Gergely Nonlinear model predictive control with logic constraints for COVID-19 management | | Article |
2020 | Péni, Tamás and Vanek, Bálint and Lipták, György and Szabó, Zoltán Béla and Bokor, József Nullspace-based input reconfiguration architecture for over-actuated aerial vehicles |  | Book Section |
2020 | Roessler, C and Bartasevicius, J and Koeberle, S J and Teubl, D and Hornung, M and Luspay, Tamás and Gyulai, László and Balogh, Dániel and Vanek, Bálint Results of an Aeroelastically Tailored Wing on the FLEXOP Demonstrator Aircraft |  | Book Section |
2020 | Sadeghzadeh, A and Sharif, B and Tóth, Roland Affine linear parameter-varying embedding of non-linear models with improved accuracy and minimal overbounding | | Article |
2020 | Sodja, J and De, Breuker R and Meddaikar, Y M and Dillinger, J K and Soal, K and Gyulai, László and Tóth, Szabolcs and Nagy, Mihály and Balogh, Dániel and Bauer, Péter and Vanek, Bálint Ground Testing of the FLEXOP Demonstrator Aircraft |  | Book Section |
2020 | Somogyi, Huba and Soumelidis, Alexandros Comparison of High-Precision GNSS systems for development of an autonomous localization system |  | Book Section |
2020 | Szabó, Zoltán Béla and Bokor, József Stability and the Kleinian View of Geometry | | Article |
2020 | Szabó, Ádám and Bécsi, Tamás and Aradi, Szilárd and Gáspár, Péter LPV-Based Controller Design of a Floating Piston Pneumatic Actuator | | Article |
2020 | Szabó, Ádám and Bécsi, Tamás and Gáspár, Péter Control Design and Validation for Floating Piston Electro-Pneumatic Gearbox Actuator | | Article |
2020 | Szederkényi, Gábor Analysis and Control of Nonnegative Dynamical Models with a Network Structure |  | Book Section |
2020 | Szilassy, Péter Ákos and Németh, Balázs and Gáspár, Péter Predictive Speed Control for Automated Vehicles in Urban Area using Speed Zones |  | Book Section |
2020 | Szoke, Laszlo and Aradi, Szilárd and Bécsi, Tamás and Gáspár, Péter Vehicle Control in Highway Traffic by Using Reinforcement Learning and Microscopic Traffic Simulation |  | Book Section |
2020 | Szőke, L and Aradi, Szilárd and Bécsi, Tamás and Gáspár, Péter Driving on Highway by Using Reinforcement Learning with CNN and LSTM Networks |  | Book Section |
2020 | Takarics, Béla and Patartics, Bálint and Luspay, Tamás and Vanek, Bálint and Roessler, C and Bauer, Péter Active Flutter Mitigation Testing on the FLEXOP Demonstrator Aircraft | | Book Section |