Items where Author is "Szirányi, Tamás"
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Number of items: 299.
ISI Article
Book Section
Date | Author/Title | Document Type | |
2013-01-31 | Benedek, Csaba and Jankó, Zsolt and Molnár, Dömötör László and Horváth, Csaba and Csetverikov, Dmitrij and Szirányi, Tamás 4D Scene Reconstruction in Multi-Target Scenarios | Monograph | |
2007 | Benedek, Csaba and Szirányi, Tamás and Kató, Zoltán and Zerubia, Josiane A three-layer MRF model for object motion detection in airborne images | Monograph | |
1992 | Szirányi, Tamás Subpixel pattern recognition by image histograms (Reseach report of the Dual and Neural Computing Systems Laboratory DNS-5-1992.) | Monograph |
Conference or Workshop Item
Date | Author/Title | Document Type | |
2023 | Liu, Chang and Szirányi, Tamás Active Wildfires Detection and Dynamic Escape Routes Planning for Humans through Information Fusion between Drones and Satellites | ![]() | Conference or Workshop Item |
2023 | Rózsa, Zoltán and Szirányi, Tamás LIDAR mérések időbeli felskálázása mono kamera alapján | ![]() | Conference or Workshop Item |
2023 | Bugár-Mészáros, Barnabás and Majdik, András and Rózsa, Zoltán and Szirányi, Tamás Radiation Plan Optimization for UV-C Disinfection Robots | ![]() | Conference or Workshop Item |
2023 | Golarits, Marcell and Tizedes, László and Majdik, András and Szirányi, Tamás Towards modelling an atmospheric pseudo-satellite imaging system | ![]() | Conference or Workshop Item |
2019 | Szirányi, Tamás and Kriston, András and Csilling, Tamás and Majdik, András and Tizedes, László Fusion Markov Random Field Image Segmentation for a Time Series of Remote Sensed Images | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2019 | Harsányi, Károly and Kiss, Ákos and Majdik, András and Szirányi, Tamás Hibrid CNN hálózat egyetlen kép alapú mélység becsléséhez: egy esettanulmány | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2019 | Manno-Kovács, Andrea and Kriston, András and Zlinkszky, A and Domokos, Gy and Szirányi, Tamás Observation of local Wetland areas from Satellite Imaging | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2019 | Rózsa, Zoltán and Szirányi, Tamás Utcai objektumok osztályozása LIDAR adatokon csak egyetlen vagy néhány síkból | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2018 | Rózsa, Zoltán and Szirányi, Tamás Street object classification via LIDARs with only a single or a few layers | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2017 | Rózsa, Zoltán and Szirányi, Tamás Alakfelismerés az utakon részleges pontfelhőkből | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2017 | Varga, Domonkos István and Szirányi, Tamás Convolutional Neural Networks for automatic image colorization | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2017 | Harsányi, Károly and Kiss, Attila and Majdik, András and Szirányi, Tamás Robusztus kezdeti pozíció-gráf előállítása hatékony szimultán helymeghatározási és térképezési rendszerekhez | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2015 | Varga, Domonkos István and Havasi, László and Szirányi, Tamás Human detection in real scenes | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2015 | Csordás, R and Havasi, László and Szirányi, Tamás Kerítés fölött átdobott objektumok érzékelése kültéren | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2015 | Benedek, Csaba and Shadaydeh, Maha and Kato, Zoltán and Szirányi, Tamás and Zerubia, Josiane Multilayer Markov Random Field Models for Change Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Images | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2015 | Kiss, Attila and Szirányi, Tamás Szenzorhálóuatok 3D összefűzése | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2015 | Manno-Kovács, Andrea and Szirányi, Tamás Több irányú, alaksablonok nélküli épület detekció légiképeken | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2015 | Shadaydeh, Maha and Szirányi, Tamás A lokális hasonlósági mérték továbbfejlesztése távérzékelt képek változásainak becsléséhez | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2015 | Varga, Domonkos István and Szirányi, Tamás and Kiss, Attila and Spórás, László and Havasi, László A multi-view pedestrian tracking method in an uncalibrated camera network | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2014-02 | Benedek, Csaba and Jankó, Zsolt and Börcs, Attila and Eichhardt, Iván and Csetverikov, Dmitrij and Szirányi, Tamás Viewpoint-free Video Synthesis with an Integrated 4D System | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2013-12-02 | Benedek, Csaba and Jankó, Zsolt and Józsa, Oszkár and Eichhardt, Iván and Börcs, Attila and Csetverikov, Dmitrij and Szirányi, Tamás Mixed Reality using a Lidar and a 4D Studio | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2013 | Havasi, László and Mátételki, Péter and Gergő, Márton and Micsik, András and Szirányi, Tamás and Kovács, László CrossMedia: supporting collaborative research of media retrieval | ![]() | Conference or Workshop Item |
