Date | Author/Title | | Document Type |
1998 | Bálya, Dávid and Roska, Tamás CNN algorithms in face detection systems. A review. (Research report of the Analogical and Neural Computing Laboratory, DNS-6-1998.) | | Book |
1998 | Carmona, R. and Espejo, S. and Dominguez-Castro, R. and Rodriguez-Vázquez, A. and Roska, Tamás and Kozek, T. and Chua, LO A 0.5mm CMOS CNN analog random access memory chip for massive image processing | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Crounse, KR and Roska, Tamás CNN feasibility study: document image processing.(Research report of the Analogical and Neural Computing Laboratory, DNS-8-1998.) | | Book |
1998 | Crounse, KR and Roska, Tamás and Chua, LO Some methods for practical halftoning on the CNN universal machine | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Csapodi, M. and Vandewalle, J. and Roska, Tamás High speed calculation of cryptographic hash functions by CNN chips | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Csapodi, M. and Vandewalle, J. and Roska, Tamás Invertible operations on a cellular neural network universal machine | | Article |
1998 | Csuhaj-Varjú, Erzsébet Grammar systems with bounded resources: on size complexity of grammar systems | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Csuhaj-Varjú, Erzsébet Networks of language processors: a language theoretic approach to filtering and cooperation | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Csuhaj-Varjú, Erzsébet Networks of language processors: distributed communicating architectures in grammar systems | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Csuhaj-Varjú, Erzsébet and Jiménez-López, MD Cultural eco-grammar systems: a multi-agent system for cultural change | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Csuhaj-Varjú, Erzsébet and Kelemenová, A. Team behaviour in eco-grammar systems | | Article |
1998 | Csuhaj-Varjú, Erzsébet and Roska, Tamás Networks of language processors: a language theoretic framework for mainly locally connected processor arrays | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Csuhaj-Varjú, Erzsébet and Salomaa, A. Networks of language processors: parallel communicating systems | | Article |
1998 | Földesy, Péter and Kék, László and Roska, Tamás and Zarándy, Ákos and Bártfai, Gusztáv Fault tolerant CNN template design and optimatization based on chip measurements | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Földesy, Péter and Kék, László and Zarándy, Ákos and Roska, Tamás and Bártfai, Gusztáv Fault tolerant design of analogic CNN templates and algorithms. Part I: The binary output case.(Research report of the Analogical and Neural Computing Laboratory, DNS-3-1998.) | | Book |
1998 | Gerencsér, László and Kozmann, GY and Vágó, ZS SPSA for non-smooth optimization with application in ECG analysis | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Gerencsér, László and Michaletzky, György and Vágó, ZS Risk-sensitive identification of ARMA processes | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Gilli, M. and Civalleri, PP and Roska, Tamás and Chua, LO Analysis of time-varying cellular neural networks for quadratic global optimization | | Article |
1998 | Kozek, T. and Zarándy, Ákos and Zöld, S. and Roska, Tamás and Szolgay, Péter Analogic Macro Code (AMC). Extended assembly language for CNN computers. Version 1.1.(Research report of the Analogical and Neural Computing Laboratory, DNS-10-1998.) | | Book |
1998 | Kék, László and Liszka, GY and Petrányi, Á. and Zarándy, Ákos and Bölöni, L. Mammographiás szűrőállomásokhoz telepített analogikai munkahely adatkezelése | | Article |
1998 | Kék, László and Zarándy, Ákos Implementation of large-neighbourhood non-linear templates on the CNN universal machine | | Article |
1998 | Lotz, K. and Bölöni, L. and Roska, Tamás and Hámori, J. Hyperacuity in time: a CNN model of a time-coding pathway of sound localization. (Research report of the Analogical and Neural Computing Laboratory, DNS-4-1998.) | | Book |
1998 | László, K. and Ziliani, F. and Roska, Tamás and Kunt, M. Early segmentation in video compression using CNN processors | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Nemes, L. and Chua, LO and Roska, Tamás Implementation of arbitrary Boolean functions on the CNN universal machine | | Article |
1998 | Nemes, L. and Roska, Tamás Prefiltering and classification CNN algorithms for a chromosome scoring and aberration detection system | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Orzó, László and Lábos, E. Dynamics of synaptic transmission and neural code | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Orzó, László and László, K. and Négyessy, L. and Hámori, J. and Roska, Tamás CNN models of receptive field dynamics of the central visual system neurons | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Radványi, András The difference-stereogram.( Research report of the Analogical and Neural Computing Laboratory, DNS-2-1998.) | | Book |
