Items where Year is 1993

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Number of items: 137.

Cellular Sensory and Optical Wave Computing Laboratory

DateAuthor/TitleDocument Type
1993Chua, LO and Roska, Tamás
The CNN paradigm
1993Chua, LO and Roska, Tamás
The analogic CNN paradigm - programmable nonlinear dynamics in space
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Chua, LO and Roska, Tamás and Kozek, T. and Zarándy, Ákos
The CNN paradigm - a short tutorial
Book Section
1993Chua, LO and Roska, Tamás and Venetianer, P.
The CNN is universal as the turing machine
1993Crounse, KR and Roska, Tamás and Chua, LO
Image halftoning with cellular neural networks
1993Csicsvári, J. and Szolgay, Péter
CNN implementation of Kohonen type self- organizing networks (Research report of the Dual and Neural Computing Systems Laboratory DNS-5-1993)
1993Csuhaj-Varjú, Erzsébet
On grammars with local and global context conditions
1993Csuhaj-Varjú, Erzsébet and Abo Alez, R.
Multi-agent systems in natural language processing
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Csuhaj-Varjú, Erzsébet and Dassow, J.
A note on cooperating grammars with terminal productions
1993Csuhaj-Varjú, Erzsébet and Dassow, J. and Kelemen, J. and Paun, G.
Stratified grammar systems
Book Section
1993Csuhaj-Varjú, Erzsébet and Dassow, J. and Paun, G.
Limiting the team size in cooperating grammar systems
1993Csuhaj-Varjú, Erzsébet and Paun, G.
Limiting the team size in cooperating grammar systems
1993Heiligenberg, W. and Roska, Tamás
On biological sensory information processing principles relevant to cellular neural networks
Book Section
1993Katona, A. and Szolgay, Péter
On some limits of XILINX based control logic implementations (Report. University of Veszprém. Department of Informatics and Automation. IT-2-1993)
1993Kelemenová, A. and Csuhaj-Varjú, Erzsébet
Languages of colonies
Book Section
1993Klimó, J.
On the minimal covering of infinite sets
1993Kozek, T. and Roska, Tamás and Chua, LO
Genetic algorithm for CNN template learning
1993Lotz, K. and Vandewalle, J. and Roska, Tamás
A multilayer cellular neural network model of the two pathways of the retina related to dark adaptation. (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. Department Elektrotechniek. ESAT-SISTA/TR 1993-33I)
1993Osuna, JA and Moschytz, GS and Roska, Tamás
A framework for the classification of auditory signals with cellular neural networks (Research report of the Dual and Neural Computing Systems Laboratory DNS-3-1993.)
1993Osuna, JA and Moschytz, GS and Roska, Tamás
A framework for the classification of auditory signals with cellular neural networks
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Paun, G. and Mitrana, V. and Csuhaj-Varjú, Erzsébet and Dassow, J.
Cooperation in grammar systems: similarity, universality, timing
1993Radványi, András
Hypothetical simulation of non-linear systems with memory, on an idealistic computer of infinite speed and capacity (Research report of the Dual and Neural Computing Systems Laboratory DNS-2-1993)
1993Radványi, András
Using CNN to "see" random-dot stereograms - dual CNN models of stereo vision
1993Radványi, András
Using cellular neural network to "see" random-dot stereograms
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Roska, Tamás
CNN models in the retinotopic visual pathway - a review
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Roska, Tamás and Chua, LO
The CNN universal machine: an analogic array computer
1993Roska, Tamás and Chua, LO and Zarándy, Ákos
Language, compiler, and operating system for the CNN supercomputer. Memorandum UCB/ERL M93/34
1993Roska, Tamás and Hámori, J. and Lábos, E. and Lotz, K. and Orzó, László and Takács, J. and Venetianer, PL and Vidnyánszky, Z. and Zarándy, Ákos
The use of CNN models in the subcortical visual pathway
1993Roska, Tamás and Kozek, T. and Wolf, D. and Chua, LO
Solving partial differential equations by CNN
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Roska, Tamás and Kozek, T. and Wolf, D. and Chua, LO
Solving partial differential equations by CNN (Research report of the Dual and Neural Computing Systems Laboratory DNS-4-1993)
1993Roska, Tamás and Wu, CW and Chua, LO
Stability of cellular neural networks with dominant nonlinear and delay-type templates
1993Roska, Tamás and Zarándy, Ákos and Chua, LO
Color image processing by CNN
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Shi, BE and Roska, Tamás and Chua, LO
Design of linear cellular neural networks for motion sensitive filtering
1993Szirányi, Tamás and Csapodi, M.
Texture detection by cellular neural network using genetic learning (Research report of the Dual and Neural Computing Systems Laboratory DNS-8-1993)
1993Szirányi, Tamás and Csicsvári, J.
High-speed character recognition using a dual cellular neural network architecture (CNND)
1993Szolgay, Péter and Vörös, G. and Erőss, GY
On the applications of the cellular neural network paradigm in mechanical vibrating systems
1993Tőkés, Szabolcs
Varifocal lens for multi-beam laser scanning
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Vidnyánszky, Z. and Venetianer, PL and Takács, J. and Hámori, J. and Roska, Tamás
A CNN model of the feed-forward part of the LGN (Research report of the Dual and Neural Computing Systems Laboratory DNS-6-1993)