2013 | Kiss, Ákos and Szirányi, Tamás Evaluation of Manually Created Ground Truth for M ulti-view People Localization | ![]() | Conference or Workshop Item |
2013 | Kiss, Ákos and Szirányi, Tamás Háromdimenziós primitívek alkalmazása helymeghatározásra több nézetből tetszőleges talajon | ![]() | Conference or Workshop Item |
2013 | Szirányi, Tamás and Shadaydeh, Maha Improved segmentation of a series of remote sensing images by using a fusion MRF model | ![]() | Conference or Workshop Item |
2013 | Benedek, Csaba and Jankó, Zsolt and Horváth, Csaba and Molnár, Dömötör László and Csetverikov, Dmitrij and Szirányi, Tamás An Integrated 4D Vision and Visualisation System | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2013 | Horváth, Cs and Molnár, Dömötör László and Benedek, Csaba and Szirányi, Tamás MRF alapú előtérdetekció és objektumkövetés Lidar pontfelhő szekvenciákon | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2013 | Kiss, Ákos and Szirányi, Tamás Multi-view People Detection on Arbitrary Ground in Real-Time | ![]() | Conference or Workshop Item |
2013 | Manno-Kovács, Andrea and Szirányi, Tamás Multidirectional Building Detection in Aerial Images Without Shape Templates | ![]() | Conference or Workshop Item |
2013 | Szalai, Sz and Szirányi, Tamás and Vidnyánszky, Z Szembetűnő képi jellemzők követése emberi szemmozgás statisztika segítségével | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2013 | Manno-Kovács, Andrea and Szirányi, Tamás Új típusú, Harris függvény alapú tulajdonságtérkép és ponthalmaz objektumok körvonalának megkeresésére | ![]() | Conference or Workshop Item |
2013 | Keszler, Anita and Kovács, Levente Attila and Szirányi, Tamás Óriáskomponensek megjelenése képi leírók gráfjaiban, és alkalmazásuk leírók kiválasztásában | ![]() | Conference or Workshop Item |
2012-11-11 | Benedek, Csaba and Molnár Dömötör, Dömötör László and Szirányi, Tamás A Dynamic MRF Model for Foreground Detection on Range Data Sequences of Rotating Multi-Beam Lidar | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2012 | Keszler, Anita and Kovács, Levente Attila and Szirányi, Tamás The Appearance of the Giant Component in Descriptor Graphs and Its Application for Descriptor Selection | ![]() | Conference or Workshop Item |
2012 | Manno-Kovács, Andrea and Szirányi, Tamás and Barsi, P Automatic detection of structural changes in single channel long time-span brain MRI images using saliency map and active contour methods | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2012 | Hummel, Georg and Kovács, Levente Attila and Stuetz, Peter and Szirányi, Tamás Data Simulation and Testing of Visual Algorithms in Synthetic Environments for Security Sensor Networks | ![]() | Conference or Workshop Item |
2012 | Kiss, Ákos and Szirányi, Tamás Emberek észlelése több nézetből tetszőleges felszínen | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2012 | Szirányi, Tamás and Szolgay, Dániel Geometrical and Textural Component Separation with Adaptive Scale Selection | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2012 | Keszler, Anita and Kovács, Levente Attila and Szirányi, Tamás Graph based descriptor evaluation towards automatic feature selection | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2012 | Hummel, G and Russ, M and Stütz, P and Soldatos, J and Rossi, L and Knape, T and Utasi, Ákos and Kovács, Levente Attila and Szirányi, Tamás and Doulaverakis, C and Kompatsiaris, I Intelligent Multi Sensor Fusion System for Advanced Situation Awareness in Urban Environments | ![]() | Conference or Workshop Item |
2012 | Gergó, Márton and Havasi, László and Mátételki, Péter and Micsik, András and Kovács, László and Szirányi, Tamás Képi és szemantikus keresőalgoritmusok kutatását támogató közösségi platform | ![]() | Conference or Workshop Item |
