Gesing, S and Grunzke, R and Balaskó, Ákos and Birkenheuer, G and Blunk, D and Breuers, S and Brinkmann, A and Fels, G and Herres, and Pawlis, S and Kacsuk, Péter and Kozlovszky, Miklós and Krüger, J and Packschies, L and Schafer, P and Schuller, B and Schuster, J and Steinke, T and Szikszai, and Fábri, A and Wewior, M and Müller, and Pfefferkorn, R and Kohlbacher, O
Granular security for a science gateway in structural bioinformatics.
In: IWSG 2011. 3rd international workshop on science gateways for life sciences, 2010-11-30, London, Nagy-Britannia.
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