1998 | Radványi, András and Kozek, T. and Chua, LO A CNN solution for depth estimation from binocular stereo imagery | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Rekeczky, Csaba and Roska, Tamás and Chua, LO Computing with front propagation: evolving interfaces and active contour models in continuous-time CNN. (Research report of the Analogical and Neural Computing Laboratory, DNS-9-1998.) | | Book |
1998 | Rekeczky, Csaba and Roska, Tamás and Ushida, A. CNN-based difference-controlled adaptive non-linear image filters | | Article |
1998 | Roska, Tamás Analogic CNN computing : architectural, implementation, and algorithmic advances - a review | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Roska, Tamás CNN computing infrastructure hosting nonlinear spatiotemporal algorithms - a review | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Schultz, A. and Rekeczky, Csaba and Szatmári, István and Roska, Tamás and Chua, LO Spatio-temporal CNN algorithm for object segmentation and object recognition | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Shi, BE and Roska, Tamás and Chua, LO Estimating optical flow with cellular neural networks | | Article |
1998 | Szatmári, István and Roska, Tamás The CNN implementation of wave type metric for image analysis and classification | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Szirányi, Tamás and Csapodi, M. Texture classification and segmentation by cellular neural networks using genetic learning | | Article |
1998 | Tömördi, K. and Földesy, Péter and Szolgay, Péter On the chip implementation of analogic algorithms for optical detection of some layout errors of printed circuit boards | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Vaszil, György Communication in parallel communicating Lindenmayer systems | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Vaszil, György On simulating non-returning PC grammar systems with returning systems | | Article |
1998 | Venetianer, PL and Roska, Tamás Image compression by cellular neural networks | | Article |
1998 | Vágó, ZS Idősorok sztochasztikus modelljei. Oktatási segédlet. Egyetemi jegyzet | | Book |
1998 | Zarándy, Ákos and Keresztes, P. and Roska, Tamás and Szolgay, Péter CASTLE: an emulated digital architecture; design issues, new results | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Zarándy, Ákos and Keresztes, P. and Roska, Tamás and Szolgay, Péter An emulated digital architecture implementing the CNN universal machine | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Zarándy, Ákos and Stoffels, A. and Roska, Tamás and Chua, LO Implementation of Binary and gray-scale mathematical morphology on the CNN universal machine | | Article |
Date | Author/Title | | Document Type |
1998 | Drozdik, Szilveszter Advanced software technology - CIM aspects | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Fuertes, JM and Haidegger, Géza International trends on factory data networks. Comments on the 2nd IEEE international workshop on factory communication systems. WFCS'97. Barcelona, 1997 | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Haidegger, Géza Advanced communication technologies in the factories of the future | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Haidegger, Géza Az interaktív multimédia | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Haidegger, Géza Hálózatok és interaktív multimédia lehetőségek | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Haidegger, Géza Nyílt ipari vezérlőrendszerek | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Haidegger, Géza and Kovács, György and Kopácsi, Sándor Interactive multimedia applications at the shop floor | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Haidegger, Géza and Nacsa, János and Bausz, I. Applying SERCOS industrial control network for OSACA based CNC-s | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Kopácsi, Sándor Virtual reality in flexible manufacturing | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Kopácsi, Sándor and Boros, A. and Bakos, B. Possibilities of creating real-time Java environment | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Kovács, György Artificial intelligence techniques to design robotic systems | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Kovács, György Gyártórendszerek szimulációjának, tervezésének és üzemeltetésének néhány problémája | | Thesis |