2012 | Manno-Kovács, Andrea and Szirányi, Tamás Orientation Based Building Outline Extraction in Aerial Images | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2012 | Szalai, Szilárd and Szirányi, Tamás and Vidnyánszky, Zoltán Tracking the saliency features in images based on human observation statistics | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2011 | Manno-Kovács, Andrea and Szirányi, Tamás Detecting boundaries of structural differences in long time-span image samples for remote sensing images and medical applications | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2011 | Szalai, Szilárd and Vidnyánszky, Zoltán and Szirányi, Tamás Estimation for the eye movement using the spanning tree of transition probability-based graphs | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2011 | Keszler, Anita and Szirányi, Tamás and Tuza, Zsolt Graph based solution for segmentation tasks in case of out-of-focus, noisy and corrupted images | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2011 | Manno-Kovács, Andrea and Szirányi, Tamás Improved force field for vector field convolution method | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2011 | Keszler, Anita and Szirányi, Tamás Kis mélységélességű képek fókuszált területeinek kiválasztása gráf alapú eljárással | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2011 | Baltier, D and Vezzani, R and Cucchiara, R and Utasi, Ákos and Benedek, Csaba and Szirányi, Tamás Multi-view people surveillance using 3D information | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2011 | Szolgay, D and Szirányi, Tamás Optimális megállási feltétel interatív képi dekonvolúciós eljárásokhoz | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2011 | Szolgay, Dániel and Szirányi, Tamás Orthogonality based stopping condition for iterative image deconvolution methods | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2011 | Kiss, Ákos and Szirányi, Tamás Reconstructing static scene viewed through smoke using video | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2011 | Manno-Kovács, Andrea and Utasi, Ákos and Kovács, Levente Attila and Szirányi, Tamás Shape and texture fused recognition of flying targets | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2011 | Manno-Kovács, Andrea and Benedek, Csaba and Szirányi, Tamás A joint approach of building localization and outline extraction | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2010-09 | Gaetano, Raffaele and Scarpa, Giuseppe and Szirányi, Tamás Graph-based analysis of textured images for hierarchical segmentation | ![]() | Conference or Workshop Item |
2010 | Kovács, Andrea and Szirányi, Tamás Local contour descriptors around scale-invariant keypoints | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2010 | Máttyus, Gellért and Benedek, Csaba and Szirányi, Tamás Multi target tracking on aerial videos | ![]() | Conference or Workshop Item |
2010 | Kovács, Andrea and Szirányi, Tamás Shape detection of structural changes in long time-span aerial image samples by new saliency methods | ![]() | Conference or Workshop Item |
2009-09-28 | Kovács, Levente Attila and Utasi, Ákos and Szirányi, Tamás VISRET - a content based annotation, retrieval and visualization toolchain | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2009-09-02 | Utasi, Ákos and Kovács, Levente Attila and Szlávik, Zoltán and Havasi, László Rajmund and Petrás, István and Szirányi, Tamás Digital video event detector framework for surveillance applications | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2009-08-04 | Kovács, Levente Attila and Utasi, Ákos and Szirányi, Tamás Extraction, categorization and unusual motion signaling of small moving objects | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2009-06-25 | Utasi, Ákos and Kiss, Ákos and Szirányi, Tamás Statistical filters for crowd image analysis | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2009-02-05 | Losteiner, Dávid and Havasi, László Rajmund and Szirányi, Tamás LOCMAX SIFT: Non-Statistical Dimension Reduction on Invariant Descriptors | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2009 | Benedek, Csaba and Szirányi, Tamás Kevert Markov modell alapú változásdetekció nagy idõkülönbséggel készült légi fotókon | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2008-12 | Benedek, Csaba and Szirányi, Tamás A mixed Markov model for change