Date | Author/Title | | Document Type |
2019 | Viharos, Zsolt János and Ciani, L 16th IMEKO TC10 Conference Testing, Diagnostics and Inspection as a comprehensive value chain for Quality and Safety | | Book |
2019 | Nagy, Balázs and Benedek, Csaba 3D CNN Based Semantic Labeling Approach for Mobile Laser Scanning Data | | Article |
2019 | Nagy, Balázs and Benedek, Csaba 3D CNN alapú MLS pontfelhőszegmentáció | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2019 | Mihály, András and Kisari, Ádám and Gáspár, Péter and Németh, Balázs Adaptive Semi-Active Suspension Design Considering Cloud-based Road Information | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2019 | Mihály, András and Kisari, Ádám and Gáspár, Péter and Németh, Balázs Adaptive Semi-Active Suspension Design Considering Cloud-based Road Information |  | Article |
2019 | Frye, M. and Gyulai, Dávid and Bergmann, Júlia and Schmitt, R.H. Adaptive scheduling through machine learning-based process parameter prediction | | Article |
2019 | Bajusz, László and Kátai-Urbán, G and Pintér, I and Megyesi, Zoltán Adott nézőpontból helyes 3D tartalom vetítése tetszőleges felületre | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2019 | Pusztai, Zoltán and Hajder, Levente Affin transzformációt becslő eljárások kvantitatív kiértékelése |  | Conference or Workshop Item |
2019 | Pusztai, Zoltán and Hajder, Levente Affin transzformációt becslő eljárások kvantitatív kiértékelése drónfelvételek által | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2019 | Takács, Petra and Manno-Kovács, Andrea Agytumor Szegmentálás MRI Képeken, Szaliencia alapú algoritmussal és Neurális Hálózatokkal | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2019 | Meddaikar, Yasser M. and Dillinger, Johannes and Klimmek, Thomas and Krueger, Wolf and Wuestenhagen, Matthias and Takarics, Béla and Vanek, Bálint Aircraft Aeroservoelastic Modelling of the FLEXOP Unmanned Flying Demonstrator | | Book Section |
2019 | Duong, H T and Demetrovics, János and Thi, V D and Thang, N T and Anh, T T An Algorithm for Mining High Utility Sequential Patterns with Time Interval | | Article |
2019 | Ivanyos, Gábor and Qiao, Y Algorithms Based on *-Algebras, and Their Applications to Isomorphism of Polynomials with One Secret, Group Isomorphism, and Polynomial Identity Testing |  | Article |
2019 | Cohen-Addad, V and de, Verdière É C and Marx, Dániel and de, Mesmay A Almost tight lower bounds for hard cutting problems in embedded graphs | | Book Section |
2019 | Szegedi, Z and Papp, I and Nick, Gábor András The Appearance of Digitalization in the Strategies of SMEs in Central-Eastern Europe |  | Conference or Workshop Item |
2019 | Györgyi, Péter and Kis, Tamás Approximation algorithms for single machine schedulingwith non-renewable resources and the total weightedcompletion time | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2019 | Czipczer, Vanda and Manno-Kovács, Andrea Automatic liver segmentation on CT images combining region-based techniques and convolutional features |  | Book Section |
2019 | Nagy, Enikő and Hajnal, Ákos and Pintye, István and Kacsuk, Péter Automatic, cloud-independent, scalable Spark cluster deployment in cloud | | Article |
2019 | Manno-Kovács, Andrea and Kovács, Levente Attila Automatikus célpont klasszikáció passzív ISAR képeken | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2019 | Csató, László Axiomatizations of inconsistency indices for triads | | Article |
2019 | Vámos, Tibor Az innováció nem harci jelszó, hanem folyamat |  | Article |
2019 | Kovács, Ádám and Ács, Evelin Kitti and Ács, Judit and Kornai, András and Recski, Gábor András BME-UW at SR'19: Surface realization with Interpreted Regular Tree Grammars | | Book Section |
2019 | Ossmann, D and Luspay, Tamás and Vanek, Bálint Baseline Flight Control System Design for an Unmanned Flutter Demonstrator |  | Book Section |
2019-12-07 | Molnár, Marcell Beltéri pozícionáló rendszer fejlesztése UWB alapokon | | Thesis |
2019 | Kovács, András Bilevel Programming Approach to Demand Response Management with Day-ahead Tariff | | Article |
2019 | Fazekas, Zoltán and Balázs, Gábor and Gáspár, Péter Building upon Modularity in Artificial Neural Networks | | Article |
2019 | Ibrahim, Yahya and Nagy, Balázs and Benedek, Csaba CNN-Based Watershed Marker Extraction for Brick Segmentation in Masonry Walls | | Article |
2019 | Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin Chemical Reaction Networks as General Representations of Positive Polynomial Systems |  | Book Section |