1998 | Kovács, György Harmonizing research and teaching activities in a dedicated research laboratory - Is it a real conflict? | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Kovács, György Some artificial intelligent techniques to design robotic systems | | Book Section |
1998 | Kovács, György Teaching in a dedicated research laboratory - is it a real conflict? | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Kovács, György and Mezgár, István A distributed planning network for manufacturing systems management | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Kovács, György and Mezgár, István and Haidegger, Géza Multimedia applications in a virtual enterprise of SME-s | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Kovács, György and Nacsa, János Simulation and control of FMS with application of expert systems | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Mezgár, István Communication infrastructures for virtual enterprises | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Mezgár, István Improving VE efficiency through product- and enterprise models integration | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Mezgár, István Virtual technologies and architectures in the life cycle of production systems | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Mezgár, István and Kovács, György Co-ordination of SME production through a cooperative network | | Article |
1998 | Mezgár, István and Kovács, György PLENT: a European project on SME co-operation | | Book Section |
1998 | Mezgár, István and Kovács, György A virtual enterprise architecture for SMEs | | Article |
1998 | Nacsa, János and Haidegger, Géza and Kovács, György Intelligent control applications of open CNCs using G2 | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Nacsa, János and Haidegger, Géza and Kovács, György Intelligent control applications of open CNCs using G2 | | Conference or Workshop Item |
Date | Author/Title | | Document Type |
1998 | Csetverikov, Dmitrij Pattern regularity as a visual key | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Csetverikov, Dmitrij and Verestóy, J. Tracking feature points: a new algorithm | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Ekárt, Anikó Generating class descriptions of four bar linkages | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Ekárt, Anikó Machine learning methods in synthesis of four bar linkages | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Lukács, G. and Benkő, P. and Várady, T. Algorithms to generate B-rep models based on segmented data. ( Research report of Geometric Modelling Laboratory GML 1998/2.) | | Book |
1998 | Renner, Gábor Geometric optimization with genetic algorithms | | Article |
1998 | Renner, Gábor and Várady, T. and Weiss, V. Reverse engineering free-form features. (Research report of Geometric Modelling Laboratory GML 1998/3.) | | Book |
1998 | Renner, Gábor and Várady, T. and Weiss, V. Reverse engineering of free-form features | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Renner, Gábor and Weiss, V. Curves on surfaces: analysis and new solutions | | Book Section |
1998 | Verestóy, J. and Csetverikov, Dmitrij Comparative performance evaluation of four feature point tracking techniques | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Várady, T. Reverse engineering: segmenting point clouds of free-form and regular objects | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Várady, T. and Benkő, P. and Kós, Géza and Renner, Gábor and Weiss, V. Segmentation and surface fitting in reverse engineering. An extended abstract for SSM'98 | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Várady, T. and Hoffmann, CM Vertex blending: problems and solutions | | Book Section |
1998 | Weiss, V. and Andor, L. and Kós, Géza and Renner, Gábor and Várady, T. Free-form surface reconstruction using functional decomposition. (Research report of Geometric Modelling Laboratory GML 1998/1.) | | Book |
Date | Author/Title | | Document Type |
1998 | Cotronis, JY and Kacsuk, Péter and Tsiatsoulis, Z. and Dózsa, Gábor and Floros, E. Integration of formal specifications into GRADE | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Kacsuk, Péter Debugging message passing parallel programs in graphical programming environments | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Kacsuk, Péter Execution models for a massively parallel Prolog implementation. Part 1 | | Article |
