Date | Author/Title | | Document Type |
2016 | Balas, E and Kis, Tamás On the relationship between standard intersection cuts, lift-and-project cuts, and generalized intersection cuts |  | Article |
2016 | Bohács, Gábor and Haidegger, Géza and Mesterné Monostori, Judit Az Ipar 4.0 logisztikai kihívásai és lehetőségei |  | Article |
2016 | Colledani, M and Gyulai, Dávid and Monostori, László and Urgo, M and Unglert, J Design and management of reconfigurable assembly lines in the automotive industry |  | Article |
2016 | Csáji, Balázs Csanád Score Permutation Based Finite Sample Inference for Generalized AutoRegressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (GARCH) Models | | Article |
2016 | Csáji, Balázs Csanád and Kovács, András and Váncza, József Online Learning for Aggregating Forecasts in Renewable Energy Systems | | Article |
2016 | Cunha, P F and Váncza, József Economic development and wealth through globally competitive manufacturing systems |  | Article |
2016 | Egri, Péter Information elicitation for aggregate demand prediction with costly forecasting |  | Article |
2016 | Egri, Péter and Gyulai, Dávid and Kádár, Botond and Monostori, László Production Planning on Supply Network and Plant Levels: The RobustPlaNet Approach | | Article |
2016 | Egri, Péter and Kádár, Botond and Váncza, József Towards coordination in robust supply networks |  | Article |
2016 | Erdős, Ferenc Gábor and Kardos, Csaba and Kemény, Zsolt and Kovács, András and Váncza, József Process planning and offline programming for robotic remote laser welding systems |  | Article |
2016 | Erdős, Ferenc Gábor and Kardos, Csaba and Kemény, Zsolt and Kovács, András and Váncza, József Process planning and offline programming for robotic remote laser welding systems |  | Article |
2016 | Erdős, Ferenc Gábor and Kovács, András and Váncza, József Optimized joint motion planning for redundant industrial robots |  | Article |
2016 | Gyulai, Dávid and Pfeiffer, András and Kádár, Botond and Monostori, László Simulation-based Production Planning and Execution Control for Reconfigurable Assembly Cells | | Article |
2016 | Gyulai, Dávid and Szaller, Á and Viharos, Zsolt János Simulation-based Flexible Layout Planning Considering Stochastic Effects | | Article |
2016 | Haidegger, Géza and Paniti, Imre Industry 4.0 Platform Activities in Hungary, Past – Present - Plans | | Article |
2016 | Horváth, Markó and Kis, Tamás Solving resource constrained shortest path problems with LP-based methods | | Article |
2016 | Horváth, Markó and Kis, Tamás Solving resource constrained shortest path problems with LP-based methods |  | Article |
2016 | Ilie Zudor, Angyalka and Kemény, Zsolt and Preuveneers, D Efficiency and Security of Process Transparency in Production Networks - A View of Expectations, Obstacles and Potentials | | Article |
2016 | Jauregui Becker, J M and Kádár, Botond and Colledani, M and Stricker, N and Urgo, M and Gyulai, Dávid The RobustPlaNet Project: Towards Shock-Robust Design Of Plants And Their Supply Chain Networks |  | Article |
2016 | Kardos, Csaba and Kovács, András and Váncza, József Towards Feature-based Human-robot Assembly Process Planning | | Article |
2016 | Karnok, Dávid and Kemény, Zsolt and Ilie Zudor, Angyalka and Monostori, László Data type definition and handling for supporting interoperability across organizational borders |  | Article |
2016 | Kemény, Zsolt and Beregi, Richárd and Erdős, Ferenc Gábor and Nacsa, János The MTA SZTAKI Smart Factory: Platform for Research and Project-oriented Skill Development in Higher Education | | Article |
2016 | Kemény, Zsolt and Nacsa, János and Erdős, Ferenc Gábor and Glawar, R and Sihn, W and Monostori, László and Ilie Zudor, Angyalka Complementary research and education opportunities – a comparison of learning factory facilities and methodologies at TU Wien and MTA SZTAKI | | Article |
2016 | Kovács, András Integrated task sequencing and path planning for robotic remote laser welding |  | Article |
2016 | Kovács, András and Bátai, Roland and Csáji, Balázs Csanád and Dudás, Péter and Háy, Borbála and Pedone, Gianfranco and Révész, Tibor and Váncza, József Intelligent control for energy-positive street lighting | | Article |
2016 | Kovács, Zsolt Ferenc and Viharos, Zsolt János and Kodácsy, János Manufacturing of Twist-Free Surfaces by Magnetism Aided Machining Technologies | | Article |
2016 | Kovács, Zsolt Ferenc and Viharos, Zsolt János and Kodácsy, János Sodrásosság csökkentése mágneses hengerléssel és polírozással | | Article |
2016 | Lipták, György and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin Kinetic feedback design for polynomial systems |  | Article |
2016 | Mesterné Monostori, Judit Ellátási láncok strukturális tulajdonságainak kvantitatív elemzése |  | Article |
2016 | Mesterné Monostori, Judit Robustness- and complexity-oriented characterization of supply networks’ structures | | Article |
2016 | Monostori, László and Kádár, Botond and Bauernhansl, T and Kondoh, S and Kumara, S Cyber-physical systems in manufacturing |  | Article |
2016 | Panetto, H and Zdravkovic, M and Jardim-Goncalves, R and Romero, D and Cecil, J and Mezgár, István New perspectives for the future interoperable enterprise systems |  | Article |
