Date | Author/Title | | Document Type |
2017 | Bauer, Péter and Hiba, Antal Vision Only Collision Detection with Omnidirectional Multi-Camera System |  | Article |
2017 | Bauer, Péter and Hiba, Antal and Bokor, József Monocular image-based intruder direction estimation at closest point of approach |  | Book Section |
2017 | Bauer, Péter and Hiba, Antal and Daróczy, Bálint Zoltán and Melczer, Márk Tamás and Vanek, Bálint Real Flight Demonstration of Monocular Image-Based Aircraft Sense and Avoid | | Article |
2017 | Baár, Tamás and Bauer, Péter and Szabó, Zoltán and Vanek, Bálint and Bokor, József Evaluation of multiple model adaptive estimation of aircraft airspeed in close to real conditions |  | Book Section |
2017 | Bede, Zs and Németh, Balázs and Gáspár, Péter Modeling and Simulation Based Analysis of Multi-Class Traffic with Look-Ahead Controlled Vehicles | | Article |
2017 | Bede, Zsuzsanna and Gáspár, Péter Optimizing Traffic Control for a Minimization of Fuel Consumptions and Emission Values |  | Book Section |
2017 | Bede, Zsuzsanna and Németh, Balázs and Gáspár, Péter Simulation-based analysis of mixed traffic flow using VISSIM environment |  | Book Section |
2017 | Bokor, József and Szabó, Zoltán Projective Geometry and Feedback Stabilization |  | Book Section |
2017 | Bálint, Roland and Hangos, Katalin and Magyar, Attila Optimal scheduling of a household refrigerator using adaptive model predictive technique | | Book Section |
2017 | Bálint, Roland and Magyar, Attila and Hangos, Katalin Cost-optimal model predictive scheduling of home appliances |  | Article |
2017 | Csikós, Alfréd András and Charalambous, T and Farhadi, H and Kulcsár, Balázs and Wymeersch, H Network traffic flow optimization under performance constraints |  | Article |
2017 | Csikós, Alfréd András and Farhadi, H and Kulcsár, B and Charalambous, T and Wymeersch, H Traffic flow optimization with QoS constrained network admission control |  | Article |
2017 | Csikós, Alfréd András and Kulcsár, Balázs Variable speed limit design based on mode dependent Cell Transmission Model |  | Article |
2017 | Eichhardt, Iván and Baráth, Dániel Felületi normális becslése egyetlen pontmegfeleltetés alapján | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2017 | Eichhardt, Iván and Csetverikov, Dmitrij and Jankó, Zsolt Image-guided ToF depth upsampling: a survey |  | Article |
2017 | Eichhardt, Iván and Hajder, Levente Computer Vision Meets Geometric Modeling: Multi-view Reconstruction of Surface Points and Normals using Affine Correspondences | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2017 | Eichhardt, Iván and Hajder, Levente Kamera-kalibráció felületi normálisok felhasználásával | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2017-08-03 | Farkas, Márton and Rózsa, Szabolcs and Vanek, Bálint Multi GNSS attitude estimation of UAVs during landing | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2017 | Fazekas, Zoltán and Balázs, Gábor and Gerencsér, László and Gáspár, Péter Inferring the actual urban road environment from traffic sign data using a minimum description length approach | | Article |
2017 | Fazekas, Zoltán and Balázs, Gábor and Gerencsér, László and Gáspár, Péter Locating roadworks sites via detecting change in lateral positions of traffic signs measured relative to the ego -car | | Article |
2017 | Fazekas, Zoltán and Balázs, Gábor and Gáspár, Péter Identifying the Urban Road Environment Type From Traffic Sign Data Using an Artificial Neural Network | | Book Section |
2017 | Fazekas, Zoltán and Gerencsér, László and Gáspár, Péter Detecting change in road environment via analysis of marked point processes associated with traffic signs | | Article |
2017 | Fazekas, Zoltán and Németh, Balázs and Mihály, András and Gáspár, Péter Terrain and speed-limit optimized cruise control for heavy road vehicles | | Book Section |
2017 | Fényes, Dániel and Németh, Balázs and Gáspár, Péter Optimal control design of a variable-geometry suspension with electro-hydraulic actuator |  | Book Section |
2017 | Gerencsér, László and Hjalmarsson, H and Huang, L Adaptive Input Design for LTI Systems | | Article |
2017 | Gőzse, István and Péni, Tamás and Luspay, Tamás and Soumelidis, Alexandros On the correspondence of hyperbolic geometry and system analysis |  | Article |
2017 | Gőzse, István and Szabó, Zoltán and Soumelidis, Alexandros A parametric LTI interpolation with guaranteed stability and bounds |  | Book Section |
2017 | Hajdú, S and Gáspár, Péter Robust Control of Single-Mast Stacker Cranes | | Article |
2017 | Keviczky, László and Bányász, Csilla On the Robustness of Classical PID Regulators |  | Book Section |
2017 | Lipták, György and Luspay, Tamás and Péni, Tamás and Takarics, Béla and Vanek, Bálint LPV model reduction methods for aeroelastic structures |  | Article |