Computer Integrated Manufacturing Laboratory

DateAuthor/TitleDocument Type
1993Ettlie, JE and Dreher, G. and Kovács, György and Trygg, L.
Cross-national comparisons of product development in manufacturing
1993Haidegger, Géza
Nyílt rendszerek itt és ott
1993Harangozó, J. and Haidegger, Géza
East-European requirements for open systems solutions
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Kopácsi, Sándor and Koussoulas, NT and Gavalcová, D.
Knowledge based modelling, simulation and evaluation of flexible manufacturing systems
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Kopácsi, Sándor and Koussoulas, NT and Gavalcová, D.
Knowledge based modelling, simulation and evaluation of flexible manufacturing systems
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Kopácsi, Sándor and Kovács, György
Knowledge based hybrid simulation of FMS
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Kopácsi, Sándor and Kovács, György
A knowledge based simulation system for flexible manufacturing
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Kovács, György
A CS-PROLOG based expert system for manufacturing cell design, simulation and animation
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Kovács, György and Haidegger, Géza and Nacsa, János and Nagy, G.
Plans of the MAP training centre in Budapest
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Kovács, György and Mezgár, István
KB simulation and CE approach to assist in quality assurance of products and production systems
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Kovács, György and Mezgár, István and Vészi, A.
CIM reference model based FMS design with concurrent engineering approach
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Kovács, György
Combining AI means and traditional programming to solve some problems of FMS simulation, scheduling and control
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Kovács, György and Mezgár, István and Kopácsi, Sándor and Gavalcová, D. and Nacsa, János
Application of expert and traditional program systems for FMS simulation, scheduling and control
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Kovács, György and Mezgár, István and Kopácsi, Sándor and Gavalcová, D. and Nacsa, János
Integrated application of real-time expert systems for FMS evaluation and control
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Kovács, György and Mezgár, István and Vishwanadham, N.
Concurrent engineering approach and application of AI to manufacturing
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Kovács, György and Mezgár, István and Kopácsi, Sándor and Gavalcová, D.
Tudásalapú gyártórendszer-szimuláció és -termelésütemezés
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Markos, S. and Monostori, László and Nacsa, János and Szöllősi, G.
Monitoring of the milling process through neural network and fuzzy techniques
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Mezgár, István and Kovács, György
CE approach to quality assurance of products and production systems
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Mezgár, István and Kovács, György
Hybrid systems for CIM components' configuration/reconfiguration
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Mezgár, István and Kovács, György and Vészi, A.
CIM reference model based FMS design with concurrent engineering approach
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Mezgár, István and Kovács, György
Hybrid systems for CIM components' configuration/reconfiguration
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Mezgár, István and Kovács, György
Parallel quality assurance of products and production systems using the CE approach
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Nagy, G. and Haidegger, Géza
MMS/MAP based and object oriented software approach for controlling shop-floor devices in a CIM enviroment
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Nagy, G. and Haidegger, Géza
Object oriented approach for analyzing, designing and controlling manufacturing cells
Conference or Workshop Item