2019 | Mezgár, István and Pedone, Gianfranco Cloud-Based Manufacturing (CBM) Interoperability in Industry 4.0 |  | Book Section |
2019 | Héder, Mihály and Tenczer, Szabolcs and Biancini, A Collaboration between SAML federations and OpenStack clouds | | Article |
2019 | Bauer, Péter and Hiba, Antal and Zarándy, Ákos Comparison of Mono Camera-based Static Obstacle Position Estimation Methods for Automotive Application |  | Book Section |
2019 | Venkataraman, R and Bauer, Péter and Seiler, P and Vanek, Bálint Comparison of fault detection and isolation methods for a small unmanned aircraft |  | Article |
2019 | Németh, Bertalan and Molnár, Anett and Bozóki, Sándor and Wijaya, Kalman and Inotai, András and Kaló, Zoltán Comparison of weighting methods used in multicriteria decision analysis frameworks in healthcare with focus on low- and middle-income countries | | Article |
2019 | Villaverde, A F and Cosentino, C and Gábor, A and Szederkényi, Gábor Computational Methods for Identification and Modelling of Complex Biological Systems |  | Article |
2019 | Polcz, Péter and Péni, Tamás and Szederkényi, Gábor Computational method for estimating the domain of attraction of discrete-time uncertain rational systems |  | Article |
2019 | Manno-Kovács, Andrea and Benedek, Csaba and Kovács, Levente Attila Content-Based Analysis of Medical Image Data for Augmented Reality Based Health Applications | | Article |
2019 | Héder, Mihály A Contractarian Ethical Framework for Developing Autonomous Vehicles | | Article |
2019 | Németh, Balázs and Bede, Zsuzsanna and Gáspár, Péter Control strategy for the optimization of mixed traffic flow with autonomous vehicles |  | Article |
2019 | Németh, Balázs and Fényes, Dániel and Gáspár, Péter and Bokor, József Coordination of Independent Steering and Torque Vectoring in a Variable-Geometry Suspension System |  | Article |
2019 | Németh, Balázs and Gáspár, Péter Coordination of automated and human-driven vehicles in intersection scenarios |  | Book Section |
2019 | Csató, László Csalásbiztosságot sértő sportszabályok | | Article |
2019 | Gödri, I and Kardos, Csaba and Pfeiffer, András and Váncza, József Data analytics-based decision support workflow for high-mix low-volume production systems |  | Article |
2019 | Anholcer, M and Fülöp, János Deriving priorities from inconsistent PCM using network algorithms |  | Article |
2019 | Szilassy, P and Németh, Balázs and Gáspár, Péter Design and robustness analysis of autonomous vehicles in intersections |  | Article |
2019 | Vu, V T and Sename, O and Dugard, L and Gáspár, Péter The Design of an H∞/LPV Active Braking Control to Improve Vehicle Roll Stability | | Article |
2019 | Fekula, Márk Zoltán and Horváth, Gergely Determining stable equilibria of spatial objects and validating the results with drop simulation | | Article |
2019 | Horváth, Zsolt and Edelmayer, András Determining the dwell time constraint for switched H-infinity filters | | Article |
2019 | Manno-Kovács, Andrea Direction Selective Contour Detection for Salient Objects | | Article |
2019 | Bacsó, Gábor and Bujtás, Cs and Tompkins, C and Tuza, Zs Disjoint Paired-Dominating sets in Cubic Graphs | | Article |
2019 | Lipták, György and Hangos, Katalin Distributed delay model of the McKeithan’s network | | Article |
2019 | Csáji, Balázs Csanád and Kis, Krisztián Balázs Distribution-Free Uncertainty Quantification for Kernel Methods by Gradient Perturbations | | Article |
2019 | Bozóki, Sándor and Gál, P and Marosi, I and Weakley, WD Domination of the rectangular queen's graph | | Article |
2019 | Zahorán, László and Kovács, András Efficient collision detection for path planning for industrial robots | | Book Section |
2019 | Taylor, SJE and Anagnostou, A and Kiss, T and Terstyanszky, G and Kacsuk, Péter Enabling Cloud-Based Computational Fluid Dynamics With a Platform-as-a-Service Solution |  | Article |
2019 | Fényes, Dániel and Németh, Balázs and Gáspár, Péter Enhancement of autonomous vehicle control via the contributions of big data analysis |  | Book Section |
2019 | Faraj, G and Micsik, András Enriching Wikidata with Cultural Heritage Data from the COURAGE Project |  | Book Section |
2019 | Perczel, György Miklós and Erőss, Loránd and Fabó, Dániel and Gerencsér, László and Hajnal, B and Gerencsérné Vágó, Zsuzsanna and Wittner, Lucia Epilepsziás agyi hálózatok egysejt-aktivitásának jellemzése Hawkes-folyamatok segítségével | | Article |
2019 | Haidegger, Géza and Paniti, Imre Episodes of Robotics and Manufacturing Automation Achievements from the Past Decades and Vision for the Next Decade | | Article |
