Disagreement on foundational principles of biological aging

Gladyshev, V N and Anderson, B and Barlit, H and Barré, B and Beck, S and Behrouz, B and Belsky, D W and Chaix, A and Chamoli, M and Chen, B H and Cheng, K and Chuprin, J and Churchill, G A and Cipriano, A and Colville, A and Deelen, J and Deigin, Y and Edmonds, K K and English, B W and Fang, R and Florea, M and Gershteyn, I M and Gill, D and Goetz, L H and Gorbunova, V and Griffin, P T and Horvath, S and Borch Jensen, M and Jin, X and Jovanovska, S and Kerepesi, Csaba (2024) Disagreement on foundational principles of biological aging. PNAS NEXUS, 3 (12). ISSN 2752-6542 10.1093/pnasnexus/pgae499

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To gain insight into how researchers of aging perceive the process they study, we conducted a survey among experts in the field. While highlighting some common features of aging, the survey exposed broad disagreement on the foundational issues. What is aging? What causes it? When does it begin? What constitutes rejuvenation? Not only was there no consensus on these and other core questions, but none of the questions received a majority opinion—even regarding the need for consensus itself. Despite many researchers believing they understand aging, their understanding diverges considerably. Importantly, as different processes are labeled as “aging” by researchers, different experimental approaches are prioritized. The survey shed light on the need to better define which aging processes this field should target and what its goals are. It also allowed us to categorize contemporary views on aging and rejuvenation, revealing critical, yet largely unanswered, questions that appear disconnected from the current research focus. Finally, we discuss ways to address the disagreement, which we hope will ultimately aid progress in the field.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Q Science > QA Mathematics and Computer Science > QA75 Electronic computers. Computer science / számítástechnika, számítógéptudomány
Divisions: Informatics Laboratory
SWORD Depositor: MTMT Injector
Depositing User: MTMT Injector
Date Deposited: 09 Jan 2025 11:50
Last Modified: 09 Jan 2025 11:50
URI: https://eprints.sztaki.hu/id/eprint/10849

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