detection in aerial photos with large time differences | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2008-06-18 | Szlávik, Zoltán and Kovács, Levente Attila and Havasi, László Rajmund and Benedek, Csaba and Petrás, István and Utasi, Ákos and Licsár, Attila and Czúni, László and Szirányi, Tamás Behavior and event detection for annotation and surveillance | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2008 | Szolgay, Dániel and Benedek, Csaba and Szirányi, Tamás Fast template matching for measuring visit frequencies of dynamic web advertisements | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2008 | Kovács, Levente Attila and Szlávik, Zoltán and Benedek, Csaba and Havasi, László Rajmund and Petrás, István and Losteiner, Dávid and Utasi, Ákos and Licsár, Attlia and Czúni, László and Szirányi, Tamás Video surveillance framework for crime prevention and event indexing | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2007 | Benedek, Csaba and Szirányi, Tamás Color models of shadow detection in video scenes | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2007 | Kovács, Levente Attila and Szirányi, Tamás Evaluation of relative focus map based image indexing | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2007 | Petrás, István and Kovács, Levente Attila and Töreyin, B. U. and Beleznai, Cs. and Szlávik, Zoltán and Güdükbay, U. and Dedeoglu, Y. and Havasi, László Rajmund and Cetin, A. E. and Pardás, M. and Szirányi, Tamás and Canton-Ferrer, C. Flexible test-bed for unusual behavior detection | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2007 | Szlávik, Zoltán and Havasi, László Rajmund and Szirányi, Tamás Geometrical scene analysis using co-motion statistics | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2007 | Benedek, Csaba and Szirányi, Tamás Markovian framework for structural change detection with application on detecting built-in changes in airborne images | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2007 | Kovács, Levente Attila and Szirányi, Tamás Painterly effects rendering with focus based level of detail | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2007 | Kovács, Levente Attila and Szirányi, Tamás Recognition of hidden pattern with background | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2007 | Benedek, Csaba and Szirányi, Tamás and Kato, Zoltán and Zerubia, Josiane A multi-layer MRF model for object-motion detection in unregistered airborne image-pairs | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2006 | Kovács, Levente Attila and Szirányi, Tamás 2D multilayer painterly rendering with automatic focus extraction | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2006 | Licsár, Attila and Szirányi, Tamás and Czúni, László Adaptive blotch detection in a film restoration framework | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2006 | Havasi, László Rajmund and Szirányi, Tamás and Rudzsky, M. Adding geometrical terms to shadow detection process | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2006 | Szlávik, Zoltán and Havasi, László Rajmund and Szirányi, Tamás Analysis of dynamic scenes by using co-motion statistics | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2006 | Szlávik, Zoltán and Havasi, László Rajmund and Szirányi, Tamás Analysis of dynamic scenes by using co-motion statistics | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2006 | Szlávik, Zoltán and Szirányi, Tamás Bayesian Estimation of Common Areas in Multi-Camera Systems | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2006 | Szlávik, Zoltán and Szirányi, Tamás Bayesian estimation of common areas in multi-camera systems | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2006 | Havasi, László Rajmund and Szirányi, Tamás Extraction of horizontal vanishing line using shapes and statistical error propagation | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2006 | Kovács, Levente Attila and Szirányi, Tamás Indexing images by focused region estimation with blind deconvolution | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2006 | Licsar, Attila and Szirányi, Tamás and Kovács, László and Pataki, Balázs Tillarom: an AJAX based folk folk song search and retrieval system with gesture interface based on Kodály hand signs | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2006 | Havasi, László Rajmund and Szirányi, Tamás Use of motion statistics for vanishing point