Date | Author/Title | | Document Type |
2000 | Zarándy, Ákos and Csapodi, M. and Roska, Tamás 20 msec focal plane image processing | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000-09 | Visontai, M. and Szabó, Sz. and Baranyi, Péter Zoltán and Várkonyi-Kóczy, A. R. and Kiss, L. 3-Dimensional Potential Based Guiding | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | - 4th IFAC symposium on fault detection supervision and safety for technical processes. SAFEPROCESS 2000. Preprints. Budapest, 2000 | | Book (edited) |
2000 | Monostori, László and Kádár, Botond and Viharos, Zsolt János and Mezgár, István and Stefán, P. AI and ML techniques combined with simulation for designing and controlling manufacturing processes and system | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Viharos, Zsolt János and Monostori, László AI-based modelling and optimisation of coupled production processes | | Article |
2000 | Kovács, László and Micsik, András and Pataki, Balázs and Zsámboki, I. AQUA (Advanced Query User Interface Architecture) | | Article |
2000 | Kovács, László and Micsik, András and Pataki, Balázs and Zsámboki, István AQUA (Advanced Query User Interface Architecture) | | Article |
2000 | Németh, Zsolt Abstract machine design on a multithreaded architecture | | Article |
2000 | Baranyi, Péter Zoltán and Várkonyi-Kóczy, A. R. and Yam, Y. and Sugiyama, M. Adaption of SVD reduction in restricted rule base size | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Brendel, M. and Roska, Tamás Adaptive image sensing and enhancement using the adaptive cellular neural network universal machine | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Csetverikov, Dmitrij and Földvári, Z. Affine-invariant texture classification using regularity features | | Book Section |
2000 | Csetverikov, Dmitrij and Földvári, Z. Affine-invariant texture classification | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000-10 | Baranyi, Péter Zoltán An Algorithm for Solid Cutting Utilised in Generalised Fuzzy Rule Interpolation | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000-05 | Baranyi, Péter Zoltán and Tikk, D. and Gedeon, T. D. and Kóczy, L. T. Alpha-cut Interpolation Technique in the Space of Regular Conclusion | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Roska, Tamás Analogic computing: system aspects of analogic CNN sensor computers | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Roska, Tamás and Bálya, Dávid and Csapodi, M. and Zarándy, Ákos Analogikai celluláris számítógépek. Egy új számítógépelv | | Article |
2000 | Biró, Zsolt and Velazquez, JJL Analysis of a free boundary problem arising in bubble dynamics | | Article |
2000-09 | Kővári, L. and Baranyi, Péter Zoltán and Zsíros, P. and Korondi, P. Application of Generalised Neural Network for a Dextrous Hand | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000-10 | Zsíros, P. and Baranyi, Péter Zoltán and Kővári, L. and Korondi, P. Application of Generalised Neural Network for a Dextrous Hand | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Petrás, István and Roska, Tamás Application of direction constrained and bipolar waves for pattern recognition | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Kopilovic, I. and Vágvölgyi, B. and Tizedes, L. and Szirányi, Tamás Application of panoramic annular lens for motion analysis tasks: surveillance and smoke detection | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Kopilovic, I. and Vágvölgyi, B. and Szirányi, Tamás Application of panoramic annular lens for motion analysis tasks: surveillance and smoke detection | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Kopilovic, I and Vagvolgyi, B and Szirányi, Tamás Application of panoramic annular lens for motion analysis tasks:surveillance and smoke detection |  | Book Section |
2000 | Kovács, György Application of some intelligent tools and means to design robotic systems | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Csetverikov, Dmitrij and Nagy, M. and Verestóy, J. Application of tracking techniques to digital PIV | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Kopácsi, Sándor and Haidegger, Géza Application of virtual reality tools for planning, analysing and control of flexible manufacturing systems | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Csetverikov, Dmitrij Applications of pattern regularity | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Csetverikov, Dmitrij and Nagy, M. Applying feature tracking to particle image velocimetry | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Benczúr, András and Karger, DR Augmenting undirected edge connectivity in Ő(n2) time | | Article |
2000 | Nagy, István Automatizálás - múlt, távlatok (Automation - the past and the perspectives) | | Article |
2000 | Demetrovics, János and Katona, GYOH Az algoritmusok bonyolultsága | | Article |
2000 | Kekviczky, L. Az internet rövid története | | Book Section |
2000 | Elhadi, MT Bankruptcy support systesm. Taking advantage of information retrieval and case-based reasoning | | Article |
2000 | Benkő, P. and Várady, T. Best fit translational and rotational surfaces for reverse engineering shapes | | Book Section |
2000 | Nagy, István and Dranga, O. and Masada, E. Bifurcations in a high frequency time-sharing inverter | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Fülöp, János and Muu, LD Branch-and-bound variant of an outcome-based algorithm for optimizing over the efficient set of a bicriteria linear programming problem | | Article |
2000 | Németh, SZ Bäcklund transformations of constant torsion curves in 3 dimensional constant curvature spaces | | Article |