2019 | Liska, J and Kovács, Zs F and Morovic, L and Buransky, I and Kuruc, M and Viharos, Zsolt János Evaluation of material structure changing after ultrasonic milling of aluminum foam by Computed Tomography (CT) | | Book Section |
2019 | Kemény, Zsolt and Beregi, Richárd József and Nacsa, János and Kardos, Csaba and Horváth, Dániel Example of a problem-to-course life cycle in layout and process planning at the MTA SZTAKI learning factories | | Article |
2019 | Paniti, Imre and Viharos, Zsolt János and Harangozó, D Experimental Investigation of Single Point Incremental Forming of Aluminium Alloy Foils | | Book Section |
2019 | Ivanyos, Gábor and Kutas, Péter and Rónyai, Lajos Explicit equivalence of quadratic forms over Fq ( t ) | | Article |
2019 | Bayer, T and Mészáros, T and Rónyai, Lajos and Szabó, T Exploring projective norm graphs | | Article |
2019 | Luspay, Tamás and Ossmann, D and Wuestenhagen, M and Teubl, Dániel and Baár, Tamás and Vanek, Bálint Flight control design for a highly flexible flutter demonstrator | | Book Section |
2019 | Szirányi, Tamás and Kriston, András and Csilling, Tamás and Majdik, András and Tizedes, László Fusion Markov Random Field Image Segmentation for a Time Series of Remote Sensed Images | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2019 | Szirányi, Tamás and Kriston, András and Majdik, András and Tizedes, László Fusion Markov Random Field Image Segmentation for a Time Series of Remote Sensed Images |  | Book Section |
2019 | Bonnet, É and Brettell, N and Kwon, O-J and Marx, Dániel Generalized Feedback Vertex Set Problems on Bounded-Treewidth Graphs: Chordality is the Key to Single-Exponential Parameterized Algorithms |  | Article |
2019 | Lanza, G and Ferdows, K and Kara, S and Mourtzis, D and Schuh, G and Váncza, József Global production networks: Design and operation |  | Article |
2019 | Hegedűs, T and Németh, Balázs and Gáspár, Péter Graph-based Multi-Vehicle Overtaking Strategy for Autonomous Vehicles | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2019 | Hegedűs, Tamás and Németh, Balázs and Gáspár, Péter Graph-based Multi-Vehicle Overtaking Strategy for Autonomous Vehicles |  | Article |
2019 | Baráth, Dániel and Jiri, M Gráf-vágás RANSAC | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2019 | Eichhardt, Iván and Csetverikov, Dmitrij Gyors kameramozgás-becslés affin megfeleltetésekkel |  | Conference or Workshop Item |
2019 | Nacsa, János and Hajós, Mátyás and Komáromi, Gergely and Horváth, Gergely and Pataki, Balázs Gömbcsap szerelése ember-robot kollaborációban | | Book Section |
2019 | Vu, V T and Sename, O and Dugard, L and Gáspár, Péter H ∞ / LPV controller design for an active anti-roll bar system of heavy vehicles using parameter dependent weighting functions | | Article |
2019 | Baár, Tamás and Luspay, Tamás An H_/H∞ blending for mode decoupling |  | Book Section |
2019 | Rödönyi, Gábor Heterogeneous string stability of unidirectionally interconnected MIMO LTI systems |  | Article |
2019 | Fazekas, Zoltán and Balázs, G and Gáspár, Péter A Heuristic Approach to Road Environment-type Detection from Traffic Sign Data |  | Book Section |
2019 | Harsányi, Károly and Kiss, Ákos and Majdik, András and Szirányi, Tamás Hibrid CNN hálózat egyetlen kép alapú mélység becsléséhez: egy esettanulmány | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2019 | Csutak, B and Péni, Tamás and Szederkényi, Gábor Hierarchical Routing Algorithm for Industrial Mobile Robots by Signal Temporal Logic Specifications | | Book Section |
2019 | Szalkai, Balázs and Kerepesi, Csaba and Varga, Bálint and Grolmusz, Vince High-Resolution Directed Human Connectomes and the Consensus Connectome Dynamics | | Article |
2019 | Csató, László and Petróczy, Dóra Gréta Hogyan tehető igazságosabbá a labdarúgó-mérkőzéseket követő büntetőpárbaj? | | Article |
2019 | Baráth, Dániel and Kukelova, Z Homography from two orientation- and scale-covariant features | | Book Section |
2019 | Bányász, Csilla and Keviczky, László and Bars, Ruth How to Teach Control System Optimization (A Practical Decomposition Approach for the Optimization of TDOF Control Systems) |  | Article |
2019 | Bányász, Csilla and Keviczky, László and Bars, Ruth How to Teach Control System Optimization. (A Practical Decompisition Approach for the Optimization of TDOF Control Systems) | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2019 | Harsányi, Károly and Kiss, Attila and Majdik, András and Szirányi, Tamás A Hybrid CNN Approach for Single Image Depth Estimation: A Case Study |  | Book Section |
2019 | Fehér, Árpád and Aradi, Szilárd and Hegedüs, Ferenc and Bécsi, Tamás and Gáspár, Péter Hybrid DDPG Approach for Vehicle Motion Planning | | Book Section |