1998 | Kacsuk, Péter Macrostep-by-macrostep debugging of message passing parallel programs | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Kacsuk, Péter Systematic testing and debugging of parallel programs by a macrostep debugger | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Kacsuk, Péter and Dózsa, Gábor and Fadgyas, T. and Lovas, Róbert GRADE: A graphical programming environment for multicomputers | | Article |
1998 | Kacsuk, Péter and Dózsa, Gábor and Fadgyas, T. and Lovas, Róbert The GRED graphical editor for the GRADE parallel program development environment | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Kacsuk, Péter and Dózsa, Gábor and Lovas, Róbert and Fadgyas, T. Enhancing GRADE towards a professional parallel programming environment | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Kacsuk, Péter and Podhorszki, Norbert Dataflow parallel database systems and LOGFLOW | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Németh, Zsolt Computational methods at abstract machine design on a multithreaded architecture | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Németh, Zsolt and Kacsuk, Péter Experiments with binding schemes in LOGFLOW | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Podhorszki, Norbert and Kacsuk, Péter Extending LOGFLOW with parallel relational database operations | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Sima, D. and Fountain, T. and Kacsuk, Péter Korszerű számítógép-architektúrák tervezésitér-megközelítésben | | Book |
1998 | Suppi, R. and César, E. and Falguera, J. and Serrano, M. and Sorribes, J. and Luque, E. and Dózsa, Gábor and Kacsuk, Péter and Fadgyas, T. Simulation in parallel software design | | Article |
1998 | Tudruj, M. and Kacsuk, Péter Extending GRADE towards explicit process synchronisation in parallel programs | | Article |
1998 | Wismüller, R. and Dózsa, Gábor and Drótos, Dániel Using OMIS for on-line monitoring in the GRADE programming environment | | Conference or Workshop Item |
Date | Author/Title | | Document Type |
1998 | Bongaerts, L. and Monostori, László and McFarlane, D. and Kádár, Botond Hierarchy in distributed shop floor control | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Egresits, Csaba and Monostori, László and Hornyák, József Multistrategy learning approaches to generate and tune fuzzy control structures and their application in manufacturing |  | Article |
1998 | Hornyák, J. and Monostori, László Genetic algorithms for predictive and reactive scheduling in manufacturing systems | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Horváth, Miklós and Márkus, A. and Váncza, József Cooperation via conflicts in manufacturing systems | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Ilie-Zudor, Angyalka Elisabeth and Mihálcz, I. and Torkos, Z. Robotkezek környezethelyes tervezése. (Environmental design of robot hands) | | Article |
1998 | Kádár, Botond and Monostori, László Agent-based control of novel and traditional production systems | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Kádár, Botond Géza and Monostori, László and Szelke, E An object-oriented framework for developing distributed manufacturing architectures |  | Article |
1998 | Markos, S. and Viharos, Zsolt János Comprehensive modelling of machining processes | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Markos, S. and Viharos, Zsolt János and Monostori, László Quality-oriented, comprehensive modelling of machining processes | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Monostori, László Artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques for control and monitoring of manufacturing processes | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Monostori, László Editorial to the special issue of the Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing on agent-based manufacturing | | Article |
1998 | Monostori, László Editorial to the special issue on soft computing approaches to manufacturing | | Article |
1998 | Monostori, László Intelligens gyártórendszerek: a kutatás és a nemzetközi együttmőködés új paradigmája. (Intelligent manufacturing systems: new paradigm in research and international co-operation.) | | Article |
1998 | Monostori, László Sensor integration, state and situation recognition, learning in intelligent manufacturing | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Monostori, László and Hornyák, J. and Egresits, CS and Viharos, Zsolt János Soft computing and hybrid AI approaches to intelligent manufacturing | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Monostori, László and Hornyák, J. and Kádár, Botond Novel approaches to production planning and control | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Monostori, László and Kádár, Botond Agent based architectures for mastering changes and disturbances in manufacturing | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Monostori, László and Kádár, Botond and Hornyák, J. Management of changes and disturbances in production systems | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Monostori, László and Kádár, Botond Géza and Hornyák, József Approaches to managing changes and uncertainties in manufacturing |  | Article |