2000 | Bosch, B. and Honary, B. and Justo, G. and Kovács, József and Lohi, M. and Lund, D. and Madani, K. and Patel, P. and Ramos, R. and Imre, S. CAST: Configurable radio with advanced software technology | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Szolgay, Péter A CNN Univerzális Gép (CNNUM) mint bonyolult mérnöki számítások eszköze : téranalízis a mechanikában, minőségellenőrzés az elektronikában | | Thesis |
2000 | Roska, Tamás and László, K. and Kék, László and Kozek, T. and Nemes, L. and Rekeczky, Csaba and Szatmári, István and Zarándy, A. and Zöld, S. and Szolgay, Péter A CNN application development environment and toolkit, CADETWin | | Book Section |
2000 | Zarándy, Ákos and Espejo, S. and Földesy, Péter and Kék, László and Linán, G. and Rekeczky, Csaba and Rodriguez-Vázquez, A. and Roska, Tamás and Szatmári, István and Szirányi, Tamás and Szolgay, Péter CNN technology in action | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Kozek, T. and Zarándy, Ákos and Kunt, M. and Roska, Tamás and Chua, LO CNN universal chips for solving problems in object-oriented dynamic image coding | | Book Section |
2000 | Földesy, Péter CNN-UM architektúrák hibamodellezése és alkalmazhatóságuk kiterjesztése - modellezés, analízis és műveleti szintézis | | Thesis |
2000 | Szirányi, Tamás and Czúni, L. and Nemes, L. Cellular neural networks for image deconvolution and enhancement: a microscopy toolkit | | Book Section |
2000 | Chen, G. and Jacobson, MS and Kézdy, AE and Lehel, Jenő and Scheinerman, ER and Wang, C. Clique covering the edges of a locally cobipartite graph | | Article |
2000 | Keviczky, László and Bányász, Csilla Closed-loop identification using a new parametrization | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Keviczky, László and Bányász, Csilla Closed-loop parametrization schemes: identification of the K-B and d-Y parameters | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Mezgár, István and Kovács, György and Paganelli, P. Co-operative production planning for small- and medium-sized enterprises | | Article |
2000 | Gál, Viktor and Roska, Tamás Collision prediction via the CNN universal machine | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Monostori, László and Kádár, Botond and Viharos, Zsolt János and Mezgár, István and Stefán, P. Combined use of simulation and AI/machine learning techniques in designing manufacturing processes and systems | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Mezgár, István and Kincses, Z. Communication security in virtual enterprises | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Horváth, Miklós and Borka, József Compact welding and plasma cutting equipment | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Keviczky, László and Bányász, Csilla Comparison of different closed-loop parmetrization schemes | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Csetverikov, Dmitrij and Nagy, M. and Verestóy, J. Comparison of tracking techniques applied to digital PIV | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Lei, K. and Baranyi, Péter Zoltán and Yam, Y. Complexity Minimalisation of Non-singleton Based Fuzzy-Neural Network | | Article |
2000-10 | Visontai, M. and Szabó, Sz. and Várkonyi-Kóczy, A. R. and Baranyi, Péter Zoltán and Samu, G. and Kiss, L. Complexity Problem of Potential Based Guiding | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000-10 | Lei, K. F. and Baranyi, Péter Zoltán and Yam, Y. Complexity Reduction of Non-singleton Based Neuro-fuzzy Algorithm | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000-10 | Baranyi, Péter Zoltán and Lei, K. F. and Yam, Y. Complexity Reduction of Singleton Based Neuro-fuzzy Algorithm | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Tikk, D. and Baranyi, Péter Zoltán Comprehensive analysis of a new fuzzy rule interpolation method | | Article |
2000 | Kovács, György Computer aided design/computer aided manufacture (CAD/CAM), tutorial | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Csuhaj-Varjú, Erzsébet Computing by networks of standard Watson-Crick DOL systems | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Roska, Tamás Computing with waves: the analogic cellular computing paradigm for elecrons, photons, and molecules | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Szirányi, Tamás and Kopilovic, I. Contribution of Dennis Gabor to the theory of image processing | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Nagy, István and Hamar, J. Control of power flow in a resonant DC-DC Buck & Boost converter | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Bíró, M. Cultural environment protection in the information society | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Kovács, József and Kacsuk, Péter The DIWIDE distributed debugger on Windows NT and UNIX platforms | | Book Section |
2000 | Fülöp, János and Temesi, József A Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) alkalmazása ipari parkok hatékonyságának vizsgálatára | | Article |
2000 | Kovács, Z. and McClatchey, R. and Solomonides, T. and Le Goff, JM and Rohrbach, PLF and Vesztergombi, G. and Zsenei, M. and Varga, László Zsolt Database description for a Pan-European healthcare system | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Alon, N. and Gyárfás, András and Ruszinkó, Miklós Decreasing the diameter of bounded degree graphs | | Article |
2000 | Tőkés, Szabolcs and Orzó, László and Rekeczky, Csaba and Zarándy, Ákos and Roska, Tamás Dennis Gabor as the initiator of optical computing: Importance and prospects of optical computing and an optical implementation of the CNN-UM computer | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Podhorszki, Norbert and Kacsuk, Péter Design and implementation of a distributed monitor for semi-on-line monitoring of VisualMP applications | | Book Section |