2019 | Bokor, József and Szabó, Zoltán Béla The H∞ Control Performance Group | | Article |
2019 | Bokor, József and Szabó, Zoltán The H∞ performance group |  | Book Section |
2019 | Manno-Kovács, Andrea and Giusti, Elisa and Berizzi, Fabrizio and Kovács, Levente Attila Image Based Robust Target Classification For Passive ISAR | | ISI Article |
2019 | Manno-Kovács, Andrea and Giusti, E and Berizzi, F and Kovács, Levente Attila Image Based Robust Target Classification for Passive ISAR | | Article |
2019 | Fényes, Dániel and Németh, Balázs and Gáspár, Péter Impact of big data on the design of MPC control for autonomous vehicles |  | Book Section |
2019 | Orzó, László and Kiss, Márton Zsolt and Zarándy, Ákos Improving speed and accuracy of phase retrieval applying two in-line hologram recordings | | Book Section |
2019 | Ryback, T. and Lukas, L. and Gaal, A. and Gallina, V. and Gyulai, Dávid Improving the planning quality in production planning and control with machine learning | | Book Section |
2019 | Nick, Gábor András and Gallina, V and Szaller, Ádám and Várgedő, T and Schumacher, A Industry 4.0 in Germany, Austria and Hungary: interpretation, strategies and readiness models | | Book Section |
2019 | Nick, Gábor András and Szaller, Ádám and Bergmann, Júlia and Várgedő, Tamás Industry 4.0 readiness in Hungary: model, and the first results in connection to data application | | Article |
2019 | Agrawal, Akanksha and Misra, Pranabendu and Saurabh, Saket and Zehavi, Meirav Interval Vertex Deletion Admits a Polynomial Kernel | | Book Section |
2019 | Marx, Dániel and Williams, V V and Young, N E Introduction to the Special Issue on SODA 2017 | | Article |
2019 | Vu, V T and Sename, O and Dugard, L and Gáspár, Péter An Investigation into the Oil Leakage Effect Inside the Electronic Servo-valve for an H∞/LPV Active Anti-roll Bar System |  | Article |
2019 | Haidegger, Géza and Paniti, Imre Issues in Manufacturing Automation & Robotics within the Past 4 Decades and Vision for the Next |  | Book Section |
2019 | Fazekas, Máté and Németh, Balázs and Gáspár, Péter Iterative parameter identication method of a vehicle odometry model | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2019 | Fazekas, Máté and Németh, Balázs and Gáspár, Péter Iterative parameter identification method of a vehicle odometry model | | Article |
2019 | Csató, László Journal ranking should depend on the level of aggregation |  | Article |
2019 | Vághy, M and Szlobodnyik, Gergely and Szederkényi, Gábor Kinetic realization of delayed polynomial dynamical models |  | Article |
2019-01 | Csutak, Balázs Komplex útvonaltervezési problémák
analı́zise és megoldása több ágensből álló
rendszerekre | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2019 | Páger, Balázs and Kovács, Szilárd and Nick, Gábor András Két régió – két eltérő út: a német feldolgozóipari kis- és középvállalatok fejlődése | | Article |
2019 | Németh, Balázs and Gáspár, Péter LPV Design for the Control of Heterogeneous Traffic Flow with Autonomous Vehicles | | Article |
2019 | Fényes, Dániel and Németh, Balázs and Gáspár, Péter Lateral control design for autonomous vehicles using a big data-based approach | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2019 | Gángó, D and Péni, Tamás and Tóth, R Learning Based Approximate Model Predictive Control for Nonlinear Systems |  | Conference or Workshop Item |
2019 | Gángó, D and Péni, Tamás and Tóth, R Learning Based Approximate Model Predictive Control for Nonlinear Systems | | Article |
2019 | Baráth, Dániel and Matas, J and Noskova, J MAGSAC: Marginalizing Sample Consensus | | Book Section |
2019 | Kovács, László and Micsik, András MTA SZTAKI DSD – 25 éve a digitális könyvtárak szolgálatában | | Book Section |
2019 | Rozenberszki, Dávid and Majdik, András The MTA SZTAKI micro aerial vehicle and motion capture arena | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2019 | Kovács, Zs F and Viharos, Zsolt János and Kodácsy, J and Sándor, R Magnetic Assisted Ball Burnishing of Magnetizable and Non-Magnetizable Materials | | Book Section |
2019 | Nyéki, Anikó Éva and Kerepesi, Csaba and Daróczy, Bálint Zoltán and Benczúr, András, ifj and Milics, Gábor and Kovács, Attila József and Neményi, Miklós Maize yield prediction based on artificial intelligence using spatio-temporal data | | Book Section |
2019 | Mihály, András and Gáspár, Péter and Basargan, H Maximizing autonomous in-wheel electric vehicle battery state of charge with optimal control allocation |  | Book Section |
