Items where Author is "Hajder, Levente"

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Number of items: 75.


DateAuthor/TitleDocument Type
2003Hajder, Levente
Shape and motion from video
Conference or Workshop Item


DateAuthor/TitleDocument Type
2004Hajder, Levente and Kardos, I. and Csetverikov, Dmitrij and Renner, Gábor
Aktív kontúrok és Fast Marching eljárás alkalmazása az orvosi képfeldolgozásban
Conference or Workshop Item
2004Hajder, Levente and Csetverikov, Dmitrij and Vajk, I.
Robust structure from motion by outlier rejection
Conference or Workshop Item
2004Hajder, Levente and Csetverikov, Dmitrij and Vajk, I.
Robust structure from motion under weak perspective
Conference or Workshop Item


DateAuthor/TitleDocument Type
2005Kardos, I. and Hajder, Levente and Csetverikov, Dmitrij
Bone surface reconstruction from CT/MR images using fast marching and level set methods
Conference or Workshop Item
2005Hajder, Levente and Csetverikov, Dmitrij
Robust 3D segmentation of multiple moving objects under weak perspective
Conference or Workshop Item
2005Hajder, Levente
An iterative improvement of the Tomasi-Kanade factorization
Conference or Workshop Item


DateAuthor/TitleDocument Type
2006Hajder, Levente
Grouping of moving articulated objects
Conference or Workshop Item
2006Hajder, Levente and Csetverikov, Dmitrij
Weak-perspective structure from motion for stongly contaminated data
ISI Article


DateAuthor/TitleDocument Type
2007Hajder, Levente and Pernek, Ákos and Kazó, Csaba
Fast and precise weak-perspective factorization
Conference or Workshop Item
2007Hajder, Levente
Grouping of articulated objects with common axis
Conference or Workshop Item
2007Hajder, Levente
Optimal joint estimation of articuled objects under weak perspective
Conference or Workshop Item
2007Kazó, Csaba and Hajder, Levente
Quantitative evaluation of matchers
Conference or Workshop Item
2007Hajder, Levente and Csetverikov, Dmitrij
Robust 3D segmentation of multiple moving objects under weak perspective
Conference or Workshop Item
2007Pernek, Ákos and Hajder, Levente
Structure from motion by deficient data
Conference or Workshop Item
2007Hajder, Levente and Pernek, Ákos and Kazó, Csaba
Structure from motion by fast alternation
Conference or Workshop Item
2007Pernek, Ákos and Hajder, Levente
Structure from motion with missing data
Conference or Workshop Item
2007Kazó, Csaba and Pernek, Ákos and Hajder, Levente
Texturing 3d models from images
Conference or Workshop Item


DateAuthor/TitleDocument Type
2008Pernek, Ákos and Hajder, Levente and Kazó, Csaba
Metric reconstruction with missing data under weak perspective
Conference or Workshop Item


DateAuthor/TitleDocument Type
2009Pernek, Ákos and Hajder, Levente and Kazó, Csaba
3D reconstruction with missing data
Conference or Workshop Item
2009Kazó, Csaba and Hajder, Levente
Kötegelt behangolás alkalmazása fotometrikus sztereóra
Conference or Workshop Item
2009Hajder, Levente
Perspektív autokalibráció gyengén perspektív rekonstrukció alapján
Conference or Workshop Item


DateAuthor/TitleDocument Type
2010Pernek, Ákos and Hajder, Levente
Accurate 3D reconstruction and camera auto-calibration
Conference or Workshop Item
2010Renner, Gábor and Hajder, Levente
Image based modeling and morphological analysis of the human knee
Conference or Workshop Item
2010Hajder, Levente
L2-optimal weak-perspective camera calibration
Conference or Workshop Item
2010Pernek, Ákos and Hajder, Levente
Perspective reconstruction and camera auto-calibration as rectangular polynomial eigenvalue problem
Conference or Workshop Item