Department of Distributed Systems

DateAuthor/TitleDocument Type
1993Bíró, M. and Micsik, András and Remzső, T.
Distributed object management, a survey
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Kovács, László
Multimedia groupware systems
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Kovács, László
Multimedia groupware systems
1993Kovács, László
Ébredés egy "ébredés" után
1993-04Kovács, László
NeXT helyett NeXTSTEP

Department of Network Security and Internet Technologies

DateAuthor/TitleDocument Type
1993Keviczky, László and Martos, B. and Remzső, T.
Számítógépes szolgáltatások az MTA SZTAKI-ban különös tekintettel a hipermédia technikára
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Martos, B.
A HBONE project
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Martos, B.
HBONE'92 - az első hazai IP backbone hálózat
1993Martos, B.
Épül a HBONE
1993Martos, B. and Springer, F. and Tétényi, István
Magyarországi könyvtárak számítógép-hálózati infrastrukturális ellátása
1993Tétényi, István
Amit tudni akartál az RFC 822 levelezési szabványról, de soha nem volt időd elolvasni
1993Tétényi, István
Egy hálózati modell próbája: avagy hálózati szolgáltatások az IIF MARS számítógépén
1993Tétényi, István
Internetworking a gyakorlatban
1993Tétényi, István
The network jigsaw puzzle - a case study for Hungarian players. (Stages of development in the Hungarian R&D network.), (Schriftenreihe Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft 70.)
Conference or Workshop Item
1993-10-01Tétényi, István
The network jigsaw puzzle—a case study for Hungarian players: (stages of development in the Hungarian R&D networks)
Conference or Workshop Item

Distributed Events Analysis Research Laboratory

DateAuthor/TitleDocument Type
1993Szirányi, Tamás
Noise effects of statistical subpixel pattern recognition
Conference or Workshop Item

ELearning Department

DateAuthor/TitleDocument Type
1993Hutter, O. and Klemencz, M.
TCP/IP használata X.25 felett PC-Unix környezetben
Conference or Workshop Item

Geometric Modelling and Computer Vision Laboratory

DateAuthor/TitleDocument Type
1993Csetverikov, Dmitrij
Detection of texture defects using image pyramids
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Csetverikov, Dmitrij
Multiresolution detection of texture defects for surface inspection
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Csetverikov, Dmitrij
Recent results in image processing: a short survey of research activities at the MTA SZTAKI
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Csetverikov, Dmitrij and Lerch, A.
Multiresolution face detection
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Renner, Gábor
Burkolatok tervezése számitógéppel
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Renner, Gábor
Flexibility in surface design
Conference or Workshop Item

Informatics Laboratory

DateAuthor/TitleDocument Type
1993Demetrovics, János and Rónyai, Lajos and Son, H.
Functional dependencies among Boolean dependencies
Book Section
1993Demetrovics, János and Rónyai, Lajos and Son, HN
Equality schemes and equality scheme dependencies in relational databases
1993Ivanyos, Gábor and Rónyai, Lajos
Finding maximal orders in semisimple algebras over Q
1993Rónyai, Lajos
Computations in associative algebras
Conference or Workshop Item

Internet Applications Department

DateAuthor/TitleDocument Type
1993Bod, J.
1993Király, L.
Az ELLÁ-tól az EMIL-ig
1993Lengyel, Monika
Számítógépes könyvtári kalauzok
1993Liska, T. and Háy, B.
TRILLA - elektronikus információ kezelő
1993Liska, T. and Háy, B. and Kiss, GL
EMIL. Elektronikus levelező rendszer

Research Laboratory on Engineering & Management Intelligence

DateAuthor/TitleDocument Type
1993Barschdorff, D. and Monostori, László and Kottenstede, T. and Warnecke, G. and Müller, M.
Cutting tool monitoring in turning under varying cutting conditions; an artificial neural network approach
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Barschdorff, D. and Monostori, László and Kottenstede, T. and Warnecke, G. and Müller, M.
Wear estimation and state classification of cutting tools in turning via artificial neural networks
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Horváth, Miklós and Márkus, A. and Váncza, József
Conflicts in manufacturing systems - a problem setting
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Monostori, László
Intelligent manufacturing through neural networks
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Monostori, László
Neuro-fuzzy modelling and monitoring of manufacturing processes
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Monostori, László
A step towards intelligent manufacturing: modelling and monitoring of manufacturing processes through artificial neural networks
1993Márkus, A.
Dual insights into genetic algorithms
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Márkus, A.
Problems with the understanding and representation of design processes
Book Section
1993Váncza, József and Márkus, A.
Features and the principle of locality in process planning
1993Váncza, József and Márkus, A.
Optimization of process plans by genetic algorithms
Conference or Workshop Item