2000 | Nagy, István and Hamar, J. and Dénes, István Design of feedback control of a resonant converter | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Keviczky, László and Bányász, Csilla Designing PID regulators using K-B-parametrization | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Balas, G. and Bokor, József Detection filter design for LPV systems | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Mezgár, István and Kincses, Z. Developing a smart card standardisation framework | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | - Distributed and parallel systems. From instruction parallelism to cluster computing. (The Kluwer international series in engineering and computer science 567) | | Book (edited) |
2000 | Györfi, László and Rácz, A. and Duffy, K. and Lewis, JT and Toomey, F. Distribution-free confidence intervals for measurement of effective bandwidth | | Article |
2000 | Csuhaj-Varjú, Erzsébet and Mitrana, V. Dynamical teams in eco-grammar systems | | Article |
2000 | Borka, József and Horváth, Miklós Egy új, egyszerű, olcsó, moduláris megoldás DC és AC hegesztő berendezések számára | | Article |
2000 | Nagy, István and Jardan, RK and Jokinen, T. and Williams, A. Electromechanical energy conversion in a system utilising alternative renewable and waste energy | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Wismüller, R. and Dózsa, Gábor and Drótos, Dániel Enhanced monitoring in the GRADE programming environment by using OMIS | | Article |
2000 | Ilie-Zudor, Angyalka Elisabeth and Monostori, László Environmental and life cycle issues in agent-based manufacturing | | Article |
2000 | Monostori, László and Ilie-Zudor, Angyalka Elisabeth Environmental and life cycle issues in holonic manufacturing | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Demetrovics, János and Katona, GOH and Miklós, D. Error-correcting keys in relational databases | | Article |
2000 | Rapcsák, Tamás and Sági, Z. and Tóth, T. and Kétszeri, L. Evaluation of tenders in information technology | | Article |
2000 | Csuhaj-Varjú, Erzsébet and Mitrana, V. Evolutionary systems. A language generating device inspired by evolving communities of cells | | Article |
2000 | Györfi, László and Jordán, Á. and Vajda, I. Exact error probability for slow frequency hopping | | Article |
2000 | Verestóy, J. and Csetverikov, Dmitrij Experimental comparative evaluation of feature point tracking algorithms | | Book Section |
2000 | Szabó, Zoltán and Heuberger, PSC and Bokor, József and Vandenhof, PMJ Extended Ho-Kalman algorithm for systems represented in generalized orthonormal bases | | Article |
2000-05 | Nagy, I. and Baranyi, Péter Zoltán and Greguss, P. and Korondi, P. and Hashimoto, H. Extension of the Potential Based Guiding to Vector Field Model | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Tuza, Zsolt Extremal bi-Helly families | | Article |
2000 | Benczúr, András and Fülöp, O. Fast algorithms for even/odd minimum cuts and generalizations | | Book Section |
2000 | Ivanyos, Gábor Fast randomized algorithms for the structure of matrix algebras over finite fields | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Soumelidis, Alexandros and Szabó, Zoltán and Bokor, József Fault detection in lightly damped systems using rational orthonormal functions | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | De Graaf, WA and Ivanyos, Gábor Finding splitting elements and maximal tori in matrix algebras | | Book Section |
2000 | Vaszil, György Further remarks on parallel communicating grammar systems without a master | | Article |
2000 | Zarándy, Ákos and Csapody, M. and Rekeczky, Csaba Futási eredmények az analogikai CNN-UM vizuális mikroprocesszorokon | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Penninger, A. and Baranyi, Péter Zoltán and Várlaki, P. Fuzzy Algorithms in Power Stations | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000-05 | Baranyi, Péter Zoltán and Nagy, I. and Korondi, P. and Hashimoto, H. General Guiding Model for Mobile Robots and its Complexity Reduced Neuro-fuzzy Approximation | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000-10 | Tikk, D. and Muresan, L. and Baranyi, Péter Zoltán and Gedeon, T. D. Generalisation and properties of the modified rule interpolation method | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Tikk, D. and Baranyi, Péter Zoltán Generalisation of a Rule Interpolation Method Resulting Always in Acceptable Conclusion | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Rapcsák, Tamás Global Lagrange multiplier rule and smooth exact penalty functions for equality constraints | | Book Section |
2000 | Csuhaj-Varjú, Erzsébet Grammar systems: 12 years, 12 problems. (Short version) | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Weyer, E. and Szederkényi, Gábor and Hangos, Katalin Grey box fault detection of heat exchangers | | Article |
2000 | Hangos, Katalin and Szederkényi, Gábor and Bokor, József Grey-box characterization on nonlinear process systems | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Vámos, Tibor Gábor Dénes - a választott ideál.(D. Gábor - the selected ideal) | | Article |
2000 | Cropper, M. and Jacobson, MS and Gyárfás, András and Lehel, Jenő The Hall ratio of graphs and hypergraphs. (Les cahiers du Laboratoire Leibniz., No. 17.) | | Book |
2000 | Bongaerts, L and Monostori, László and Mcfarlane, D and Kádár, Botond Géza Hierarchy in distributed shop floor control |  | Article |