DateAuthor/TitleDocument Type
2011Pernek, Á and Hajder, Levente
Eigenvalue solution for auto-calibration of semi-calibrated zooming cameras
Conference or Workshop Item
2011Kazó, Csaba and Hajder, Levente
Rapid weak-perspective structure from motion with missing data
Conference or Workshop Item
2011Hajder, Levente
Skálázottan merőleges kamera optimális kalibrációja
Conference or Workshop Item
2011Hajder, Levente and Pernek, Á and Kazó, Csaba
Weak-perspective structure from motion by fast alternation
ISI Article


DateAuthor/TitleDocument Type
2012Kazó, Csaba and Hajder, Levente
High-quality structured-light scanning of 3D objects usingturntable
Conference or Workshop Item
2012Jankó, Zsolt and Hajder, Levente
Improving Human-Computer Interaction by gaze tracking
Conference or Workshop Item
2012Csetverikov, Dmitrij and Hajder, Levente and Jankó, Zsolt and Kazó, Csaba and Hapák, József
Multiview 3D-4D Reconstruction at MTA SZTAKI
Conference or Workshop Item


DateAuthor/TitleDocument Type
2013Pernek, Á and Hajder, Levente
Automatic focal length estimation as an eigenvalue problem
ISI Article
2013Kazó, Csaba and Hajder, Levente
Háromdimenziós színes modellek készítése forgóasztalos környezetben
Conference or Workshop Item
2013Hajder, Levente and Jankó, Zsolt
Tekintetkövetés statikus arcok esetén
Conference or Workshop Item


DateAuthor/TitleDocument Type
2014Fodor, B and Kazó, Cs and Jankó, Zsolt and Hajder, Levente
Normal map recovery using bundle adjustment
ISI Article
2014Pernek, Á and Hajder, Levente
Precise 3D Pose Estimation of Human Faces
Conference or Workshop Item
2014Pernek, Ákos and Hajder, Levente
Precise 3D Pose Estimation of Human Faces
Book Section


DateAuthor/TitleDocument Type
2015Hajder, Levente and Baráth, Dániel and Molnár, József
Normálvektorok optimális becslése affin transzformációkból
Conference or Workshop Item
2015Baráth, Dániel and Molnár, József and Hajder, Levente
Optimal surface normal from affine transformation
Book Section


DateAuthor/TitleDocument Type
2016Baráth, Dániel and Matas, J and Hajder, Levente
Accurate Closed-form Estimation of Local Affine Transformations Consistent with the Epipolar Geometry
Conference or Workshop Item
2016Hajder, Levente and Baráth, Dániel
Energy-Based Topological Outlier Filtering
Book Section
2016Baráth, Dániel and Hajder, Levente
Homográfia becslése részlegesen ismert affin transzformációból
Book Section
2016Eichhardt, Iván and Hajder, Levente
Improvement of Camera Calibration using Surface Normals
Book Section
2016Baráth, Dániel and Matas, J and Hajder, Levente
Multi-H: Efficient Recovery of Tangent Planes in Stereo Images
Conference or Workshop Item
2016Baráth, Dániel and Molnár, József and Hajder, Levente
Novel Methods for Estimating Surface Normals from Affine Transformations
Book Section
2016Baráth, Dániel and Hajder, Levente
Novel Ways to Estimate Homography from Local Affine Transformations
Book Section
2016Pusztai, Zoltán and Hajder, Levente
Pontkövető adatbázis előállítása forgóasztal segítségével
Book Section
2016Pusztai, Zoltán and Hajder, Levente
Quantitative Comparison of Feature Matchers Implemented in OpenCV3
Book Section
2016Pusztai, Zoltán and Hajder, Levente
A Turntable-based Approach for Ground Truth Tracking Data Generation
Book Section