estimation in camera-mirror scenes | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2005-11-17 | Kovács, Levente Attila and Szirányi, Tamás Painterly Rendering of Images and Real Paintings with SVG Support | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2005 | Havasi, László Rajmund and Szlávik, Zoltán and Szirányi, Tamás Biometric extraction from walk patterns | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2005 | Licsár, A. and Czúni, L. and Szirányi, Tamás Blotch detection with trainable post-processing method | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2005 | Licsár, A. and Szirányi, Tamás and Czúni, L. Blotch detection with trainable post-processing method | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2005 | Havasi, László Rajmund and Szlávik, Zoltán and Szirányi, Tamás Eigenwalks: walk detection and biometrics from symmetry patterns | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2005 | Kovács, Levente Attila and Szirányi, Tamás Image Indexing By Focus Map | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2005 | Havasi, László Rajmund and Szlávik, Zoltán and Benedek, Csaba and Szirányi, Tamás Learning human motion patterns from symmetries | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2005 | Benedek, Csaba and Szirányi, Tamás A Markov random field model for foreground-background separation | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2005 | Benedek, Csaba and Havasi, László Rajmund and Szirányi, Tamás and Szlávik, Zoltán Motion-based flexible camera registration | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2005 | Szlávik, Zoltán and Szirányi, Tamás and Havasi, László Rajmund and Benedek, Csaba Optimizing of searching co-motion point-pairs for statistical camera calibration | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2005 | Kovács, Levente Attila and Szirányi, Tamás Painterly Rendering by Automatic Feature Extraction | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2005 | Kovács, L. and Szirányi, Tamás Painterly rendering by scale-space feature extraction | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2005 | Szlávik, Zoltán and Havasi, László Rajmund and Szirányi, Tamás and Benedek, Csaba Random motion for camera calibration | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2005 | Licsár, A. and Czúni, L. and Szirányi, Tamás Trainable post-processing method to reduce false alarms in the detection of small blotches of archive films | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2004 | Kovács, Levente Attila and Szirányi, Tamás Coding of stroke-based animations | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2004 | Licsár, A. and Szirányi, Tamás Dynamic training of hand gesture recognition system | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2004 | Kovács, Levente Attila and Szirányi, Tamás Efficient coding of stroke-rendered paintings | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2004 | Havasi, L. and Benedek, Csaba and Szlávik, Zoltán and Szirányi, Tamás Extracting structural fragments of overlapping pedestrians | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2004 | Szlávik, Zoltán and Szirányi, Tamás Face analysis using CNN-UM | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2004 | Szlávik, Zoltán and Havasi, L. and Szirányi, Tamás Finding matching points based on motion-statistics from two views | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2004 | Szlávik, Zoltán and Havasi, L. and Szirányi, Tamás Image matching based on co-motion statistics | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2004 | Kovács, Levente Attila and Szirányi, Tamás Painterly rendering controlled by multiscale image features | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2004 | Havasi, László Rajmund and Szlávik, Zoltán and Szirányi, Tamás Pedestrian Detection using derived Third-Order Symmetry of Legs | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2004 | Czúni, L. and Császár, G. and Hanis, A. and Kovács, Levente Attila and Licsár, A. and Szirányi, Tamás Semi automatic digital motion picture restoration system with learning capabilities | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2004 | Benedek, Csaba and Szirányi, Tamás Személyek követése a járásminta számítógépes analízisével | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2004 | Kovács, György and Kas, I. and Manno, S. and Czúni, L. and