2019 | Kovács, Ádám Tamás and Micsik, András Method for Evaluating a Building Information Model | | Article |
2019 | Kiss, T and Kacsuk, Péter and Kovács, József and Rakoczi, B and Hajnal, Ákos and Farkas, Attila MiCADO-Microservice-based Cloud Application-level Dynamic Orchestrator |  | Article |
2019 | Kerepesi, Csaba and Bakács, Tibor and Szabados, Tamás MiStImm: an agent-based simulation tool to study the self-nonself discrimination of the adaptive immune response | | Article |
2019 | Györgyi, Péter and Kis, Tamás Minimizing total weighted completion time on a single machine subject to non-renewable resource constraints | | Article |
2019 | Baráth, Dániel and Tóth, Tekla and Hajder, Levente Minimális eljárás fókusztávolság becslésére két affin megfeletetés segítségével | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2019 | Németh, Balázs and Hegedűs, T and Gáspár, Péter Model Predictive Control Design for Overtaking Maneuvers for Multi-Vehicle Scenarios |  | Book Section |
2019 | Fazekas, Máté and Németh, Balázs and Gáspár, Péter Model based vehicle localization via an iterative parameter estimation | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2019 | Pózna, Anna Ibolya and Fodor, Attila and Hangos, Katalin Model-based fault detection and isolation of non-technical losses in electrical networks |  | Article |
2019 | Perczel, Gy and Erőss, L and Fabó, D and Gerencsér, László and Gerencsérné Vágó, Zsuzsanna Modeling Neuronal Firing in Epilepsy: Fitting Hawkes Processes to Single-Unit Activity | | Book Section |
2019 | Lipták, György and Pituk, M and Hangos, Katalin Modelling and stability analysis of complex balanced kinetic systems with distributed time delays |  | Article |
2019 | Hegedüs, Ferenc and Bécsi, Tamás and Aradi, Szilárd and Gáspár, Péter Motion Planning for Highly Automated Road Vehicles with a Hybrid Approach Using Nonlinear Optimization and Artificial Neural Networks | | Article |
2019 | Komáromi, Gergely and Nacsa, János and Abai, Kristóf and Tipary, Bence Munkahenger szerelése kollaboratív robotos környezetben | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2019 | Czipczer, Vanda and Manno-Kovács, Andrea Májszegmentálás orvosi képadatok tartalom alapú elemzésével | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2019 | Varga, Domonkos István and Szirányi, Tamás No-reference video quality assessment via pretrained CNN and LSTM networks | | Article |
2019 | Béres, Ferenc and Kelen, Domokos Miklós and Pálovics, Róbert and Benczúr, András, ifj Node embeddings in dynamic graphs | | Article |
2019 | Nagy, Ádám and Csetverikov, Dmitrij and Zarándy, Ákos Novel Methods for Video-based Respiration Monitoring of Newborn Babies | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2019-11-14 | Kovács, László and Pallinger, Péter OMIKI Mesterséges intelligencia kutatás-fejlesztés támogató országos szuprastruktúra1 létesítése és adatkezelési funkciói | | Monograph |
2019 | Rózsa, Zoltán and Szirányi, Tamás Object detection from a few LIDAR scanning planes | | Article |
2019 | Manno-Kovács, Andrea and Kriston, András and Zlinkszky, A and Domokos, Gy and Szirányi, Tamás Observation of local Wetland areas from Satellite Imaging | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2019 | Márton, L and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin Observer-based Diagnosis in Chemical Reaction Networks | | Book Section |
2019 | Nagy, Balázs and Kovács, Levente Attila and Benedek, Csaba Online Targetless End-to-End Camera-LIDAR Self-calibration | | Book Section |
2019 | Frigó, Erzsébet and Kocsis, Levente Online ranking combination | | Book Section |
2019 | Benedek, A and Vámos, Tibor and Bars, Ruth and Sik, Dávid Open Content Development Applied in Learning Systems and Control |  | Book Section |
2019 | Baráth, Dániel and Eichhardt, Iván and Hajder, Levente Optimal Multi-View Surface Normal Estimation using Affine Correspondences | | Article |
2019 | Eichhardt, Iván and Baráth, Dániel Optimal Multi-view Correction of Local Affine Frames | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2019 | Zvara, Zoltán and Szabó, Péter and Balázs, Barnabás Lóránt and Benczúr, András, ifj Optimizing distributed data stream processing by tracing |  | Article |
2019 | Börcsök, E and Gerse, Á and Fülöp, János Optimizing the use of renewable energy sources in the energy mix of Hungary |  | Book Section |
2019 | Kovács, András Parameter Elicitation for Consumer Models in Demand Response Management |  | Book Section |
2019 | Caré, A and Csáji, Balázs Csanád and Gerencsér, Balázs and Gerencsér, László and Rásonyi, Miklós Parameter-Dependent Poisson Equations:Tools for Stochastic Approximation in a Markovian Framework |  | Book Section |