Systems and Control Lab

DateAuthor/TitleDocument Type
1993Bacsó, Gábor and Tuza, Zsolt
Domination properties and induced subgraphs
1993Blázsik, Z. and Hujter, M. and Pluhár, A. and Tuza, Zsolt
Graphs with no induced C4 and 2K2
1993Bányász, Csilla and Csala, ZS and Keviczky, László
Interaktív multimédia az oktatásban: a hang és a látvány szerepe a megismerésben
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Bányász, Csilla and Keviczky, K.
Design of adaptive PID regulators based on recursive estimation of the process parameters
1993Bányász, Csilla and Keviczky, László
On discrete time models of continuous time processes for delay time estimation and adaptive control
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Bányász, Csilla and Keviczky, László
An adaptive channel time-delay estimation method
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Caro, Y. and Tuza, Zsolt
Bounded degrees and prescribed distances in graphs
1993Caro, Y. and Tuza, Zsolt
On k-local and k-mean colorings of graphs and hypergraphs
1993Chang, GJ and Farber, M. and Tuza, Zsolt
Algorithmic aspects of neighborhood numbers
1993Erdős, P. and Tuza, Zsolt
Rainbow subgraphs in edge-colorings of complete graphs
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Farber, M. and Hujter, M. and Tuza, Zsolt
An upper bound on the number of cliques in a graph
1993Gerzson, M. and Csáki, ZS and Hangos, Katalin
Qualitative model based verification of operating procedures by high level Petri nets.( ESCAPE-3. European symposium on computer aided process engineering-3)
1993Hangos, Katalin and Csáki, ZS and Varga, EI
Use of qualitative models for the choice of design parameters of MBPC
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Harary, F. and Tuza, Zsolt
Two graph-colouring games
1993Horák, P. and Tuza, Zsolt
Large s-representable set systems with low maximum degree
1993Hujter, M. and Tuza, Zsolt
Precoloring extension. II. Graph classes related to perfect graphs
1993Hujter, M. and Tuza, Zsolt
The number of maximal independent sets in triangle-free graphs
1993Keviczky, László and Bokor, József and Szigeti, Ferenc and Edelmayer, András
Modeling time varying system perturbations: application to robust change detection and identification
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Kratochvíl, J. and Savicky, P. and Tuza, Zsolt
One more occurrence of variables makes satisfiability jump from trivial to NP-complete
1993Michelberger, P. and Bokor, József and Palkovics, László
Robust design of active suspension system
1993Nguyen, VN and Tuza, Zsolt
Linear-time approximation algorithms for the max cut problem
1993Palkovics, László and Bokor, József and Michelberger, P. and Várlaki, P. and Gianone, L.
Robust design of an active 4WS system using Hdeg. control and RLQR approach
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Palkovics, László and Gáspár, Péter and Bokor, József
Design of active suspension system in the presence of physical parametric uncertainties
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Poljak, S. and Tuza, Zsolt
The Max-Cut problem - a survey
1993Pyber, L. and Tuza, Zsolt
Menger-type theorems with restrictions on path lengths
1993Radosavljevic, Z. and Simic, S. and Tuza, Zsolt
Complementary pairs of graphs orientable to line digraphs
1993Szigeti, J. and Tuza, Zsolt and Révész, G.
Eulerian polynomial identities on matrix rings
1993Tuza, Zsolt
Helly property in finite set systems
1993Tuza, Zsolt
Multipartite Turán problem for connected graphs and hypergraphs
1993Tuza, Zsolt
Theorem proving through depth-first test
1993Varga, EI and Bokor, József and Hangos, Katalin
Grey dynamics of heat exchanger networks
Conference or Workshop Item
1993Varga, EI and Hangos, Katalin
The effect of the heat exchanger network topology on the network control properties
1993Dénes, István and Heuberger, P. and Bokor, József
Identification with generalized orthonormal basic functions - statistical analysis and error bounds
Book Section
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