Szirányi, Tamás and Hanis, A. A complete solution for motion picture restoration: scanning, processing, recording | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2004 | Kovács, György and Kas, I. and Manno, S. and Czúni, L. and Szirányi, Tamás An intelligent solution for motion picture restoration | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2003 | Bölecz, M. and Czúni, L. and Gál, B. and Hanis, A. and Kovács, Levente Attila and Kránicz, B. and Licsár, A. and Szirányi, Tamás and Kovács, György and Manno, S. and Kas, I. Digital motion picture restoration system for film archives (DIMORF). A complex solution for film scanning, processing and recording | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2003 | Szlávik, Zoltán and Szirányi, Tamás Face identification with CNN-UM | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2003 | Hanis, A. and Szirányi, Tamás Measuring the motion similarity in video indexing | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2003 | Havasi, L. and Szirányi, Tamás Motion tracking through grouped feature points | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2003 | Licsár, A. and Czúni, L. and Szirányi, Tamás Stabilization of vibration on archive films by automatic multi-scale ROF selection | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2002 | Kato, Z. and Ji, X. and Szirányi, Tamás and Tóth, Zoltán and Czúni, L. Content-based image retrieval using stochastic paintbrush transformation | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2002 | Kovács, Levente Attila and Szirányi, Tamás Creating animations combining stochastic paintbrush transformation and motion detection | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2002 | Szirányi, Tamás and Tóth, Zoltán Ecsetvonás transzformáció, mint sztochasztikus képszegmentáló, leíró és tömörítő algoritmus | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2002 | Licsár, A. and Szirányi, Tamás Hand-gesture based film restoration | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2002 | Licsár, A. and Szirányi, Tamás Supervised training based hand gesture recognition system | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2002 | Szirányi, Tamás Texture segmentation by the 64x64 CNN chip | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2001 | Szirányi, Tamás and Kopilovic, I. Contribution of Dennis Gabor to the theory of image processing | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2001 | Berke, J. and Csetverikov, Dmitrij and Fazekas, Alexandru and Gácsi, Z. and Szabó, J. and Szirányi, Tamás Képfeldogozások alkalmazásának eredményei Magyarországon | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2001 | Szirányi, Tamás and Tóth, Zoltán Optimization of paintbrush rendering of images by dynamic MCMC methods | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2000 | Kopilovic, I. and Vágvölgyi, B. and Tizedes, L. and Szirányi, Tamás Application of panoramic annular lens for motion analysis tasks: surveillance and smoke detection | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2000 | Kopilovic, I. and Vágvölgyi, B. and Szirányi, Tamás Application of panoramic annular lens for motion analysis tasks: surveillance and smoke detection | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2000 | Zarándy, Ákos and Espejo, S. and Földesy, Péter and Kék, László and Linán, G. and Rekeczky, Csaba and Rodriguez-Vázquez, A. and Roska, Tamás and Szatmári, István and Szirányi, Tamás and Szolgay, Péter CNN technology in action | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2000 | Szirányi, Tamás and Kopilovic, I. Contribution of Dennis Gabor to the theory of image processing | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2000 | Kopilovic, I. and Szirányi, Tamás Image compression improvement obtained by anisotropic diffusion and measured by perceptual distortion criteria | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2000 | Czúni, L. and Szirányi, Tamás Motion segmentation and tracking optimatization with edge relaxation in the cellular nonlinear network architecture | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2000 | Szirányi, Tamás and Tóth, Zoltán Random paintbrush transformation | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2000 | Szirányi, Tamás and Czúni, L. Spatio-temporal segmentation with edge relaxation and optimization using fully parallel methods | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2000 | Czúni, L. and Szirányi, Tamás Spatio-temporal segmentation with edge relaxation and optimization using fully parallel methods | Conference or Workshop Item | |
