Brake Disc Deformation Detection Using Intuitive Feature Extraction and Machine Learning

Dózsa, Tamás and Őri, P and Szabari, M and Simonyi, Ernő and Soumelidis, Alexandros and Lakatos, István (2024) Brake Disc Deformation Detection Using Intuitive Feature Extraction and Machine Learning. MACHINES, 12 (4). ISSN 2075-1702 10.3390/machines12040214

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In this work we propose proof-of-concept methods to detect malfunctions of the braking system in passenger vehicles. In particular, we investigate the problem of detecting deformations of the brake disc based on data recorded by acceleration sensors mounted on the suspension of the vehicle. Our core hypothesis is that these signals contain vibrations caused by brake disc deformation. Since faults of this kind are typically monitored by the driver of the vehicle, the development of automatic fault-detection systems becomes more important with the rise of autonomous driving. In addition, the new brake boosters separate the brake pedal from the hydraulic system which results in less significant effects on the brake pedal force. Our paper offers two important contributions. Firstly, we provide a detailed description of our novel measurement scheme, the type and placement of the used sensors, signal acquisition and data characteristics. Then, in the second part of our paper we detail mathematically justified signal representations and different algorithms to distinguish between deformed and normal brake discs. For the proper understanding of the phenomenon, different brake discs were used with measured runout values. Since, in addition to brake disc deformation, the vibrations recorded by our accelerometers are nonlinearly dependent on a number of factors (such as the velocity, suspension, tire pressure, etc.), data-driven models are considered. Through experiments, we show that the proposed methods can be used to recognize faults in the braking system caused by brake disc deformation.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Q Science > QA Mathematics and Computer Science > QA75 Electronic computers. Computer science / számítástechnika, számítógéptudomány
Divisions: Systems and Control Lab
SWORD Depositor: MTMT Injector
Depositing User: MTMT Injector
Date Deposited: 24 May 2024 15:29
Last Modified: 24 May 2024 15:29

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