2000 | Kovács, György Hungarian SMEs and academic institutions - some technology transfer results | | Article |
2000 | Gyárfás, András Hypergraphs | | Book Section |
2000 | Radványi, András Hypothetical simulation of non-linear systems with memory, using an ideal computer with infinite speed and capacity | | Article |
2000 | Rónyai, Lajos Három halk visszhang | | Article |
2000 | Bokor, József and Keresztes, A. Identification of a multivariable linear model for road vehicle dynamics form test data | | Book Section |
2000 | Bokor, József and Gáspár, Péter Identification on vehicle systems | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Kopilovic, I. and Szirányi, Tamás Image compression improvement obtained by anisotropic diffusion and measured by perceptual distortion criteria | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Szirányi, Tamás and Zerubia, J. and Czúni, L. and Geldreich, D. and Kato, Z. Image segmentation using Markov random field model in fully parallel cellular network architectures | | Article |
2000 | Linán, G. and Földesy, Péter and Rodríguez-Vázquez, A. and Espejo, S. and Dominiguez-Castro, R. Implementation of non-linear templates using a decomposition technique by a 0.5mm CMOS CNN universal chip | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Mezgár, István and Szabó, T. and Kerecsen, ZS Increasing security in virtual enterprise communication for mobile environment | | Article |
2000 | Vámos, Tibor Információ és társadalom. (Information and society.) | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Vámos, Tibor Információs társadalom és demokrácia.(Information society and democracy.) | | Article |
2000 | Vámos, Tibor Információs társadalom és magyar tudomány. (Information society and the Hungarian science.) (in Hungarian) | | Book Section |
2000 | Szászi, I. and Gáspár, Péter and Bokor, József Integrated control design and fault diagnostic: a case study | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Viharos, Zsolt János Intelligens módszerek gyártási folyamatok modellezésében és optimalizálásában. /Intelligent methods in modelling and optimisation of manufacturing processes/ | | Thesis |
2000 | Nacsa, János and Kovács, György and Szederkényi, Gábor Intelligent alert state detection and switching order generation at the 400/120 kV substation of the Paks Nuclear Power Plant | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Nacsa, János Intelligent machine tools based on the Gensym FIDA technology - a vision | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Monostori, László Intelligent machines | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Palkovics, László and Bokor, József Intelligent vehicle/road system research | | Book Section |
2000 | Haidegger, Géza and Kovács, György Interactive multimedia as an affordable tool in factory environment | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000-12 | Yam, Y. and Wong, M. L. and Baranyi, Péter Zoltán Interpolation as Mappings Between Cartesian Spaces | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000-10 | Dénes, I. and Baranyi, Péter Zoltán Inverse Model of DC-DC Converters | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000-09 | Baranyi, Péter Zoltán and Dénes, I. Inverse Rule-base in DC-DC Converters | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Keviczky, László and Bányász, Csilla Iterative identification and control design | | Book Section |
2000 | Keviczky, László and Bányász, Csilla Iterative identification and control using K-B-parameterization | | Book Section |
2000 | Biró, M. and Messnarz, R. Key success factors for business based improvement | | Article |
2000 | Michaletzky, György Kimura-Georgiou parametrization of the solutions of the Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation problem in the multivariate case | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Mezgár, István and Monostori, László and Kádár, Botond and Egresits, C. Knowledge-based hybrid techniques combined with simulation: application to robust manufacturing systems. (Computer techniques.) | | Book Section |
2000 | - Képfeldolgozók és alakfelismerok 2. konferenciája. (Second conference of the Hungarian Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Society.) Noszvaj, 2000 | | Book (edited) |
2000 | Baranyi, Péter Zoltán and Nagy, I. and Várlaki, P. Különböző közlekedési stílusok, járműnavigáció potenciál alapú modellel | | Article |
2000 | Balla, K. and März, R. Linear differential algebraic equations of index 1 and their adjoint equations | | Article |
2000 | Tánczos, A. and Bokor, József Linear parameter dependent control of a rack stacker machine | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Fülöp, János and Prill, M. Linearized segmentation method for probabilistic production cost simulation | | Article |
2000 | Kacsuk, Péter and Podhorszki, Norbert Logicflow execution model for parallel databases | | Article |
2000 | Lehel, Jenő and Levi, I. Loops with partitions and matchings | | Article |
2000 | Anstee, R. and Demetrovics, János and Katona, GOH and Sali, A. Low discrepancy allocation of two-dimensional data | | Article |
2000 | Antos, András and Györfi, László and Kohler, M. Lower bounds on the rate of convergence of nonparametric regression estimates | | Article |
2000 | Schipp, Ferenc and Wade, WR Mellin transforms on binary fields | | Article |
2000 | Kós, Géza and Martin, RR and Várady, T. Methods to recover constant radius rolling ball blends in reverse engineering | | Article |
