Items where Division is "Research Laboratory on Engineering & Management Intelligence" and Year is 2016

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Number of items: 62.


DateAuthor/TitleDocument Type
2016Balas, E and Kis, Tamás
On the relationship between standard intersection cuts, lift-and-project cuts, and generalized intersection cuts
2016Bohács, Gábor and Haidegger, Géza and Mesterné Monostori, Judit
Az Ipar 4.0 logisztikai kihívásai és lehetőségei
2016Colledani, M and Gyulai, Dávid and Monostori, László and Urgo, M and Unglert, J
Design and management of reconfigurable assembly lines in the automotive industry
2016Csáji, Balázs Csanád
Score Permutation Based Finite Sample Inference for Generalized AutoRegressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (GARCH) Models
2016Csáji, Balázs Csanád and Kovács, András and Váncza, József
Online Learning for Aggregating Forecasts in Renewable Energy Systems
2016Cunha, P F and Váncza, József
Economic development and wealth through globally competitive manufacturing systems
2016Egri, Péter
Information elicitation for aggregate demand prediction with costly forecasting
2016Egri, Péter and Gyulai, Dávid and Kádár, Botond and Monostori, László
Production Planning on Supply Network and Plant Levels: The RobustPlaNet Approach
2016Egri, Péter and Kádár, Botond and Váncza, József
Towards coordination in robust supply networks
2016Erdős, Ferenc Gábor and Kardos, Csaba and Kemény, Zsolt and Kovács, András and Váncza, József
Process planning and offline programming for robotic remote laser welding systems
2016Erdős, Ferenc Gábor and Kardos, Csaba and Kemény, Zsolt and Kovács, András and Váncza, József
Process planning and offline programming for robotic remote laser welding systems
2016Erdős, Ferenc Gábor and Kovács, András and Váncza, József
Optimized joint motion planning for redundant industrial robots
2016Gyulai, Dávid and Pfeiffer, András and Kádár, Botond and Monostori, László
Simulation-based Production Planning and Execution Control for Reconfigurable Assembly Cells
2016Gyulai, Dávid and Szaller, Á and Viharos, Zsolt János
Simulation-based Flexible Layout Planning Considering Stochastic Effects
2016Haidegger, Géza and Paniti, Imre
Industry 4.0 Platform Activities in Hungary, Past – Present - Plans
2016Horváth, Markó and Kis, Tamás
Solving resource constrained shortest path problems with LP-based methods
2016Horváth, Markó and Kis, Tamás
Solving resource constrained shortest path problems with LP-based methods
2016Ilie Zudor, Angyalka and Kemény, Zsolt and Preuveneers, D
Efficiency and Security of Process Transparency in Production Networks - A View of Expectations, Obstacles and Potentials
2016Jauregui Becker, J M and Kádár, Botond and Colledani, M and Stricker, N and Urgo, M and Gyulai, Dávid
The RobustPlaNet Project: Towards Shock-Robust Design Of Plants And Their Supply Chain Networks
2016Kardos, Csaba and Kovács, András and Váncza, József
Towards Feature-based Human-robot Assembly Process Planning
2016Karnok, Dávid and Kemény, Zsolt and Ilie Zudor, Angyalka and Monostori, László
Data type definition and handling for supporting interoperability across organizational borders
2016Kemény, Zsolt and Beregi, Richárd and Erdős, Ferenc Gábor and Nacsa, János
The MTA SZTAKI Smart Factory: Platform for Research and Project-oriented Skill Development in Higher Education
2016Kemény, Zsolt and Nacsa, János and Erdős, Ferenc Gábor and Glawar, R and Sihn, W and Monostori, László and Ilie Zudor, Angyalka
Complementary research and education opportunities – a comparison of learning factory facilities and methodologies at TU Wien and MTA SZTAKI
2016Kovács, András
Integrated task sequencing and path planning for robotic remote laser welding
2016Kovács, András and Bátai, Roland and Csáji, Balázs Csanád and Dudás, Péter and Háy, Borbála and Pedone, Gianfranco and Révész, Tibor and Váncza, József
Intelligent control for energy-positive street lighting
2016Kovács, Zsolt Ferenc and Viharos, Zsolt János and Kodácsy, János
Manufacturing of Twist-Free Surfaces by Magnetism Aided Machining Technologies
2016Kovács, Zsolt Ferenc and Viharos, Zsolt János and Kodácsy, János
Sodrásosság csökkentése mágneses hengerléssel és polírozással
2016Lipták, György and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin
Kinetic feedback design for polynomial systems
2016Mesterné Monostori, Judit
Ellátási láncok strukturális tulajdonságainak kvantitatív elemzése
2016Mesterné Monostori, Judit
Robustness- and complexity-oriented characterization of supply networks’ structures
2016Monostori, László and Kádár, Botond and Bauernhansl, T and Kondoh, S and Kumara, S
Cyber-physical systems in manufacturing
2016Panetto, H and Zdravkovic, M and Jardim-Goncalves, R and Romero, D and Cecil, J and Mezgár, István
New perspectives for the future interoperable enterprise systems
2016Pfeiffer, András and Gyulai, Dávid and Kádár, Botond and Monostori, László
Manufacturing Lead Time Estimation with the Combination of Simulation and Statistical Learning Methods
2016Pfeiffer, András and Kádár, Botond and Bohács, Gábor and Gáspár, Dániel
Simulation support in construction uncertainty management: A production modelling approach
2016Popovics, Gergely and Monostori, László
An approach to Determine Simulation Model Complexity
2016Popovics, Gergely and Pfeiffer, András and Monostori, László
Generic data structure and validation methodology for simulation of manufacturing systems
2016Rózsás, Z and Háry, A and Viharos, Zsolt János and Vadászné, Bogár G
Komplex járműrendszerek sokváltozós folyamatmodellje szélsőséges terhelési környezetben
2016Stricker, N and Pfeiffer, András and Moser, E and Kádár, Botond and Lanza, G
Performance measurement in flow lines – Key to performance improvement
2016Szaller, Á and Gyulai, Dávid and Viharos, Zsolt János
Gyártórendszerek elrendezésének tervezése sztochasztikus paraméterek figyelembevételével
2016Szalóki, István and Sipos, Sándor and Viharos, Zsolt János
Aluminum-Based MMC Machining with Carbide Cutting Tool
2016Viharos, Zsolt János and Csanaki, J and Nacsa, János and Edelényi, M and Péntek, Cs and Kis, Krisztián Balázs and Fodor, Ádám and Csempesz, János
Production trend identification and forecast for shop-floor business intelligence