2019 | Göke, A and Marx, Dániel and Mnich, M Parameterized Algorithms for Generalizations of Directed Feedback Vertex Set | | Article |
2019 | Polcz, Péter and Kulcsar, Balazs and Péni, Tamás and Szederkényi, Gábor Passivity analysis of rational LPV systems using Finsler’s lemma |  | Book Section |
2019 | Vu, V T and Gáspár, Péter Performance and robustness assessment of H∞ active anti-roll bar control system by using a software environment | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2019 | Vu, V T and Gáspár, Péter Performance and robustness assessment of H∞ active anti-roll bar control system by using a software environment |  | Article |
2019 | Nattaf, M and Horváth, Markó and Kis, Tamás and Artigues, C and Lopez, P Polyhedral results and valid inequalities for the continuous energy-constrained scheduling problem |  | Article |
2019 | Bauer, Péter Position, Size and Orientation Estimation of Ground Obstacles in Sense and Avoid | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2019 | Bauer, Péter Position, Size and Orientation Estimation of Ground Obstacles in Sense and Avoid |  | Article |
2019 | Móricz, L and Viharos, Zsolt János and Németh, A and Szépligeti, A Product quality and cutting tool analysis for micro-milling of ceramics | | Book Section |
2019 | Baráth, Dániel and Matas, J Progressive-X: Efficient, Anytime, Multi-Model Fitting Algorithm | | Book Section |
2019 | Kiss, Márton Zsolt Proper autofocus for better particle measurements | | Book Section |
2019 | Fazekas, Zoltán and Lócsi, Levente and Soumelidis, Alexandros and Schipp, Ferenc and Németh, Zs Rational Zernike Functions Capture the Rotations of the Eye-Ball |  | Book Section |
2019 | Szlobodnyik, G and Szederkényi, Gábor Reachability Analysis of Low-Order Discrete State Reaction Networks Obeying Conservation Laws |  | Article |
2019 | Szlobodnyik, G and Szederkényi, Gábor and Johnston, M D Reachability Analysis of Subconservative Discrete Chemical Reaction Networks | | Article |
2019 | Sullivan, E and Bountouridis, D and Harambam, J and Najafian, S and Loecherbach, F and Kelen, Domokos Miklós Reading News with a Purpose: Explaining User Profiles for Self-Actualization |  | Book Section |
2019 | Bauer, Péter and Hiba, Antal and Zsedrovits, Tamás Real Flight Application of a Monocular Image-Based Aircraft Collision Decision Method |  | Article |
2019 | Nagy, Balázs and Benedek, Csaba Real-time point cloud alignment for vehicle localization in a high resolution 3D map |  | Article |
2019 | Szabó, Zoltán and Bokor, József Remarks on the geometry of the feedback loop | | Book Section |
2019 | Terbe, Dániel and Zarándy, Ákos Remote camera based heart rate estimation | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2019 | Fényes, Dániel and Németh, Balázs and Gáspár, Péter and Szabó, Zoltán Road surface estimation based LPV control design for autonomous vehicles |  | Conference or Workshop Item |
2019 | Fényes, Dániel and Németh, Balázs and Gáspár, Péter and Szabó, Zoltán Béla Road surface estimation based LPV control design for autonomous vehicles | | Article |
2019 | Abai, Kristóf and Nacsa, János and Kemény, Zsolt Robotkarral bővített autonóm jármű logisztikai feladatokra | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2019 | Paniti, Imre and Nacsa, János and Abai, Kristóf Robotos szerelési kísérletek háromujjas megfogóval | | Book Section |
2019 | Németh, Balázs Robust LPV design with neural network for the steering control of autonomous vehicles |  | Book Section |
2019 | Szilassy, P and Németh, Balázs and Gáspár, Péter and Szauter, F and Pup, D Robustness analysis and reconfiguration strategy of autonomous vehicles in intersections |  | Book Section |
2019 | Amiri, S A and Kreutzer, S and Marx, Dániel and Rabinovich, R Routing with congestion in acyclic digraphs |  | Article |
2019 | Gróf, Tamás and Bauer, Péter and Hiba, Antal and Gáti, Attila and Zarándy, Ákos and Vanek, Bálint Runway Relative Positioning of Aircraft with IMU-Camera Data Fusion | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2019 | Gróf, Tamás and Bauer, Péter and Hiba, Antal and Gáti, Attila and Zarándy, Ákos and Vanek, Bálint Runway Relative Positioning of Aircraft with IMU-Camera Data Fusion |  | Article |
2019 | Nagy, Balázs and Kovács, Levente Attila and Benedek, Csaba SFM And Semantic Information Based Online Targetless Camera-LIDAR Self-Calibration |  | Book Section |
2019 | Csáji, Balázs Csanád and Tamás, Ambrus Semi-Parametric Uncertainty Bounds for Binary Classification |  | Book Section |