1998 | Monostori, László and Szelke, Erzsébet and Kádár, Botond Géza Management of changes and disturbances in manufacturing systems |  | Article |
1998 | Márkus, A. and Ueda, K. Interactive manufacturing with demand forecast | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Márkus, A. and Váncza, József Product line development with customer interaction | | Article |
1998 | Váncza, József Planning in manufacturing domains controlled by case-based reasoning | | Book Section |
1998 | Váncza, József and Márkus, A. Holonic manufacturing with economic rationality | | Conference or Workshop Item |
Date | Author/Title | | Document Type |
1998 | Bacsó, Gábor and Boros, E. and Gurvich, F. and Maffray, F. and Preissmann, M. On minimal imperfect graphs with circular symmetry | | Article |
1998 | Balla, K. and Kéri, Gerzson and Németh, Erzsébet and Rapcsák, Tamás and Sági, Z. and Tóth, T. and Verrasztó, Z. A Ráckevei (Soroksári) Duna-ág vízháztartási modellezé többkritériumú döntési módszerek felhasználásával. (Working paper of the Laboratory of Operations Research and Decision Systems, (LORDS) WP 98-13.) | | Book |
1998 | Baranyi, Péter Zoltán and Bavelaar, I. M. and Babuska, R. and Kóczy, L. T. and Titli, A. and Verbuggen, H. B. A Method to Invert a Linguistic Fuzzy Model | | Article |
1998 | Baranyi, Péter Zoltán and Korondi, P. and Mihálcz, I. and Gubinyi, Z. and Hashimoto, H. Fuzzy Rule Base Reduction for Robot Finger Furnished with Shape Memory Alloy | | Article |
1998 | Baranyi, Péter Zoltán and Kóczy, L. T. and Gedeon, T. D. Improved Fuzzy and Neural Network Algorithms for word frequency Prediction in Document Filtering | | Article |
1998 | Bazgan, C. and Santha, M. and Tuza, Zsolt Efficient approximation algorithms for the subset-sums equality problem | | Book Section |
1998 | Bazgan, C. and Santha, M. and Tuza, Zsolt On the approximation of finding a(nother) Hamiltonian cycle in cubic Hamiltonian graphs | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Bodlaender, HL and Deogun, JS and Jansen, K. and Kloks, T. and Kratsch, D. and Müller, H. and Tuza, Zsolt Rankings of graphs | | Article |
1998 | Bokor, József Approximate identification for robust control | | Article |
1998 | Bokor, József and Gáspár, Péter and Hetthéssy, J. and Szabó, G. Reliability analysis of protection systems in NPP applying fault-tree analysis method | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Bokor, József and Schipp, Ferenc Approximate identification in Laguerreand Kautz bases | | Article |
1998 | Bányász, Csilla and Keviczky, László Designing high performance two-degree of freedom controllers | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Bányász, Csilla and Keviczky, László An adaptive two-degree of freedom controller | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Bányász, Csilla and Keviczky, László A simple adaptive PID tuner | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Dell'olmo, P. and Kellerer, H. and Speranza, MG and Tuza, Zsolt A 13/12 approximation algorithm for bin packing with extendable bins | | Article |
1998 | Edelmayer, András and Bokor, József Robust fault detection filtersfor linear systems: summary of recent results | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Fouquet, J-L and Hahn, G. and Tuza, Zsolt and Woodrow, RE On magnitude networks | | Article |
1998 | Gianone, L. and Bokor, József and Schipp, Ferenc Approximate Hinfinity identification using partial sum operators in a disc algebra bases | | Article |
1998 | Gál, IP and Hangos, Katalin SDG model-based structuresfor fault detection | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Gál, IP and Varga, JB and Hangos, Katalin Integrated structure design of a process and its control system | | Article |
1998 | Gáspár, Péter and Bokor, József Iterative model-based mixed H2/Hinfinity control design | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Gáspár, Péter and Bokor, József Model-based H2/Hinfinity control design for uncertain dynamic system | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Gáspár, Péter and Szabó, G. Analysis of adaptive multi-state logic in fault-tolerant systems | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Gáspár, Péter and Szabó, G. Complex failure models for dependability assessment | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Gáspár, Péter and Szabó, G. Szoftver alapú biztonsági rendszerek elvi alapjai. Megbízhatóságés rendelkezésre állás igazolásának lehetőségei és módszerei.(Technical report of the Systems and Control Laboratory, SCL-001-1998.) | | Book |