Book Section

DateAuthor/TitleDocument Type
2016Branco, F and Marcelino-Jesus, E and Sarraipa, J and Ilie Zudor, Angyalka and Jardim-Goncalves, R
Semantic Alignment for Interoperable Manufacturing Networks Establishment
Book Section
2016Carè, Algo and Csáji, Balázs Csanád and Campi, M C
Sign-Perturbed Sums (SPS) with Asymmetric Noise: Robustness Analysis and Robustification Techniques
Book Section
2016Kemény, Zsolt and Beregi, Richárd and Erdős, Ferenc Gábor and Nacsa, János
The “Smart Factory” At MTA SZTAKI—a Test, Demonstration and Education Platform for Industry 4.0 and Cyber-physical Systems Concepts
Book Section
2016Kemény, Zsolt and Ilie Zudor, Angyalka
Alphanumerical and Optical Coding Systems for Food Traceability
Book Section
2016Kemény, Zsolt and Viharos, Zsolt János and Kis, Krisztián Balázs and Csontos, R and Kovács, T
Measurement and estimation of surface resistance on ESD-protected workstations
Book Section
2016Konrád, Krisztina and Viharos, Zsolt János
Pellet termékciklus szabályozásának, mérésének rendszere és kihívásai
Book Section
2016Kovács, András
Bilevel programming approach to optimizing a time-variant electricity tariff for demand response
Book Section
2016Kovács, Zsolt Ferenc and Viharos, Zsolt János and Kodácsy, János
Manufacturing of twist-free surfaces by MAM technologies
Book Section
2016Preuveneers, D and Joosen, W and Ilie Zudor, Angyalka
Data protection compliance regulations and implications for smart factories of the future
Book Section
2016Soto, JAC and Jentsch, M and Preuveneers, D and Ilie Zudor, Angyalka
CEML: Mixing and moving complex event processing and machine learning to the edge of the network for IoT applications
Book Section
2016Szalóki, István and Sipos, Sándor and Viharos, Zsolt János
Szintaktikus fémhabok marással megmunkált felületi struktúrájának elemzése
Book Section
2016Viharos, Zsolt János and Chetverikov, D and Hary, A and Saghegyi, R and Barta, A
Vision based, statistical learning system for fault recognition in industrial assembly environment
Book Section
2016Viharos, Zsolt János and Csanaki, J and Nacsa, János and Edelényi, M and Péntek, C and Kis, Krisztián Balázs and Fodor, Ádám and Csempesz, János
Production trend identification and forecast for shop-floor business intelligence
Book Section
2016Viharos, Zsolt János and Kis, Krisztián Balázs
Optimal Neuro-Fuzzy model configuration
Book Section
2016Váncza, József
Production networks
Book Section

Conference or Workshop Item

DateAuthor/TitleDocument Type
2016Fisseler, D and Reiners, R and Kemény, Zsolt
Monitoring and control framework for business processes in ubiquitous environments
Conference or Workshop Item
2016Haidegger, Géza and Paniti, Imre
Industry 4.0 Platform Activities in Hungary, Past - Present - Plans
Conference or Workshop Item
2016Horváth, Gergely and Erdős, Ferenc Gábor
Pontfelhő alapú hossztengely keresés OpenGL GLSL nyelven
Conference or Workshop Item
2016Konrád, Krisztina and Németh, G and Viharos, Zsolt János
Minőségszabályozási rendszerek kiterjesztése pellet alapanyagokra
Conference or Workshop Item
2016Marcelino-Jesus, E and Artífice, A and Sarraipa, J and Luís-Ferreira, F and Ilie Zudor, Angyalka
Aquaculture Production Processes and Training Validation through Serious Games
Conference or Workshop Item
2016Móricz, L and Viharos, Zsolt János
Kerámia marás optimalizálása és a megmunkálás aktuális trendjei
Conference or Workshop Item
This list was generated on Tue Mar 11 03:04:09 2025 CET.