2000 | Szirányi, Tamás and Tóth, Zoltán Stochastic paintbrush transformation | Conference or Workshop Item | |
1999 | Kopilovic, I. and Szirányi, Tamás Non-linear scale-selection for image compression improvement obtained by perceptual distortion criteria | Conference or Workshop Item | |
1998 | Szirányi, Tamás and Kopilovic, I. and Tóth, BP Anistropic diffusion as a preprocessing step for efficient image compression | Conference or Workshop Item | |
1998 | Szirányi, Tamás and Czúni, L. and Kopilovic, I. and Gyimesi, T. Image compression by orthogonal decomposition and dynamic segmentation using cellular nonlinear network chips | Conference or Workshop Item | |
1997 | Czúni, L. and Szirányi, Tamás Adaptive deblurring of multi-layer microscopic images with single-layer cellular neural networks | Conference or Workshop Item | |
1997 | Szirányi, Tamás and Czúni, L. Image compression by orthogonal decomposition using cellular neural network chips | Conference or Workshop Item | |
1997 | Szirányi, Tamás and Zerubia, J. and Geldreich, D. and Kató, Z. and Czúni, L. MRF based image segmentation with fully parallel cellular nonlinear networks | Conference or Workshop Item | |
1997 | Czúni, L. and Szirányi, Tamás and Zerubia, J. Multigrid MRF based picture segmentation with cellular neural networks | Conference or Workshop Item | |
1996 | Fehér, B. and Szolgay, Péter and Roska, Tamás and Radványi, András and Szirányi, Tamás and Csapodi, M. and László, K. and Nemes, L. and Szatmári, István and Tóth, Gábor András and Venetianer, PL ACE: A digital floating point CNN emulator engine | Conference or Workshop Item | |
1996 | Szirányi, Tamás and Zerubia, J. and Geldreich, D. and Kato, Z. Cellular Neural Network for Markov random field image segmentation | Conference or Workshop Item | |
1996 | Tompa, A. and Szirányi, Tamás and Nemes, L. and Rekeczky, Csaba and Roska, Tamás Improved scoring and semi-automatic screening of human peripheral blood chromosomes by CNN visual system | Conference or Workshop Item | |
1996 | Czúni, L. and Szirányi, Tamás Mikroszkopikus réteg-képek adaptív élesítése egyrétegű Celluláris Neurális Hálózattal | Conference or Workshop Item | |
1996 | Szirányi, Tamás and Czúni, L. Picture segmentation with introducing an anisotropic preliminary step to an MRF model with Cellular Neural Networks | Conference or Workshop Item | |
1996 | Földesy, Péter and Zarándy, Ákos and Szolgay, Péter and Szirányi, Tamás Real-life application case studies using CMOS 0.8 mm CNN universal chip: analogic algorithm for motion detection and texture segmentation | Conference or Workshop Item | |
1995 | Szirányi, Tamás and Nemes, L. and Roska, Tamás Cellular neural networks for image deconvolution and enhancement: a microscopy toolkit | Conference or Workshop Item | |
1995 | Roska, Tamás and Szirányi, Tamás Classes of analogic CNN algorithms and their practical use in complex image processing tasks | Conference or Workshop Item | |
1995 | Czúni, L. and Szirányi, Tamás Relation between human visual perception of roughness and fractal dimension | Conference or Workshop Item | |
1994 | Miller, JP and Roska, Tamás and Szirányi, Tamás and Crounse, KR and Chua, LO and Nemes, L. Deblurring of images by cellular neural networks with applications to microscopy | Conference or Workshop Item | |
1994 | Roska, Tamás and Szolgay, Péter and Zarándy, Ákos and Venetianer, PL and Radványi, András and Szirányi, Tamás On a CNN chip-prototyping system | Conference or Workshop Item | |
1994 | Szirányi, Tamás and Csapodi, M. Texture classification by cellular neural network and genetic learning | Conference or Workshop Item | |
1993 | Szirányi, Tamás Noise effects of statistical subpixel pattern recognition | Conference or Workshop Item | |
1992 | Szirányi, Tamás Statistical subpixel pattern recognition by histograms | Conference or Workshop Item |
Date | Author/Title | Document Type | |
2000 | Szirányi, Tamás Self organizing image fields | Thesis |
Date | Author/Title | Document Type | |
2018 | Benedek, Csaba and Csetverikov, Dmitrij and Jankó, Zsolt and Szirányi, Tamás and Börcs, Attila and Józsa, Oszkár and Eichhardt, Iván Method And System For Generating A Three-Dimensional Model | Patent |