2000 | Mangoubi, RS and Edelmayer, András Model-based fault detection: the optimal past, the robust present and a few thoughts on the future | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Szatmári, István and Schultz, A. and Rekeczky, Csaba and Kozek, T. and Roska, Tamás and Chua, LO Morphology and autowave metric on CNN applied to Bubble-Debris classification | | Article |
2000 | Czúni, L. and Szirányi, Tamás Motion segmentation and tracking optimatization with edge relaxation in the cellular nonlinear network architecture | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000-10 | Baranyi, Péter Zoltán and Sakuragi, H. and Sugiyama, M. and Kóczy, L. T. Multi Dimensional Linear Revision Principle for the Generalised Fuzzy Rule Interpolation | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Gáspár, Péter and Nándori, E. Multiobjective suspension control design | | Book Section |
2000 | Monostori, László and Viharos, Zsolt János Multipurpose modeling and optimization of production processes and process chains by combining machine learning and search techniques | | Article |
2000 | Biró, M. Nemzeti kultúrák és az információs társadalom.(National cultures and the information society.) | | Article |
2000-10 | Nagy, I. and Fung, W. K. and Baranyi, Péter Zoltán Neuro-Fuzzy based Vector Field Model: An Unified Representation for Mobile Robot Guiding Styles | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Rekeczky, Csaba and Roska, B. and Németh, Erzsébet and Werblin, F. Neuromorphic CNN models for spatio-temporal effects measured in the inner and outer retina of tiger salamander | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Ilie-Zudor, Angyalka Elisabeth and Monostori, László New manufacturing paradigms | | Book Section |
2000 | Csapody, M. and Petrányi, Á. and Liszka, G. and Zárándy, Á. and Roska, Tamás Noise estimation and measures for detection of clustered microcalcifications | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Hamar, J. and Dranga, O. and Nagy, István and Masada, E. Nonlinear behaviour of a twin converter | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Nagy, István Nonlinear dynamics in power electronics | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Szatmári, István Nonlinear wave metric for object comparison on CNN architecture | | Thesis |
2000 | Levendovszky, J. and Vegso, CS and Vandermulen, EC Nonparametric decision algorithms for CAC in ATM networks | | Article |
2000 | Pupp, Z. and Stefán, P. Novel applications of self-organizing maps in information technology problems | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Lengyel, Monika and Markella, K. Négy társadalomtudományi könyvtár összevonásának és automatizálásának legfontosabb kérdései | | Article |
2000 | Földesy, Péter and Linan, G. and Rodriguez-Vázquez, A. and Espejo, S. and Dominguez-Castro, R. Object oriented image segmentation on the CNNUC3 chip | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Csuhaj-Varjú, Erzsébet and Vaszil, György Objects in test tube systems | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Rónyai, Lajos On a conjecture of Kemnitz | | Article |
2000 | Galaktionov, VA and Kersner, R. On a discontinuous parabolic semigroup | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000-05 | Tikk, D. and Baranyi, Péter Zoltán and Kóczy, L. T. and Gedeon, T. D. On a stable and always applicable interpolation method | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Schipp, Ferenc On adapted orthonormed systems | | Article |
2000 | Bartha, Tamás and Selényi, E. On classification heuristics of probabilistic system-level fault diagnostic algorithms | | Book Section |
2000 | Mastroeni, G. and Rapcsák, Tamás On convex generalized systems | | Article |
2000 | Hermann, T. and Lukács, G. On higher order derivatives of blending functions | | Article |
2000 | Csuhaj-Varjú, Erzsébet On language-theoretic aspects of Watson-Crick complementarity: models and results | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Hilhorst, D. and Kersner, R. and Logak, E. and Mimura, M. On some asymptotic limits of the Fisher equation with degenerate diffusion | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Kratochvíl, J. and Tuza, Zsolt On the complexity of bicoloring clique hypergraphs of graphs. (Extended abstract) | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Radványi, András On the rectangular grid representation of general CNN networks | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Gulyás, L. On the transition to agent-based modeling: a case study | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Rapcsák, Tamás On vector complementarity systems and vector variational inequalities | | Book Section |
2000 | Schiermeyer, I. and Tuza, Zsolt and Voigt, M. On-line rankings of graphs | | Article |
2000 | Tőkés, Szabolcs Optical implementation of the CNN-UM computer and its realization with Fourier transform correlator (JTC) | | Thesis |
2000 | Orzó, László Optimal CNN templates for deconvolution | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Nagy, István and Hamar, J. Optimal control of a dual channel DC-DC Buck & Boost converter | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Bordhin, H. and Dassow, J. and Vaszil, György Parallel communicating grammar systems as language analyzers | | Article |
2000 | Csuhaj-Varjú, Erzsébet Parallel communicating grammar systems with bounded resources. Results, techniques, open problems | | Article |
2000 | Csuhaj-Varjú, Erzsébet and Martín-Vide, C. and Mitrana, V. and Vaszil, György Parallel communicating pushdown automata systems | | Article |
2000 | Csetverikov, Dmitrij Pattern regularity as a visual key | | Article |
