Date | Author/Title | | Document Type |
2014 | Bátai, R and Balázs, L and Révész, Tibor and Pedone, Gianfranco and Kovács, András and Prikler, L E+GRID: Energy-positive adaptive street lighting | | Book Section |
2014 | Colledani, Marcello and Tolio, Tullio and Fischer, Anath and Iung, Benoit and Lanza, Gisela and Váncza, József Design and management of manufacturing systems for production quality |  | Article |
2014 | Csáji, Balázs Csanád and Campi, Marco and Weyer, Erik Strong Consistency of the Sign-Perturbed Sums Method |  | Book Section |
2014 | Csáji, Balázs Csanád and Háy, Borbála and Kovács, András and Pedone, Gianfranco and Révész, Tibor and Váncza, József Monitoring and Controlling Energy-positive Public Lighting: the E+grid System | | Article |
2014 | Csáji, Balázs Csanád and Jungers, R. M. and Blondel, V. D. PageRank optimization by edge selection |  | Article |
2014 | Csáji, Balázs Csanád and Kovács, András and Váncza, József Adaptive Aggregated Predictions for Renewable Energy Systems |  | Book Section |
2014 | Csáji, Balázs Csanád and Kovács, András and Váncza, József Prediction and Robust Control of Energy Flow in Renewable Energy Systems |  | Book Section |
2014 | Drótos, Márton and Kis, Tamás Car Sequencing with respect to Regular Expressions and Linear Bounds |  | Book Section |
2014 | Egri, Péter and Kis, Tamás and Kovács, András and Váncza, József An inverse economic lot-sizing approach to eliciting supplier cost parameters | | ISI Article |
2014 | Egri, Péter and Kis, Tamás and Kovács, András and Váncza, József An inverse economic lot-sizing approach to eliciting supplier cost parameters |  | Article |
2014 | Erdős, Ferenc Gábor and Kardos, Csaba and Kemény, Zsolt and Kovács, András and Váncza, József Workstation Configuration and Process Planning for RLW Operations | | Article |
2014 | Erdős, Ferenc Gábor and Nakano, Takahiro and Váncza, József Adapting CAD models of complex engineering objects to measured point cloud data |  | Article |
2014 | Galata, A and Di Gennaro, F and Pedone, Gianfranco and Roderick, Ya and Brogan, Mike A Catalogue of “optimization scenarios” to enhance decision-making in establishing an efficient energy management programme | | Book Section |
2014 | Galata, Alfio and Brogan, Mike and Pedone, Gianfranco and Roderick, Ya and De Ferrari, Antonio The VERYSchool Navigator - Intelligent ISO 50001 energy management decision making in school buildings | | Book Section |
2014 | Gyulai, Dávid Kétszintű kapacitásmenedzsment újrakonfigurálható és dedikált erőforrások alkalmazásával |  | Article |
2014 | Gyulai, Dávid Novel capacity planning methods for flexible and reconfigurable assembly systems |  | Conference or Workshop Item |
2014 | Gyulai, Dávid and Kádár, Botond and Kovács, András and Monostori, László Capacity management for assembly systems with dedicated and reconfigurable resources |  | Article |
2014 | Gyulai, Dávid and Kádár, Botond and Monostori, László Capacity Planning and Resource Allocation in Assembly Systems Consisting of Dedicated and Reconfigurable Lines | | Article |
2014 | Gyulai, Dávid and Pfeiffer, András and Kádár, Botond and Monostori, László Capacity analysis and planning for flexible assembly lines |  | Book Section |
2014 | Györgyi, Péter and Kis, Tamás Approximation schemes for single machine scheduling with non-renewable resource constraints |  | Article |
2014 | Ilie Zudor, Angyalka and Kemény, Zsolt and Ekárt, Anikó and Buckingham, Christopher D. and Monostori, László A Solution for Information Management in Logistics Operations of Modern Manufacturing Chains | | Article |
2014 | Kardos, Csaba and Váncza, József Automatic off-line programming for remote laser welding workstation |  | Book Section |
2014 | Karnok, Dávid and Kemény, Zsolt and Ilie-Zudor, Angyalka Elisabeth and Monostori, László Data type definition and handling for supporting interoperability across organizational borders |  | Article |
2014 | Kemény, Zsolt and Bozóki, Sándor and Ilie Zudor, Angyalka and Monostori, László Low-cost Extension of Information Transparency Throughout the Product Life-cycle via Optical Identification and Quality Indication | | Article |
2014 | Kis, Tamás Lift-and-project for general two-term disjunctions |  | Article |
2014 | Kovács, András Collision-free Path Planning for Remote Laser Welding |  | Book Section |
2014 | Marcelino-Jesus, E and Sarraipa, J and Antão, M and Jardim-Goncalves, R and Ilie Zudor, Angyalka MSIRP: Methodology for the Economic Viability of Semantic Interoperability Resolution Projects |  | Book Section |
2014 | Monostori, László Artificial Intelligence |  | Book Section |
2014 | Monostori, László Cyber-physical production systems: Roots, expectations and R&D challenges | | Article |
2014 | Monostori, László and Valckenaers, P and Dolgui, A and Panetto, H and Brdys, M and Csáji, Balázs Csanád Cooperative Control in Production and Logistics |  | Book Section |
2014 | Nolan, E and Allsopp, J and Galata, A and Pedone, Gianfranco and Zivkovic, Z Calibrating whole building energy model: a case study using BEMS data | | Book Section |
2014 | Paniti, Imre Adaptation of Incremental Sheet Forming into cloud manufacturing |  | Article |
2014 | Paniti, Imre A novel, single-robot based two sided incremental sheet forming system |  | Conference or Workshop Item |
2014 | Paniti, Imre and Somló, János Novel Incremental Sheet Forming System with Tool-Path Calculation Approach | | Article |
2014 | Urgo, Marcello and Váncza, József A Robust Scheduling Approach for a Single Machine to Optimize a Risk Measure | | Article |
2014 | Viharos, Zsolt János and Kis, Krisztián Balázs Survey on neuro-fuzzy systems and their applications in technical diagnostics |  | Book Section |
2014 | Váncza, József Agent Theory |  | Book Section |
2014 | Wang, Lihui and Wang, Xi Vincent and Gao, Liang and Váncza, József A cloud-based approach for WEEE remanufacturing |  | Article |
2014 | van Blommestein, Fred and Karnok, Dávid and Kemény, Zsolt Meta-data alignment in open Tracking & Tracing systems | | Book Section |