2017 | Melczer, Márk Tamás and Bauer, Péter and Bokor, József 4D Trajectory Design for Vision Only Sense and Avoid Flight Test |  | Article |
2017 | Mihály, András and Baranyi, Márk and Németh, Balázs and Gáspár, Péter Tuning of Look-ahead Cruise Control in HIL Vehicle Simulator | | Article |
2017 | Mihály, András and Gáspár, Péter and Németh, Balázs Multiple Fault-Tolerant In-Wheel Vehicle Control Based on High-level Control Reconfiguration |  | Article |
2017 | Mihály, András and Gáspár, Péter and Németh, Balázs Robust Fault-Tolerant Control of In-Wheel Driven Bus with Cornering Energy Minimization | | Article |
2017 | Mihály, András and Kisari, Ádám and Gáspár, Péter and Németh, Balázs Design of adaptive vehicle suspension using cloud-based road data |  | Book Section |
2017 | Nádasdy, Zoltán and Nguyen, TP and Török, Ágoston and Shen, JY and Briggs, DE Context-dependent spatially periodic activity in the human entorhinal cortex | | Article |
2017 | Németh, Balázs and Bede, Zsuzsanna and Gáspár, Péter Control design of traffic flow using look-ahead vehicles to increase energy efficiency |  | Book Section |
2017 | Németh, Balázs and Bede, Zsuzsanna and Gáspár, Péter Modelling and analysis of mixed traffic flow with look-ahead controlled vehicles |  | Article |
2017 | Németh, Balázs and Fényes, Dániel and Gáspár, Péter and Bokor, József Control design of an electro-hydraulic actuator for variable-geometry suspension systems |  | Book Section |
2017 | Németh, Balázs and Fényes, Dániel and Gáspár, Péter and Mihály, András Analysis and robust control design of a steering system for autonomous vehicles |  | Book Section |
2017 | Németh, Balázs and Gáspár, Péter Nonlinear analysis and control of a variable-geometry suspension system |  | Article |
2017 | Németh, Balázs and Gáspár, Péter The relationship between the traffic flow and the look-ahead cruise control |  | Article |
2017 | Németh, Balázs and Gáspár, Péter and Fényes, Dániel and Bokor, József Reconfigurable Control Design of Steering and Torque Vectoring Based on Reachability Set Analysis |  | Article |
2017 | Németh, Balázs and Gáspár, Péter and Fényes, Dániel and Bokor, József Robust control design for the integration of steering and torque vectoring using a variable-geometry suspension system |  | Book Section |
2017 | Patartics, Bálint and Luspay, Tamás and Péni, Tamás and Takarics, Béla and Vanek, Bálint Parameter varying flutter suppression control for the BAH jet transport wing |  | Article |
2017 | Péter, Tamás and Szabó, Krisztián Combined Mathematical Modeling of Different Transport Networks, Considerations and Complex Analysis | | Article |
2017 | Pózna, Anna Ibolya and Magyar, Attila and Hangos, Katalin Model identification and parameter estimation of lithium ion batteries for diagnostic purposes | | Book Section |
2017 | Rödönyi, Gábor An Adaptive Spacing Policy Guaranteeing String Stability in Multi-Brand Ad Hoc Platoons | | Article |
2017 | Soumelidis, Alexandros and Bokor, József and Schipp, Ferenc and Szabó, Zoltán Hyperbolic geometrical approach to model reduction |  | Article |
2017 | Szabó, Zoltán and Bokor, József and Vámos, Tibor Feedback stabilization: from geometry to control |  | Article |
2017 | Szabó, Zoltán and Seiler, P and Bokor, József Internal stability and loop-transformations: an overview on LFTs, Möbius transforms and chain scattering |  | Article |
2017 | Szauter, Ferenc and Istenes, Gy and Rödönyi, Gábor Vibration Analysis of a Suspension System Subject to High Level of Measurement Noise | | Book Section |
2017 | Tóth, János and Rödönyi, Gábor String Stability Preserving Adaptive Spacing Policy for Handling Saturation in Heterogeneous Vehicle Platoons | | Book Section |
2017 | Török, Ágoston and Kóbor, Andrea and Persa, György and Galambos, Péter and Baranyi, Péter Zoltán and Csépe, Valéria and Honbolygó, Ferenc Temporal dynamics of object location processing in allocentric reference frame |  | Article |
2017 | Török, Ágoston and Varga, K and Pergandi, JM and Mallet, P and Honbolygo, F Towards a cognitive warning system for safer hybrid traffic | | Article |
2017 | Varga, Domonkos István and Szabó, Csaba Attila and Szirányi, Tamás Automatic Cartoon Colorization Based on Convolutional Neural Network | | Book Section |
2017 | Venkataraman, R and Seiler, P and Lukátsi, Márk and Vanek, Bálint Reliability assessment of actuator architectures for unmanned aircraft | | Article |
2017 | Vu, T V and Sename, O and Dugard, L and Gáspár, Péter Enhancing roll stability of heavy vehicle by LQR active anti-roll bar control using electronic servovalve hydraulic actuators |  | Article |
2017 | Vu, V-T and Sename, O and Dugard, L and Gáspár, Péter Multi objective H∞ active anti-roll bar control for heavy vehicles |  | Article |