DateAuthor/TitleDocument Type
2017Pusztai, Zoltán and Hajder, Levente
Accurate Calibration of LiDAR-Camera Systems using Ordinary Boxes
Conference or Workshop Item
2017Eichhardt, Iván and Hajder, Levente
Computer Vision Meets Geometric Modeling: Multi-view Reconstruction of Surface Points and Normals using Affine Correspondences
Conference or Workshop Item
2017Baráth, Dániel and Matas, J and Hajder, Levente
Epipoláris Geometriával Konzisztens, Legközelebbi Affin Transzformáció Optimális Becslése
Conference or Workshop Item
2017Pusztai, Zoltán and Hajder, Levente
Ground-truth tracking data generation using rotating real-world objects
Book Section
2017Pusztai, Zoltán and Hajder, Levente
Kamera-LIDAR pár kalibrálása dobozokkal
Conference or Workshop Item
2017Eichhardt, Iván and Hajder, Levente
Kamera-kalibráció felületi normálisok felhasználásával
Conference or Workshop Item
2017Baráth, Dániel and Tóth, Tekla and Hajder, Levente
A Minimal Solution for Two-view Focal-length Estimation using Two Affine Correspondences
Book Section
2017Baráth, Dániel and Matas, J and Hajder, Levente
Multi-H: Érintősíkok hatékony kinyerése képpárokból
Conference or Workshop Item
2017Pusztai, Zoltán and Hajder, Levente
Quantitative Comparison of Affine Invariant Feature Matching
Book Section
2017Hajder, Levente
W-PnP Method: Optimal Solution for the Weak-Perspective n-Point Problem and Its Application to Structure from Motion
Book Section
2017Baráth, Dániel and Hajder, Levente
A theory of point-wise homography estimation


DateAuthor/TitleDocument Type
2018Pusztai, Zoltán and Eichhardt, Iván and Hajder, Levente
Accurate Calibration of Multi-LiDAR-Multi-Camera Systems
2018Pusztai, Zoltán and Hajder, Levente
Affine Invariant Feature Tracker Evaluation based on Ground-Truth Data
Book Section
2018Baráth, Dániel and Hajder, Levente
Efficient Recovery of Essential Matrix From Two Affine Correspondences
2018Szeier, S and Baráth, Dániel and Hajder, Levente
Plane Matching Between Camera Images and 3D Point Clouds
Book Section
2018Eichhardt, Iván and Hajder, Levente
Structure from Motion via Affine Correspodences
Book Section


DateAuthor/TitleDocument Type
2019Pusztai, Zoltán and Hajder, Levente
Affin transzformációt becslő eljárások kvantitatív kiértékelése
Conference or Workshop Item
2019Pusztai, Zoltán and Hajder, Levente
Affin transzformációt becslő eljárások kvantitatív kiértékelése drónfelvételek által
Conference or Workshop Item
2019Baráth, Dániel and Tóth, Tekla and Hajder, Levente
Minimális eljárás fókusztávolság becslésére két affin megfeletetés segítségével
Conference or Workshop Item
2019Baráth, Dániel and Eichhardt, Iván and Hajder, Levente
Optimal Multi-View Surface Normal Estimation using Affine Correspondences


DateAuthor/TitleDocument Type
2020Hajder, Levente and Baráth, Dániel
Least-squares Optimal Relative Planar Motion for Vehicle-mounted Cameras
Book Section
2020Hiba, Antal and Sántha, Levente Márk and Zsedrovits, Tamás and Hajder, Levente and Zarándy, Ákos
Onboard Visual Horizon Detection for Unmanned Aerial Systems with Programmable Logic
2020Hajder, Levente and Baráth, Dániel
Relative planar motion for vehicle-mounted cameras from a single affine correspondence
Book Section


DateAuthor/TitleDocument Type
2021Gál, I G and Baráth, Dániel and Hajder, Levente
Pose Estimation for Vehicle-mounted Cameras via Horizontal and Vertical Planes
Book Section
This list was generated on Mon Feb 10 03:13:22 2025 CET.