2019 | Törő, Olivér and Bécsi, Tamás and Aradi, Szilárd and Gáspár, Péter Sensitivity and Performance Evaluation of Multiple-Model State Estimation Algorithms for Autonomous Vehicle Functions |  | Article |
2019 | Béres, Ferenc and Kelen, Domokos Miklós and Benczúr, András, ifj Sequential skip prediction using deep learning and ensembles | | Book Section |
2019 | Kelen, Domokos Miklós and Daróczy, Bálint Zoltán and Ayala-Gómez, F and Ország, Anna and Benczúr, András, ifj Session Recommendation via Recurrent Neural Networks over Fisher Embedding Vectors | | Article |
2019 | Egri, Péter and Váncza, József and Szaller, Ádám and Mesterné Monostori, Judit Simulation Framework for Evaluating Production Networks | | Book Section |
2019 | Farkas, Márton and Vanek, Bálint and Rozsa, Sz Small UAV’s position and attitude estimation using tightly coupled multi baseline multi constellation GNSS and inertial sensor fusion |  | Book Section |
2019 | Ilie Zudor, Angyalka and Preuveneers, D and Ekárt, A and Hohwieler, E Smart Cyber-Physical System applications in production and logistics: special issue editorial | | Article |
2019 | Czifra, Sz and Pálinkás, A and Márkus, Zsolt László and Szkaliczki, Tibor and Veres, Miklós and Weisz, Zsolt Smart Solutions for Guided Cultural Routes along the Iron Age Archaeological Sites of the Danube Basin | | Article |
2019 | Kovács, György Some Remarks on Digital Production and on Product Life-Cycle Management |  | Book Section |
2019 | Csató, László Some impossibilities of ranking in generalized tournaments | | Article |
2019 | Kutas, Péter Splitting quaternion algebras over quadratic number fields |  | Article |
2019 | Lipták, György and Hangos, Katalin and Szederkényi, Gábor Stabilization of time delayed nonnegative polynomial systems through kinetic realization | | Book Section |
2019 | Szabo, A and Becsi, T and Gáspár, Péter and Aradi, Sz State estimation of an electro-pneumatic gearbox actuator | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2019 | Szabó, Ádám and Bécsi, Tamás and Gáspár, Péter and Aradi, Szilárd State estimation of an electro-pneumatic gearbox actuator |  | Article |
2019 | Rózsa, Zoltán and Szirányi, Tamás Street object classification via LIDARs with only a single or a few layers |  | Book Section |
2019 | Pusch, M and Ossmann, D and Luspay, Tamás Structured Control Design for a Highly Flexible Flutter Demonstrator | | Article |
2019 | Patartics, Bálint and Seiler, P and Vanek, Bálint Structured Robust Synthesis with Parameter-Dependent D-Scales |  | Book Section |
2019 | Fényes, Dániel and Németh, Balázs and Gáspár, Péter and Pup, D and Szauter, F Study on a road surface estimation method based on big data analysis |  | Book Section |
2019 | Bacsó, Gábor and Lokshtanov, D and Marx, Dániel and Pilipczuk, M and Tuza, Zsolt Subexponential-Time Algorithms for Maximum Independent Set in Pt-Free and Broom-Free Graphs | | Article |
2019 | Kovács, József Supporting Programmable Autoscaling Rules for Containers and Virtual Machines on Clouds | | Article |
2019 | Horváth, Zsolt and Edelmayer, András Switched Hinf Detection Filter Design for Nonlinear Systems | | Article |
2019 | Wang, L and Gao, R and Váncza, József and Krüger, J and Wang, X V Symbiotic human-robot collaborative assembly |  | Article |
2019 | Pózna, Anna Ibolya and Hangos, Katalin and Magyar, Attila Temperature Dependent Parameter Estimation of Electrical Vehicle Batteries | | Article |
2019 | Takarics, Béla and Vanek, Bálint Tensor Product Model-based Robust Flutter Control Design for the FLEXOP Aircraft | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2019 | Takarics, Béla and Vanek, Bálint Tensor product model-based robust flutter control design for the FLEXOP aircraft | | Article |
2019 | Bauer, Péter and Hiba, Antal and Bokor, József and Zarándy, Ákos Three dimensional intruder closest point of approach estimation based-on monocular image parameters in aircraft sense and avoid |  | Article |
2019 | Gyulai, Dávid and Bergmann, Júlia and Gallina, V and Gaal, A Towards a connected factory: Shop-floor data analytics in cyber-physical environments | | Article |
2019 | Csató, László UEFA Champions League entry has not satisfied strategyproofness in three seasons |  | Article |