2016 | Pfeiffer, András and Gyulai, Dávid and Kádár, Botond and Monostori, László Manufacturing Lead Time Estimation with the Combination of Simulation and Statistical Learning Methods | | Article |
2016 | Pfeiffer, András and Kádár, Botond and Bohács, Gábor and Gáspár, Dániel Simulation support in construction uncertainty management: A production modelling approach | | Article |
2016 | Popovics, Gergely and Monostori, László An approach to Determine Simulation Model Complexity | | Article |
2016 | Popovics, Gergely and Pfeiffer, András and Monostori, László Generic data structure and validation methodology for simulation of manufacturing systems |  | Article |
2016 | Rózsás, Z and Háry, A and Viharos, Zsolt János and Vadászné, Bogár G Komplex járműrendszerek sokváltozós folyamatmodellje szélsőséges terhelési környezetben | | Article |
2016 | Stricker, N and Pfeiffer, András and Moser, E and Kádár, Botond and Lanza, G Performance measurement in flow lines – Key to performance improvement |  | Article |
2016 | Szaller, Á and Gyulai, Dávid and Viharos, Zsolt János Gyártórendszerek elrendezésének tervezése sztochasztikus paraméterek figyelembevételével | | Article |
2016 | Szalóki, István and Sipos, Sándor and Viharos, Zsolt János Aluminum-Based MMC Machining with Carbide Cutting Tool | | Article |
2016 | Viharos, Zsolt János and Csanaki, J and Nacsa, János and Edelényi, M and Péntek, Cs and Kis, Krisztián Balázs and Fodor, Ádám and Csempesz, János Production trend identification and forecast for shop-floor business intelligence | | Article |
Date | Author/Title | | Document Type |
2016 | Branco, F and Marcelino-Jesus, E and Sarraipa, J and Ilie Zudor, Angyalka and Jardim-Goncalves, R Semantic Alignment for Interoperable Manufacturing Networks Establishment |  | Book Section |
2016 | Carè, Algo and Csáji, Balázs Csanád and Campi, M C Sign-Perturbed Sums (SPS) with Asymmetric Noise: Robustness Analysis and Robustification Techniques |  | Book Section |
2016 | Kemény, Zsolt and Beregi, Richárd and Erdős, Ferenc Gábor and Nacsa, János The “Smart Factory” At MTA SZTAKI—a Test, Demonstration and Education Platform for Industry 4.0 and Cyber-physical Systems Concepts |  | Book Section |
2016 | Kemény, Zsolt and Ilie Zudor, Angyalka Alphanumerical and Optical Coding Systems for Food Traceability |  | Book Section |
2016 | Kemény, Zsolt and Viharos, Zsolt János and Kis, Krisztián Balázs and Csontos, R and Kovács, T Measurement and estimation of surface resistance on ESD-protected workstations | | Book Section |
2016 | Konrád, Krisztina and Viharos, Zsolt János Pellet termékciklus szabályozásának, mérésének rendszere és kihívásai | | Book Section |
2016 | Kovács, András Bilevel programming approach to optimizing a time-variant electricity tariff for demand response |  | Book Section |
2016 | Kovács, Zsolt Ferenc and Viharos, Zsolt János and Kodácsy, János Manufacturing of twist-free surfaces by MAM technologies | | Book Section |
2016 | Preuveneers, D and Joosen, W and Ilie Zudor, Angyalka Data protection compliance regulations and implications for smart factories of the future |  | Book Section |
2016 | Soto, JAC and Jentsch, M and Preuveneers, D and Ilie Zudor, Angyalka CEML: Mixing and moving complex event processing and machine learning to the edge of the network for IoT applications |  | Book Section |
2016 | Szalóki, István and Sipos, Sándor and Viharos, Zsolt János Szintaktikus fémhabok marással megmunkált felületi struktúrájának elemzése | | Book Section |
2016 | Viharos, Zsolt János and Chetverikov, D and Hary, A and Saghegyi, R and Barta, A Vision based, statistical learning system for fault recognition in industrial assembly environment | | Book Section |
2016 | Viharos, Zsolt János and Csanaki, J and Nacsa, János and Edelényi, M and Péntek, C and Kis, Krisztián Balázs and Fodor, Ádám and Csempesz, János Production trend identification and forecast for shop-floor business intelligence | | Book Section |
2016 | Viharos, Zsolt János and Kis, Krisztián Balázs Optimal Neuro-Fuzzy model configuration |  | Book Section |
2016 | Váncza, József Production networks |  | Book Section |
Date | Author/Title | | Document Type |
2016 | Fisseler, D and Reiners, R and Kemény, Zsolt Monitoring and control framework for business processes in ubiquitous environments | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2016 | Haidegger, Géza and Paniti, Imre Industry 4.0 Platform Activities in Hungary, Past - Present - Plans |  | Conference or Workshop Item |
2016 | Horváth, Gergely and Erdős, Ferenc Gábor Pontfelhő alapú hossztengely keresés OpenGL GLSL nyelven | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2016 | Konrád, Krisztina and Németh, G and Viharos, Zsolt János Minőségszabályozási rendszerek kiterjesztése pellet alapanyagokra | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2016 | Marcelino-Jesus, E and Artífice, A and Sarraipa, J and Luís-Ferreira, F and Ilie Zudor, Angyalka Aquaculture Production Processes and Training Validation through Serious Games |  | Conference or Workshop Item |
2016 | Móricz, L and Viharos, Zsolt János Kerámia marás optimalizálása és a megmunkálás aktuális trendjei | | Conference or Workshop Item |