Date | Author/Title | | Document Type |
2010-04 | Biau, Gérard and Blekley, Kevin and Györfi, László and Ottucsák, György Nonparametric sequental prediction of time series | | Other |
2010 | Gretton, Arthur and Györfi, László Consistent Nonparamtric Tests of Independence | | Other |
2009 | Gelenbe, E. and Györfi, László Performance of auctions and sealed bids | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2009 | Györfi, László and Kevei, P. St. Petersburg portfolio games in Algorithmic Learning Theory | | Other |
2008 | Györfi, László and Vajda, I. Growth optimal investment with transaction costs | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2008 | Gretton, A. and Györfi, László Nonparametric independence tests: space partitioning and kernel approaches | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2008 | Györfi, László and Udina, F. and Walk, H. Nonparametric nearest neighbor based empirical portfolio selection strategies | | Article |
2008 | Györfi, László and Wegkamp, M. Quantization for nonparametric regression | | ISI Article |
2008 | Biau, G. and Cadre, B. and Devroye, L. and Györfi, László Strongly consistent model selection for densities | | ISI Article |
2007 | Györfi, László and Győri, Sándor Coding for multiple-access collision channel without feedback | | Book Section |
2007 | Györfi, László and Urbán, András and Vajda, István Kernel-based semi-log-optimal empirical portfolio selection strategies |  | Article |
2007 | Györfi, László and Kohler, Michael Nonparametric estimation of conditional distributions | | ISI Article |
2007 | Györfi, László and Ispány, Márton and Pap, Gyula and Varga, Katalin Poisson limit of an inhomogeneous nearly critical INAR(1) model | | Article |
2007 | Györfi, László and Győri, Sándor and Massey, James L. Principles of stability analysis for random accessing with feedback | | Book Section |
2007 | Ottucsák, György and Györfi, László Sequential prediction of binary sequence with side information only | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2007 | Györfi, László and Ottucsák, György Sequential prediction of unbounded stationary time series | | ISI Article |
2006 | Allenberg, C. and Auer, P. and Györfi, László and Ottucsák, György Hannan consistency in on-line learning in case of unbounded losses under partial monitoring |  | ISI Article |
2006 | Györfi, László and Lugosi, Gábor and Udina, F. Nonparametric kernel-based sequential investment strategies | | ISI Article |
2005 | Györfi, László and Győri, S. Analysis of collision channel with asynchronous access | | Article |
2005 | Antos, András and Györfi, László and György, András Individual convergence rates in empirical vector quantizer design |  | Article |
2005 | Biau, G. and Györfi, László On the asymptotic properties of a nonparametric L_1-test statistic of homogeneity | | Article |
2004 | Antos, András and Györfi, László and György, András Improved convergence rates in empirical vector quantizer design | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2004 | Györfi, László Large deviations of Hellinger distance on partitions | | Book Section |
2003 | Györfi, László and Schafer, D. Nonparametric prediction | | Book Section |
2003 | Devroye, L. and Schafer, D. and Györfi, László and Walk, H. The estimation problem of minimum mean squared error | | Article |
2002 | Györfi, László and Vajda, I. Asymptotic distributions for goodness-of fit statistics in a sequence of multinomial models | | Article |
2002 | Devroye, L. and Györfi, László Distribution and density estimation | | Book Section |
2002 | Györfi, László and Kohler, M. Nonparametric regression estimation | | Book Section |
2002 | Györfi, László Principles of nonparametric learning. (CISM courses and lectures 434) | | Book |
2002 | Györfi, László and Morvai, G. Queueing for ergodic arrivals and services | | Conference or Workshop Item |
2002 | Györfi, László and Schafer, D. and Walk, H. Relative stability of global errors of nonparametric function estimators | | Article |
2002 | Györfi, László and Kohler, M. and Kryzak, A. and Walk, H. A distribution - Free Theory of Nonparametric Regression. (Springer series in statistics) | | Book |
2002 | Devroye, L. and Györfi, László and Lugosi, Gábor A note on robust hypothesis testing | | Article |
2001 | Beirlant, J. and Devroye, L. and Györfi, László and Vajda, I. Large deviations of divergence measures on partitions | | Article |
2001 | Györfi, László and Vajda, I. A class of modified Pearson and Neyman statistics | | Article |
2000 | Györfi, László and Rácz, A. and Duffy, K. and Lewis, JT and Toomey, F. Distribution-free confidence intervals for measurement of effective bandwidth | | Article |
2000 | Györfi, László and Jordán, Á. and Vajda, I. Exact error probability for slow frequency hopping | | Article |
2000 | Antos, András and Györfi, László and Kohler, M. Lower bounds on the rate of convergence of nonparametric regression estimates | | Article |
1999 | Antos, András and Devroye, L. and Györfi, László Lower bounds for Bayes error estimation | | Article |
1999 | Beirlant, J. and Berlinet, A. and Györfi, László On piecewise linear density estimatiors | | Article |
1999 | Algoet, P. and Györfi, László Strong universal pointwise consistency of some regression function estimates | | Article |
1999 | Yakowitz, S. and Györfi, László and Kieffer, J. and Morvai, G. Strongly consistent nonparametric forecasting and regression for stationary ergodic sequences | | Article |
1999 | Györfi, László and Lugosi, Gábor and Morvai, G. A simple randomized algorithm for sequential prediction of ergodic time series | | Article |
1998 | Györfi, László and Vajda, I. Analysis of protocol sequences for slow freuqency hopping | | Article |
1998 | Györfi, László and Liese, F. and Vajda, I. and Dénes, István Distribution estimates consistent in chi square-divergence | | Article |
1998 | Devroye, L. and Györfi, László and Krzyzak, A. The Hilbert kernel regression estimate | | Article |
1998 | Györfi, László and Morvai, G. and Yakowitz, SJ Limits to consistent on-line forecasting for ergodic time series | | Article |
1998 | Beirlant, J. and Györfi, László On the L1-error in histogram density estimation: the multidimensional case | | Article |
1998 | Györfi, László and Horváth, M. On the asymptotic normality of a resubstitution error estimate | | Book Section |
1998 | Beirlant, J. and Györfi, László On the asymptotic normality of the L2-error in partitioning regression estimation | | Article |
1998 | Györfi, László and Kohler, M. and Walk, H. Weak and strong universal consistency of semi-recursive kernel and partitioning regression estimates | | Article |
1997 | Berlinet, A. and Györfi, László and Dénes, István Asymptotic normality of relative entropy in multivariate density estimation | | Article |
1997 | Beirlant, J. and Dudewicz, EJ and Györfi, László and Dénes, István Nonparametric entropy estimation. An overview | | Article |
1997 | Györfi, László and Walk, H. On the strong universal consistency of a recursive regression estimate by Pál Révész | | Article |