2000 | Kacsuk, Péter Performance visualization in the GRADE parallel programming environment | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Sütő, Z. and Nagy, István and Masada, E. Period adding route to chaos in a hysteresis current controlled AC drive | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Sütő, Z. and Nagy, István Periodic and chaotic responses of a controlled rectifier for telecommunication applications | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Biró, M. and Ivanyos, J. and Messnarz, R. Pioneering process improvement experiment in Hungary | | Article |
2000 | Jardan, RK and Nagy, István and Nitta, T. and Ohsaki, H. Power factor correction in a turbine-generator-converter system | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Jardan, RK and Nagy, István and Korondi, P. and Masada, E. and Nitta, T. and Ohsaki, H. Power generation system for utilising alternative renewable and waste energy | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Szabó, G. and Gáspár, Péter Practical aspects of dependability analysis for vehicle systems | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Bartha, Tamás and Selényi, E. Probabilistic fault diagnosis in large, heterogeneous computing systems | | Article |
2000 | Vaszil, György Problems and recent results concerning parallel communicating Lindenmayer systems | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Mezgár, István Product- and enterprise models integration; a way to improve virtual enterprise efficiency | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Kemnitz, A. and Szabó, L. and Ujváry-Menyhárt, Z. Protecting regular polygons | | Article |
2000 | Monostori, László and Viharos, Zsolt János Quality-oriented modelling and optimisation of production processes and process chains | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Szirányi, Tamás and Tóth, Zoltán Random paintbrush transformation | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Antos, András and Devroye, L. Rawa trees | | Book Section |
2000 | Linán, G. and Földesy, Péter and Rodríguez-Vázquez, A. and Espejo, S. and Dominguez-Castro, R. Realization of non-linear templates using the CNNUC3 prototype | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | - Recent advances in parallel virtual machine and message passing interface. (Lecture notes in computer science 1908) | | Book (edited) |
2000 | Renner, Gábor and Vida, J. Reconstruction of free-from features with genetic algorithms | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Kós, Géza Recovering variable radius rolling ball blends in reverse engineering | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Mezgár, István and Kincses, Z. Reference architecture-based smart card standardization | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Mezgár, István and Kincses, Z. and Rónai, T. and Kondorosi, K. Reference architecture-based smart card standardization: a possible way of future | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Csetverikov, Dmitrij Registraction of shapes for defect detection | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Stefán, P. and Monostori, László and Pupp, Z. Reinforcement learning methods in information engineering | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Stefán, P. Reinforcement learning techniques in informatics | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Bokor, József Research in systems and control theory at SZTAKI | | Article |
2000 | Csuhaj-Varjú, Erzsébet and Vaszil, György Research in theoretical foundations of DNA computing | | Article |
2000 | Várady, T. and Benkő, P. Reverse engineering B-rep models from multiple point clouds | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Roska, Tamás and Rodriguez-Vázquez, A. Review of CMOS implementations of the CNN universal machine-type visual microprocessors | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Gáspár, Péter and Szászi, L. Robust H | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Gáspár, Péter and Szabó, Zoltán and Bokor, József Robust control synthesis to achieve a required loop shape - a generalized orthonormal basis function approach | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Kim, H. and Son, H. and Roska, Tamás and Chua, LO Robust optical flow detection based on the distance transform with the CNN nonlinear circuits | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Gáspár, Péter and Szászi, I. Robust servo control design using identified models | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Gerencsér, László and Vágó, Z. SPSA in noise free optimization | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000-05 | Baranyi, Péter Zoltán and Yam, Y. and Yang, C. T. SVD Based Reduction for Subdivided Rule Bases | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Mizik, S. and Baranyi, Péter Zoltán and Korondi, P. and Nagy, I. SVD Reduction for High Precision Positioning System with Friction Compensation | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Monostori, László and Viharos, Zsolt János and Markos, Sándor Satisfying various requirements in different levels and stages of machining using one general ANN-based process model |  | Article |
2000 | Edelmayer, András and Bokor, József Scaled H | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Szirányi, Tamás Self organizing image fields | | Thesis |
2000 | Bohman, T. and Ruszinkó, Miklós and Thoma, L. Shannon capacity of large odd cycles | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Hujter, M. and Spissich, L. and Tuza, Zsolt Sharpness of some intersection theorems | | Article |
2000 | Ekárt, Anikó Shorter fitness preserving genetic programs | | Book Section |