2019 | Rózsa, Zoltán and Szirányi, Tamás Utcai objektumok osztályozása LIDAR adatokon csak egyetlen vagy néhány síkból | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2019-09-06 | Micsik, András and Felker, Tamás VIVO/Vitro as a platform for joint curation of a cultural heritage encyclopedia | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2019-01-29 | H. Zováthi, Örkény and Nagy, Balázs and Benedek, Csaba Valós idejű pontfelhőillesztés és járműlokalizáció nagy felbontású 3D térképen | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2019 | Zováthi, Ö and Nagy, Balázs and Benedek, Csaba Valós idejű pontfelhőillesztés és járműlokalizáció nagy felbontású 3D térképen | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2019 | Watanabe, Y and Manecy, A and Hiba, Antal and Nagai, S and Aoki, S Vision-integrated navigation system for aircraft final approach in case of GNSS/SBAS or ILS failures | | Book Section |
2019 | Fazekas, Zoltán and Balázs, G and Boulmakoul, A and Gáspár, Péter Visualization of Traffic Sign Related Rules Used in Road Environment-type Detection | | Book Section |
2019 | Lovas, Róbert and Kardos, Péter and Gyöngyösi, András Zénó and Bottyán, Zsolt Weather model fine-tuning with software container-based simulation platform | | Article |
2019 | Szegedi, Zoltán and Papp, Ilona and Nick, Gábor András The appearance of digitalization in the strategies of SMES in Central-Eastern Europe | | Article |
2019 | Hiba, Antal and Aleksziev, Rita Antónia and Pázmán, Koppány and Bauer, Péter and Benczúr, András, ifj and Zarándy, Ákos and Daróczy, Bálint Zoltán The applicability of on-line contextual calibration to a neural network based monocular collision avoidance system on a UAV | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2019 | Hiba, Antal and Aleksziev, Rita Antónia and Pázmán, Koppány and Bauer, Péter and Benczúr, András, ifj and Zarándy, Ákos and Daróczy, Bálint Zoltán The applicability of on-line contextual calibration to a neural network based monocular collision avoidance system on a UAV |  | Article |
2019 | Haidegger, Géza A biotechnológia előretörése az európai gyártástechnológia jövőképében | | Book Section |
2019 | Urgo, M and Váncza, József A branch-and-bound approach for the single machine maximum lateness stochastic scheduling problem to minimize the value-at-risk |  | Article |
2019 | Csató, László A characterization of the Logarithmic Least Squares Method |  | Article |
2019 | Kiss, T and DesLauriers, J and Gesmier, G and Terstyanszky, G and Pierantoni, G and Kovács, József A cloud-agnostic queuing system to support the implementation of deadline-based application execution policies |  | Article |
2019 | Vu, V T and Sename, O and Dugard, L and Gáspár, Péter The design of an H∞/LPV active braking control to improve vehicle roll stability | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2019 | Lévai, Dániel and Kornai, András The impact of inflection on word vectors | | Book Section |
2019 | Bozóki, Sándor and Tsyganok, V The (logarithmic) least squares optimality of the arithmetic (geometric) mean of weight vectors calculated from all spanning trees for incomplete additive (multiplicative) pairwise comparison matrices |  | Article |
2019 | Csató, László A logaritmikus legkisebb négyzetek módszerének karakterizációi | | Article |
2019 | Vanek, Bálint A new approach to flutter in flight | | Article |
2019 | Beregi, Richárd József and Pedone, Gianfranco and Mezgár, István A novel fluid architecture for cyber-physical production systems | | Article |
2019 | Török, Ágoston and Kóbor, Andrea and Honbolygó, Ferenc and Baker, Travis A novel virtual plus-maze for studying electrophysiological correlates of spatial reorientation |  | Article |
2019 | Carvajal, Soto J A. and Tavakolizadeh, F and Gyulai, Dávid An online machine learning framework for early detection of product failures in an Industry 4.0 context | | Article |
2019-05 | Csutak, Balázs and Péni, Tamás and Szederkényi, Gábor An optimization based algorithm for conflict-free navigation of autonomous guided vehicles | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2019 | Csutak, B and Péni, Tamás and Szederkényi, Gábor An optimization based algorithm for conflict-free navigation of autonomous guided vehicles | | Book Section |
2019 | Fényes, Dániel and Németh, Balázs and Gáspár, Péter A predictive control for autonomous vehicles using big data analysis | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2019 | Fényes, Dániel and Németh, Balázs and Gáspár, Péter A predictive control for autonomous vehicles using big data analysis |  | Article |
2019 | Györgyi, Péter and Kis, Tamás A probabilistic approach to pickup and delivery problems with time window uncertainty |  | Article |
2019 | Nick, Gábor András and Várgedő, Tamás and Nagy, Csongor and Szaller, Ádám The territorial contexts of Industry 4.0 in Hungary, the present and future challenges and expectations of the digital ecosystem | | Article |