1998 | Heuberger, PSC and Szabó, Zoltán and De Hoog, TJ and Dénes, István and Bokor, József Realization algorithms for expansions in generalized orthonormal basis functions | | Book Section |
1998 | Keviczky, László and Bányász, Csilla Dialecticsof identification and control: product inequalities in an iterative scheme | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Keviczky, László and Bányász, Csilla Optimal two-degreeof freedom controllers: iterative refinement, robustness and error properties | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Kolics, B. and Hangos, Katalin A CPN model of an internet object cache | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Kolics, B. and Hangos, Katalin and Tétényi, István Experimental investigation of hierarchical Internet object cachecharacteristics | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Kolics, B. and Hangos, Katalin and Tétényi, István Experimental investigation of hierarchical internet object cache characteristics | | Book |
1998 | Kolics, B. and Hangos, Katalin and Tétényi, István Tapasztalatok a Hungarnet hierarchikus cache rendszerében | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Kovács, György and Bokor, József and Palkovics, László and Gianone, L. and Semsey, and Széll, L. Lane-departure detection andcontrol system for commercial vehicles | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Kovács, György and Bokor, József and Palkovics, László and Gianone, L. and Semsey, and Széll, L. Vision system for lane-departure prevention of vehicles | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Kovács, György and Hangos, Katalin Notes on ? and 1 1 robustness tests | | Article |
1998 | Kratochvíl, J. and Tuza, Zsolt and Voigt, M. Brooks-type theorems for choosability with separation | | Article |
1998 | Kratochvíl, J. and Tuza, Zsolt and Voigt, M. Complexity of choosing subsets from color sets | | Article |
1998 | Kránicz, B. and Gerzson, M. and Hangos, Katalin Invariant inheritance in structured operating procedures described by petri nets | | Article |
1998 | Leitold, A. and Hangos, Katalin On algebraic model transformations | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Michaletzky, György and Bokor, József and Várlaki, P. Representability of stochastic systems | | Book |
1998 | Milazzo, L. and Tuza, Zsolt Strict colourings for classes of steiner triple systems | | Article |
1998 | Penninger, A. and Kóczy, LT and Várlaki, P. and Nádai, László Stochastic and fuzzy decision models in energetics | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Rekeczky, Csaba and Roska, B. and Németh, Erzsébet and Wang, M. and Weblin, F. and Roska, Tamás The network behind dynamic spatio-temporal patterns - building low-complexity retinal models in CNN based on morphology, pharmacology and physiology.(Research report of the Analogical and Neural Computing Laboratory, DNS-7-1998.) | | Book |
1998 | Soumelidis, Alexandros and Gáspár, Péter and Bokor, József Educational application of inverted pendulum experiment: optimal and model-based control | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Szabó, Zoltán Identification of linear time-variant systems. (Technical report of the Systems and Control Laboratory, SCL-003-1998.) | | Book |
1998 | Szabó, Zoltán Lp norm convergence of rational operators on the unit circle | | Article |
1998 | Szabó, Zoltán and Bokor, József A new approach to the Hambo-transform. (Technical report of the Systems and Control Laboratory, SCL-002-1998.) | | Book |
1998 | Szederkényi, Gábor Simultaneous fault detection of heat exchangers. (Technical report of the Systems and Control Laboratory, SCL-5-1998.) | | Book |
1998 | Szederkényi, Gábor and Weyer, E. and Hangos, Katalin Simultaneousfault detection of heat exchangers | | Conference or Workshop Item |
1998 | Szűcs, A. and Gerzson, G. and Hangos, Katalin An intelligent diagnostic system based on Petri nets | | Article |
1998 | Táncos, A. and Kovács, György and Bokor, József Az inverzinga LQ-szabályozása. (Technical report of the Systems and Control Laboratory, SCL-006-1998.) | | Book |
1998 | Várlaki, P. and Papp, ZS and Nádai, László and szeidl, L. Probabilistic models for measures of dependence in quantumoptical measurements | | Conference or Workshop Item |