2000-06 | Baranyi, Péter Zoltán and Yam, Y. and Várlaki, P. and Michelberger, P. Singular Value Decomposition of Linguistically Defined Relations | | Article |
2000 | Ilie-Zudor, Angyalka Elisabeth Sisteme de fabricatie holonice. (Holonic manufacturing systems) | | Book Section |
2000 | Péni, Tamás and Rödönyi, Gábor Soft computing modeling and real time model based adaptive control | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Demetrovics, János and Thi, VD Some computational problems related to Boyce-Codd normal form | | Article |
2000 | Kovács, György and Nacsa, János and Haidegger, Géza Some problems of intelligent control of open CNCs and manufacturing cells | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Kovács, György Some technology transfer results: cooperating SMEs and academic institutions in intelligent manufacturing | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Szirányi, Tamás and Czúni, L. Spatio-temporal segmentation with edge relaxation and optimization using fully parallel methods | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Czúni, L. and Szirányi, Tamás Spatio-temporal segmentation with edge relaxation and optimization using fully parallel methods | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Földesy, Péter and Linán, G. and Rodriguez-Vázquez, A. and Espejo, S. and Dominguez-Castro, R. Sructure reconfigurability of the CNNUC3 for robust template operation | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Szirányi, Tamás and Tóth, Zoltán Stochastic paintbrush transformation | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Csetverikov, Dmitrij Structural defects: general approach and application to textile inspection | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | - Studies in vehicle engineering and transportation science | | Book (edited) |
2000 | Nagy, István and Sütő, Z. Study of chaotic and periodic behaviours of a hysteresis current controlled induction motor drive | | Book Section |
2000 | Nagy, István and Dranga, O. and Masada, E. Study of subharmonic generation in a high frequency time-sharing inverter | | Article |
2000-06 | Baranyi, Péter Zoltán and Yam, Y. and Várlaki, P. Survey on SVD Based Fuzzy Rule Base Reduction Techniques | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Kacsuk, Péter Systematic macrostep debugging of message passing parallel programs | | Article |
2000 | Vámos, Tibor Szerepünk egy óriási színpadon | | Article |
2000 | Kovács, György Számítógéppel segített tervezés és gyártás | | Article |
2000 | Kovács, György Technology transfer results achieved by Hungarian SMEs and academic institutions | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Várady, T. Topological aspects of vertex blending | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | - Towards the visual microprocessor. VLSI design and the use of cellular neural network universal machines | | Book (edited) |
2000 | Dózsa, Gábor and Drótos, Dániel and Lovas, Róbert Translation of a high-level graphical code to message-passing primitives in the GRADE programming environment | | Book Section |
2000 | Ivanyos, Gábor and Lux, K. Treating the exceptional cases of the MeatAxe | | Article |
2000 | Csima, J. Two remarks on variants of simple eco-grammar systems | | Article |
2000 | Friedl, K. and Tsai, SC Two results on the bit extraction problem | | Article |
2000 | Gáspár, Péter and Szabó, Zoltán and Bokor, József Two-stage and projection methods for closed-loop identification using generalized orthonormal basis functions | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Tuza, Zsolt and Voloshin, V. Uncolorable mixed hypergraphs | | Article |
2000 | Jardan, RK and Nagy, István and Masada, E. and Nitta, T. and Ohsaki, H. Unified method and system for power generation | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Bartha, Tamás Utilizing backward error recovery to achieve fault tolerance in a SIMD supercomputer | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Nagy, I. and Várkonyi-Kóczy, A. and Baranyi, Péter Zoltán and Korondi, P. and Hasimoto, H. Vector Field Based Guiding Model | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000-09 | Nagy, I. and Baranyi, Péter Zoltán and Greguss, P. and Korondi, P. and Hashimoto, H. Vector Field Based Guiding Model for Mobile Robots as an Intelligent Transportation System | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000-10 | Sakuragi, H. and Fung, W. K. and Baranyi, Péter Zoltán and Kovács, Sz. and Sugiyama, M. and Kóczy, L. T. Virtual Training in Immersive Virtual Environment and its Complexity | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Palkovics, László and Kovács, György and Gianone, L. and Bokor, József and Széll, P. and Semsey, Vision system for avoidance of lane-departure | | Article |
2000 | Vidnyánszky, Z. and Gulyás, B. and Roland, PE Visual exploration of form and position with identical stimuli - functional anatomy with PET | | Article |
2000 | Gáspár, Péter and Szászi, I. and Bartha, Tamás and Varga, István and Bokor, József and Palkovics, László and Gianone, L. Visual lane and obstruction detection system for commercial vehicles | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Kacsuk, Péter Visual parallel programming on SGI machines | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Kacsuk, Péter and Dózsa, Gábor VisualGrid: graphical programming environment for cluster and grid applications | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Kovács, László and Micsik, András and Pataki, Balázs Visualizing queries in a distributed digital library system | | Article |
2000 | Nagy, István Változó struktúrájú, szakaszosan lineáris nemlineáris rendszerek | | Article |
2000 | Schipp, Ferenc Walsh functions. A closed set of normal orthogonal functions commentary | | Book Section |
2000-10 | Sugiyama, M. and Goto, M. and Baranyi, Péter Zoltán and Matsumoto, T. and Naoi, T. A Watermarking Method by Singular Value Decomposition | | Article |
2000 | Borka, József and Horváth, Miklós Welding equipment on field without AC Line | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Gacsádi, A. and Szolgay, Péter An analogic CNN algorithm for following continuously moving objects | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Szatmári, István and Zarándy, Ákos and Földesy, Péter and Kék, László An analogic CNN engine board with the 64x64 analog I/O CNN-UM chip | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Chua, LO and Roska, Tamás The cellular neural network (CNN) and the CNN universal machine: concept, architecture and operation modes | | Book Section |
2000 | Kovács, László and Micsik, András The collaborative web | | Other |
2000 | Elekes, GY and Rónyai, Lajos A combinatorial problem on polynomials and rational functions | | Article |
2000 | Szolgay, Péter and Hídvégi, T. and Szolgay, Z. and Kozma, P. A comparison of the different CNN implementations in solving the problem of spatiotemporal dynamics in mechanical systems | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Mihálcz, I. and Ilie-Zudor, Angyalka Elisabeth A complete design model for shape memory alloys | | Book Section |
2000 | Radványi, András A depth classification system | | Book Section |
2000 | Zarándy, Ákos and Roska, Tamás and Szolgay, Péter and Földesy, Péter and Zöld, S. A development system for prototyping and interfacing CNN chips and for analogic algorithm design | | Book Section |
2000 | Eisner, T. and Schipp, Ferenc The dyadic Cesaro operator on R+ | | Article |
2000 | Mezgár, István and Kovács, György and Timkó, G. and Szabó, C. A general model for representing non-manufacturing processes in SMEs; a casy study | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000-12 | Zsíros, P. and Baranyi, Péter Zoltán and Kővári, L. and Korondi, P. A generalized Neural Network for a humanoid hand | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Vámos, Tibor A gondolkodás lépésváltása.(Changes in thinking) | | Article |
2000 | Szatmári, István The implementation of a nonlinear wave metric for image analysis and classification on the 64x64 I/O CNN-UM chip | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Horváth, Miklós and Borka, József Új, moduláris energiaátalakító megoldások fénycsövek fényero szabályozásához | | Article |
2000 | Cropper, M. and Lehel, Jenő The list multi-coloring of trees with Hall's condition | | Article |
2000 | Liszka, G. and Zarándy, Ákos and Roska, Tamás and Petrányi, Á. and Hegyesi, J. and Csapodi, M. and Kék, László A mammogram diagnostic workstation | | Book Section |
2000 | Ekárt, Anikó and Németh, SZ A metric for genetic programs and fitness sharing | | Article |
2000 | Gáspár, Péter and Bokor, József The mixed H2/Hinf design for active suspension systems | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Bányász, Csilla and Keviczky, László A new PID regulator design scheme based on a K-B parametrized closed-loop | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Frieze, A. and Ruszinkó, Miklós and Thoma, L. A note on random minimum length spanning trees | | Article |
2000 | Bohman, T. and Frieze, A. and Ruszinkó, Miklós and Thoma, L. A note on sparse random graphs and cover graphs | | Article |
2000 | Imreh, B. and Fülöp, János and Friedler, F. A note on the equivalence of the set covering and process network synthesis problems | | Article |
2000 | Németh, Zsolt A novel execution model for LOGFLOW on a hybrid multithreaded architecture | | Book Section |
2000 | Tőkés, Szabolcs and Orzó, László and Rekeczky, Csaba and Roska, Tamás and Zarándy, Ákos An optical CNN implementation with stored programmability | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Szolgay, Péter and Katona, A. and Kiss, and Székely, L. and Veress, A. An optical robot path tracking system | | Book Section |
2000 | O'Suilleabhain, G. and Jordan, M. and Messnarz, R. and Bíró, M. and Street, K. The perception of quality based on different cultural factors and value systems | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Kovács, György and Mezgár, István A process model and its environment to manage non-manufacturing processes | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Kovács, László and Micsik, András A public service for surveys and decision polls | | Article |
2000 | Bálya, Dávid and Roska, B. and Németh, Erzsébet and Roska, Tamás and Werblin, F. A qualitative model-framework for spatio-temporal effects in vertebrate retinas | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Finesso, L. and Gerencsér, László and Kmecs, I. A recursive randomized EM-algorithm, for estimation under quantization error | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Roska, Tamás Érzékelő számítógépek - távjelenlét | | Article |
2000 | Nemes, L. and Chua, LO The spatiotemporal prisoner's dilemma | | Article |
2000 | Rekeczky, Csaba and Serrano-Gotarredona, T. and Roska, Tamás and Rodrigez-Vázquez, A. A stored program 2nd order/3-layer complex cell CNN-UM | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2000 | Kéri, Gerzson and Rapcsák, Tamás A talajvíz-szennyeződés modellezése és számítása Nagykáta térségében.(Modeling and computing of the possible soil pollution in the area of Nagykáta.) | | Article |